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ivor bigun

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Posts posted by ivor bigun

  1. Unsure if Mods will permit
    As I have posted a number of times, not my experience from living in Thailand for a total of four years among Thai Muslims in Nong Prue (bordering Pattaya). Nor anywhere in Thailand, Malaysia, Sri Lanka or Bali. A number of members also have confirmed they have had good experiences with Thai Muslims. I too have worked with Muslims in my professional life (corporate and govt IT sales), never experienced the stuff you're talking about.
    Appears you worked in some miserable place, No need to condemn all Muslims based upon your experience, why not focus on those committed to violent jihad.
    Your right they do not seem to be "indoctranated over here,i will give you that,unlike in so many many many parts of the world.in fact most of it

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  2. First of all I note the poster to whom I replied has not been able to "back up" his/her claims. Is it not you who claims to have Muslim friends, so why do you constantly vilify 1.5 billion Muslims who cause no harm. It's a tiny minority who are ignorant, cruel violent jihadists breaking all the laws of humanity, even those articulated in the Koran.

    Actually,i said i worked with muslims for many years ,i would not call them friends especially when our " partner"warned me

    in the beginning that dont ever trust us you are a non believer and it is not wrong to swindle you,to most of us you you are not much above something we step in,

    And rather and lot of those 1.5 billion seem to want to exterminate us or dont care what their brothers do


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  3. As I said  please research history.  I would not consider that indiscriminate bombings, mass shootings that occurred last century and continued into this one and this are by the "odd nutter".  Or for that matter in times gone by under the name of Christianity.  However to discuss who is the worst mass murderers in the name of religion there has been previously  is rather a sick issue considering that on this occasion it is reported that the death toll is now 290. You may consider that Muslims may be the worst but as I said check your history books. 
    It does not make it right but it is sheer hypocrisy to suggest one religion or another is to blame. They are all to blame as history proves and don't forget it was the Buddhist community that instigated riots etc against the Muslim community last year in Sri Lanka.  Extremists of any ilk only want an excuse to cause mayhem, rightly or wrongly.
    History ,yes those darn people from the old days ,but its 2019,now and Bhuddists rioting terrible ,please stop

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  4. I always remember back in the 60s i had just gone to live in London,at a house my cousin lived in ,he was " a nancy boy" my grandad called him that in those days,but he was my friend,he took me to a pub where the men all seemed to wear cardigans and smoke pipes,as we walked in there were a few smiles ," this is my cousin he said he has just come to live her,HE LIKES GIRLS! Funny i was not really sure what gay guys did,

    I still like Real girls lol


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  5. Can't believe some of the ignorant posts on this topic. According to the BBC the lad made an honest mistake, in thinking he could find out who the phone's owner was, if he took it back to his Hotel. Posts about his hairstyle are irrelevant, but do show the lack of intelligence of the majority of opinions on here.
    Well the BBC the left luvvie news,he found it did not take it straight to the counter,but took it home then went out.
    A year ago my wife left her purse in a restaurant,realised 20 minutes later it was behind the counter it was handed in straight away.. he did not do that

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  6. A foreigner is an easy target in such a place like Thailand. Those where the exact words a Thai lawyer told me. 
    Possessions, investments etc... mean nothing, even if a farang is married with correct and legitimate documents, all can be taken away and so easily too. There are no guarantees here. People tend to forget that fact! 
    I would never invest money here or buy a car, pick up, condo, land, home, expensive motorbike etc... If I cannot put it into my bag, I don't buy.
    Your tinfoil hat as well? [emoji16]

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  7. Well  I think if you research a bit of history you will discover that Muslims are not the only fanatics who have undertaken indiscriminate bombings, suicide missions,  mass murders and shooting of innocent people etc. etc  in order to "further their cause" .  Irrespective of whom are to blame in this latest appalling tragedy ,  then as I said in my first post on this subject it is always the innocents who suffer.
    Yes but judging by worldwide reports ,i agree you get the odd nutter that does this ,but its Muslims that are to blame mostly ,Isis springs to mind

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  8. Despite the start of the hysteria campaign by posters on here blaming one group or the other, at time of posting , no one has claimed responsibility , so no ones know who for sure,  but for all of those poor people who have died then RIP.
    I suspect as usual, irrespective of the perpetrators of the many who died there will be Christians, Buddhists, Hindus and Muslims and all innocents.   Not of course religion matters, they were all human beings, now dead due to the acts of the lunatic fringe who hang out in this world under many guises unfortunately.
    Sri Lanka is a lovely country with lovely people and I have visited there and worked with many throughout my life, but now they have just something else to rebuild from.
    Of course it could have been Christians,of another sect or Bhuddists or even Atheists ,i mean they are always bombing and carrying out suicide attacks ,now arnt they.

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  9. I have been thinking about this thread and my and other posts and perhaps there is another angle to this.......
    Just over the last few days a couple of friends from the UK have been in touch, and they were both at my schools and both born in 1947 (same as me) and we shared very much the same views as I detailed in my post, and others have done; that being that they were the best of times!
    But that got me thinking about those times, and looking back now, they were quite possibly the best of times because "we didn't have a care in the world, with mummy and daddy just standing by" (thank you Don Henley) as we had no worries really apart from what time we had to be home for tea or dinner (never for me if it was the usual mix of my family's favourite poor food which was turnips, swedes and parsnips, all of which I hated) and if it was raining when we were going to walk to school, because my shoes had holes in them.
    We didn't have to worry about money, rent, mortgages, cars, insurances or where the next penny was coming from, because it always seemed to be there, or wasn't as the case may be, and I remember feeling so sad that I was having to lie to the rent man when he came round knocking on the door, telling him that my mum wasn't in, when she was in fact hiding behind the curtain! I absolutely hated that.
    Anyway I digress but what I'm trying to say is we didn't have all of the worries that grown-ups did and if anything was happening anywhere else in the world, we really didn't care as long as we could play in the fields and explore in the forests and so on.
    Once you get past a certain age and take on responsibilities and realise that money is necessary to get on, then the "End of the Innocence" is upon us, and I did refer to the song by Don Henley, and irrespective of his political leanings, that song does encapsulate a lot of what folk go through as they are growing up.
    As for our children and children's children, well who knows, because it may be just a cycle which repeats itself, and they may well be able to look back at "having the best of times".
    Well,yes i had great times when young with no cares but my 20s in the swinging 60s in London were fab,i admit i mixed with some well known people ,but then they were just like us ,unlike now with minders etc ,then my 30s were good as well houses were not so expensive ,just looked up a house i paid 4250 for , now its 455,000 pounds ,shit!!wish i had kept it,work was plentiful and my wages were good ,yes times were great,mind you they are not to bad now.

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