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Mike Teavee

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Everything posted by Mike Teavee

  1. Problems started 3 weeks ago when Netflix told me they were unable to take a payment, this had happened 2 months before when Bangkok Bank we’re having problems with their online banking so put it down to that but after 2 days it still wasn’t working. A couple of days later I had no problem booking a hotel online with Agoda using the stored card details but now I’m not even able to do that & when I try using the details stored in Google it says the 3 digit security code is wrong. Anybody else having similar problems? I asked at the Branch & they said it’s something to do with only being able to use it on sites that use OTPs but this is clearly rubbish as I couldn’t use it on a travel site that uses OTPs either. At the moment I’m using my Citi Singapore cards, exchange rate is excellent & no fees so it’s more of an annoyance than a necessity - Is it worth the hassle to get a Visa Credit card, I don’t mind putting some money as a bond if it means I’m not messing around every time I’m trying to buy something online..
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