This has got to be the greatest deal ever. Donald will get 50% of future Ukrainian natural resources, while Europe should guarantee the survival of the rest of the Ukraine. Something Europe can not (militarily) provide.
The fly in the ointment: Unless the US gives "guarantees", no mining giant will invest a single Dollar in exploring Ukrainian resources. Start-up mining costs massive amounts of money.
The very fact, that Donald will rely on Vladimir's "goodwill" (practically making him the grantor of the independence of the rest of the Ukraine), shows a degree of political naivete that is unrivalled in recent history.
Finally leading to the conclusion that Donald doesn't give a hoot about a US/European friendship that lasted for 80 years. Benefitting both. By persuing this strategy, the US will end up with no friends in the end. But having to deal with a formidable new enemy: China. With no friends left.