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Mike Teavee

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Everything posted by Mike Teavee

  1. No joke reply... Worked for Barclays UK at Radbroke Hall in the 80's/90's (about 3,500 staff mainly IT people) & we had our own pub on site + Tennis Courts, Rugby/Football/Cricket Pitches, Gym, Squash Courts, Bowling/Putting Greens - We nicknamed it Butlins cos it was more like a holiday camp than an office. Lunch was either a pub lunch or lunch in the canteen followed by a couple of pints.... Lost count of the number of times somebody had a couple too many & fell asleep in the toilets for the afternoon. The site was in the middle of nowhere but fortunately they put coaches on to the major towns so if you did have a couple too many (or stopped for a couple after work) you could leave the car & get home / back the next morning. Happy Days ????
  2. Thank you for your post, I emailed Mr Prakan on Sunday afternoon to say that I hadn't recieved a renewal notice & got a renewal notice/qote from them early Monday morning (I suspect I would have recieved this anyway if I had have waited another day). Paid the renewal premium/provided them with the signed renewal form on Monday morning & by 1:30 pm they emailed me to say that my renewal has been processessed & I should recieve the documents in the post. Thanks again for taking the time to post a reply. Regards MTV
  3. For anybody who's interested, this popped up in my Youtube feed today...
  4. Wow 6 weeks!!! - Were there any changes to circumstances that caused it to take so long as It only took 3-4 days for me to get the initial policy so am expecting confirmation that it's been renewed within the next couple of days. I'm lucky in that I'm on a Non-Imm O so don't need the insurance for extension purposes but I did go with the "Visa Friendly" policy (minus the Out-Patients) as it provides the 3.5 Million THB COVID cover needed to re-enter Thailand.
  5. It looks like I was 1 day premature with my query & Mr Prakan sends renewal notices out exactly 2 weeks before it's due as I got an email from them at 8:30am this morning advising me that my policy is due for renewal. [It's either that or they actioned the email that I sent to them on a Sunday afternoon before 8:30am on a Monday morning!] Very straightforward to renew, just sign one form, pay the money & send it to them (which was exactly how it was when setting the policy up last year) so again I'm happy with the service I get from them & would recommend them to others (if for nothing else than their website offers a great way to check out different insurance policies). Thanks again for all the comments
  6. Can I ask how long before the renewal date that you got your notice? I did inform Pacific Cross about my address move but didn't tell my Broker so I'm wondering whether the broker has sent a renewal notice to my old address & obviously I wouldn't have recieved it - I would have expected an email and/or phone call by now though but TiT and things do tend to get done at the last minute.
  7. Thanks guys, I'm used to be harrassed by insurance companies when it comes to renewal time so hadn't thought about this until it struck me that it's my Birthday in 2 weeks time & the policy is due for renewal the day before.. Have contacted Mr Praken as they were very helpful when it came to getting/selecting the policy. Thanks Again MTV
  8. My Heath insurance (Pacific Cross "Visa Friendly" policy) is due for the 1st renwal in 2 weeks & I would expect to be on my 3rd or 4th reminder by now but haven't had anything from Pacific Cross or Mr Prakan who was the insurance agent that I used to get the policy. Is this normal & if so, should I approach Mr Prakan or Pacific Cross to get a quote/sort out the renewal? Thanks MTV
  9. <snip> Back On Topic... Enjoyed Murder Among The Mormans...
  10. Sorry I have a netflix subscription (find it invaluable for English/Thai subtitles depending on what we're watching) so I watched it on there, but the full version might be on Youtube as it's about 4 years old now.
  11. To me, it depends on whether what I am watching is fiction or not... E.g. I would find it ridiculous & impossible to watch a movie documenting the Beatles that had the 4 as anything other than 4 white males.... NB I'm not a Beatles fan (before my time) so probably wouldn't watch it anyway but it felt like a good example of where you cannot change history without it impacting the watchability of the movie There are also some fictional characters that I would struggle to watch if they changed them too much... E.g. a gay or female James Bond would completely change the character of Bond (last movie was bad enough, he didn't get his leg over & got knocked-back twice!!! ) - I would love to see Idris Elba play the part though as I think he'd be brilliant & carry off Bond's "Character" perfectly. Back OT: I really enjoyed "The Innocent Man" which is based on John Grisham's only non-fiction book... absolutely shocking what happened to those guys...
  12. That makes sense as the last king of scotland was black... Back on topic... I seem to recall this was a good movie (Forest Whitaker is brilliant in it).
