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Mike Teavee

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Everything posted by Mike Teavee

  1. Renting a Condo for less than 30 days is (normally, there are exceptions) illegal but no problem booking 30 days+ via AirBnb. A good Condo management team will push back on short term lets, we initially did 5 days via AirBnB at the condo block we now live in (it was genuinely a trial run to see if we wanted to live here) & the GF got interrogated by Security (Had to register & leave her Thai Driving License) but I ended up tacking on a 30 day stay to our booking as it was clear from the moment we got into the room that we liked the place. We've had a change of management team since & I've seen Security turn away a couple of people who were clearly staying for less than 5 nights, & I can't find a listing on AirBnB here anymore.
  2. I looked at Cetus (& Reflections nearby) as I like the area because I prefer quieter areas, nice to have the Baht Bus running outside so easy to get into Jomtien / Pattaya, only downside I could see is it's a trek to the Supermarket but all quiet places are. In the end I decided on Wongamat instead, have just renewed for a 2nd year as we really like it here but if I hadn't have I would have been back looking at Cetus/Reflections, maybe even a bit further down towards Na Jomtien.
  3. Awesome, I think we normally associate great guitarists with Rock, but I love the "Steely" sound of the Blues guitar... My top 10 favourite lines from a song would have "1 Bourbon, 1 Scotch & 1 Bill" right up there...
  4. Thanks... am reminded of this guy on Youtube who can hear any song 1 time & play it back perfectly I'm sure it wasn't this guy but he does it on the drums...
  5. Ian Paice also used to like to ride a motorbike, as did my dad (which is how they knew each other) until the day I was born, dad came off his bike on his way to the hospital (February, lots of snow & I was 2 weeks late showing up) & he ended up as a patient in there with my mum, who made him sell his bikes... He hasn't ridden since... I know Richie was in Deep Purple which (in my head) linked me to the Rainbow song I quoted.
  6. As a birthday present my Ex-GF bought me tickets to go see the opening concert of "Somebody I would really like"... I was 100% convinced it would be Prince, turned out it was Michael Jackson (his "Bad: tour at Wembley) - Not my cup of tea but that guy could put on a show.... As an aside I was into "Soul" music at that time, saw Alexandra O'Neill at the GMex (Ironically it was my birthday present for her but we split up a couple of weeks before so took a mate), missed out on Luther Van Dross (Another act I would have loved to have seen) but had a few beers with Booker Newbury III (Love Town) & Kelly Marie (Feels like I'm in Love)... Kelly was by far the bigger/hardest of us ????
  7. Another Legend (RIP David Bowie), I remember going into Check Inn at it's old location in Bangkok & the owner telling me the story (showing the pics) of Bowie coming in there & disappearing for 3 days with one of the girls (who I met on that night & would now be in her 60/70s), his manager was going ape <deleted> ???? Absolute legend...
  8. That's sacrilege & unfair as Hendrix used to play his guitar upside down.... Lets see Stevie Ray do that (Actually I would would have loved to see Stevie Ray play the guitar ???? )
  9. Thank you, these are 2 new names for me which I will google/youtube (initial search on Chet says Country, I love all kinds of music so always good to get tips on genres I'm not too familiar with)
  10. Love it, more of a Biggie/TuPac fan myself but don't mind a bit of Eminem
  11. Lol, when I read that I had this going through my head...
  12. Lol, awesome... One to tell the Grand Kids - Page, Pattaya, what could be better ????
  13. Since you twisted my arm, for me Gary Moore (Still got the Blues)... [Skip to approx 2:30 in to witness genius, I love how he just strolls back to the mic like it's nothing) Lost count of how much money I've tipped getting bands to play this one... including the very famous Thai Guitarist who used to play on Walking Street (IIRC Hot Tuna) - Now he could wield an axe ???? Other tunes are Whiter Shade of Pale, Free bird & Hotel California... Oh & Zombie (Cranberries, don't get me started on this one ???? ) Edit: If in doubt skip to 3:55 minutes in the video above... Gary (RIP) was just ridiculously talented...
  14. Hands up, at 1st blush I thought I didn't know any of them, but then remembered Robin Trower (Procol Harum ) for "Whiter shade of pale" - Awesome... The others, I'm sorry I don't know but will google/youtube them ????
  15. My dad used to knock about with Ian Paice (Deep Purple) and always said that Jimmy Page was one of the finest musicians to ever live... How about Richie Blackmore (Rainbow) - High Noon well I'd sell my soul for water... (Stargazer)
  16. Nothing to do with Thailand (or Asia) Maybe mods can put make a general chit-chat forum, but Youtube served up a delight for me this morning & it got me thinking about great "Axe Men" (Guitarists). I'll name mine (& the song) if it comes up, but would love to hear if anybody else has a favourite guitarist/song... P.S. Hendrix/Santana defy comment ????
  17. Whereas Nicola just belts out... Fandabidozi [If you have to explain a joke, it's not funny... But for our Non-British friends... Nicola Sturgeon (1st Minister of Scotland) often has the p155 taken out of her because of her resemblance to Jimmy Krankie... https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/The_Krankies ]
  18. Lol, I swear that's a picture of my cat (Olive, unfortunately she died a few years back) who would had loved nothing more than to push that button ????
  19. A question for American BMs... If I (a Brit) were to win a big Jackpot whilst on holiday in Las Vegas would I be subject to more, less or the same Tax as an American (or an LV resident) on it? Genuine question as America is the only country I know of that taxes gambling/lottery wins.
  20. Was living in Singapore when the Casinos opened & you couldn't get into a taxi without the uncle (driver) telling you about their latest visit... These guys had to pay s$100 to enter but they just viewed this as a part of their gambling stake.
  21. Could do what they do in Singapore & charge all locals/PRs s$100 (approx. 2,500 THB) to go into the Casino.
  22. The Kumars at number 42 (which is obviously the answer to the meaning of life).... Classic comedy Thanks to the OP for posting this, I'm now about to lose what remains of the weekend watching repeats ???? Cheque Please ????
  23. I'm no doubt going to get a lot of flak for this but I plan on using an Agent to do all of that tedious work for me. When you think about how much a trip to the UK is going to cost (2xflights, hotels in London, Lake District, Glasgow, Edinburgh) their fees are insignificant Thanks again for all the advice, this is my 1st time in trying to do anything like this so it's great to learn from guys who have been there/done that...
  24. Many thanks for this, can you please share what the "Financial adequacy" side of things are (I know I can look them up but might help get actual experience) We should be ok on the genuineness of the relationship (Unless the Officer falls asleep during all the Photos my GF takes). Her Reason to return is mainly that I live here (Not being arrogant I just mean we've made our life together here) But she would return even if I didn't (I think most Thai's are like that, like to visit a new country, love Thailand).
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