  13. Quite enjoyed Memories of a Murderer - The Nilsen Tapes, I would have been in my late teens/early twenties at the time & it's funny how I don't remember Nilsen anywhere near as much as I do Sutcliffe (Yorkshire Ripper) - But I guess that's because there was no real manhunt for him... He was just caught & then everything he did came out in the press. I watched "The Lost Daughter" (Olivia Coleman) expecting some kind of thriller... Most boring thing I've ever watched (which ironically meant that I didn't fall asleep watching it as I kept waiting for something to happen) - I normally enjoy watching her in things but this was just boring zzzzz
  14. I have the same problem registering for MorProm so am looking to get the yellow vaccination certificate/book, so thanks for the link, do you also have the address of where you're making an appointment for & details of what you need to take with you (I'm assuming passport & prove of vaccination). Thanks MTV
  15. SingClean, 49THB at my local Family Mart (Wongamat)
  16. Which Website is this? I bought 6 testkits (couldn't find them anywhere in Central Festival & ended up getting them from my local FamilyMart for 49THB each) but only plan on using them when I have to, i.e. If me or the GF show any symptoms or we need them to enter somewhere where we really want to go.
  17. Really enjoyed it, many thanks to @The Hammer2021for recommending it. As for James Nesbitt & "Stay Close", I'm now thinking has he actually been very good in anything (apart from Cold Feet obvioulsy, but Friends laid the foundation for that) Gave up on Bloodlands after the 1st 2 episodes & whilst "The Missing" was something you had to keep watching to see what happened next, in the end not much did (Same, Same "Save Me")... As for Lucky Man, well.. turned into something almost as ridiculous as his latest ones. I think from now on, when somebody tells me I should watch something because James Nesbitt is in it, I'm going to ask 1. Have you watched it & 2. Is it actually any good...
  18. As it was approved at 18:56:28 on the Thursday before a long weekend (Believe Government offices are shut 31st Dec & 1st-3rd Jan) I wonder if the approver just wanted to finish the shift & it got done with the mail-ins.
  19. I normally enjoy things with James Nesbitt in it & think Sarah Parish is usually worth a watch but this one is truly terrible... From the script writing (Eg. the Solicitors Secretary blurting out personal details to a stranger who walks in off the street to help move the plot along) to Eddie Izzard's "Acting" to the scenes of the 2 assassins bursting into a song & dance routine in the street... One to avoid IMHO...
  20. I'm assuming the cost of the test is added to your bin or the bar is going to have to sell you a lot of extra beers to cover it... & if you're bar hopping, can you take the test from the 1st bar to prove you're negative or do you need testing in each bar?
  21. I've never done it by mail but in the past when I've done it online or "In Person" (via an Agent) my next reporting date has always been 90 days from the date the report was approved (which could be 1 or 2 days after submitting it in the online case). This time, doing it online, I got an 8th April next reporting date for a 30th December report... Here's hoping this is a change for the better & you no longer short change yourself by reporting early... BUT I've put a note in my calendar to do my next report on 28th March, just in case ????
  22. Have just realised that my next reporting date is now 8th April 2022 (which is 90 days from the 8th Jan date that I had to do the report by) wheras normally it would be 31st March 2022 (which would be 90 days from the reporting date... i.e. today). Is this a new thing where (as with extensions) you're next report is calculated from the end of your current report rather than from the date you do the report?
  23. I was also on overstay on the old App but tried the new app today & no problems submitting a report on the 1st attempt... I was surprised that there is nowhere to fill in the TM6 arrival card number or the number of the flight that I arrived on, only detail of my arrival I had to fill in was the arrival date. Submitted at 12:54:41 was approved at 18:56:28 (Jomtien Immigration).
  24. Problems started 3 weeks ago when Netflix told me they were unable to take a payment, this had happened 2 months before when Bangkok Bank we’re having problems with their online banking so put it down to that but after 2 days it still wasn’t working. A couple of days later I had no problem booking a hotel online with Agoda using the stored card details but now I’m not even able to do that & when I try using the details stored in Google it says the 3 digit security code is wrong. Anybody else having similar problems? I asked at the Branch & they said it’s something to do with only being able to use it on sites that use OTPs but this is clearly rubbish as I couldn’t use it on a travel site that uses OTPs either. At the moment I’m using my Citi Singapore cards, exchange rate is excellent & no fees so it’s more of an annoyance than a necessity - Is it worth the hassle to get a Visa Credit card, I don’t mind putting some money as a bond if it means I’m not messing around every time I’m trying to buy something online..
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