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  1. Apperantly not! Therefore I must conclude that there are no more BJ Bars left in Pattaya as there is no "input" forthcoming concerning this issue. As I gather , Japonise "comfort bars" in Tokio have discovered this business concept, Thai ladies much in demand, earning much Dollars for very limited basic performance.
  2. Never mind my "Desperate Appeal". Your "Desperate Appeal" seems to be to turn Pattaya into a "Family Resort". Any Person claiming to live in Pattaya aiming to make "Pattaya a better place" with his Family is a hypocrite. Stay out of this discussion or join Jehowas Witnesses and remove yourself from such a wicked place like Pattaya. By all means, before you qualify sinners below saints, Pattaya is not the place for you and your phylosophy. The "sinners" of Pattaya will always outnumber the "saints". You will be more comfortable living in Eastern Timbukto, where women are veiled from top to bottom. Therefore, my asking for BJ Bars is as reasonable as your yearning for turning Pattaya into a Family Resort.
  3. In short: Are there any old fashioned uncomplicated BJ Bars left in Pattaya? If yes, where?
  4. Of course, Fox News consumers will qualify such things as "Fake News". Other news sources are part of a "news conspiracy", preventing the "Hillbillies" of America in combination with other mentally less gifted to gain power. Now they have gained power. Them not knowing yet that they will get poorer and poorer in the process.
  5. This guy is also a Dual-Citizen, having lived in the US for 25 years. Was a member of the finest golf clubs in Arizona, as well as a welcome visitor and supporter of people living in tents or in their cars. So I know "the bright side" as well as the "dark side" of the American dream.
  6. This thread sails under "the deal of all deals", it may have escaped you. It has to do with the Ukraine and not with the mental framework of a real estate developper that managed to convince a good part of the US electorate that by imposing "tariffs", promessing increased "wealth" for everybody. The only profiteers will be his "buddy-billionaires". If a nation needs "tariff protection", it means that we can not compete in a globalised world. To secure Ukrainian resources would soften the economical incompetifeness of the US. Outside of "silicon-valley" nothing much is happening.
  7. Surely, you have been following "Fox News" for the last 200 years. As you are not willing to comment "on topic" I will disregard your future comments within this thread.
  8. The reason Donald "inherited" the best economy since the 80ties has been documented manyfold. It was not owed to his "Genius". I would kindly ask you to comment within this thread. Otherwise I would suggest you open a new thread: "Donald and the future blessings of the world", for example.
  9. The usual, when even the Trumpists can't really follow Donalds way into the "golden years". Care to comment on my thread or rather not? "Trump bashing" as a standart reply is not sufficient.
  10. REZUM again? Had it done in August 2022. Now prostate problems arise again only after 2 1/2 years. Do it again after only 2 1/2 years? According to my statistical life expectancy I would have to do it 4 more times. Ridiculus! What to do?
  11. An exagerration for sure, but as long as there are "nations", there will be "nationalism". Care to comment on the topic?
  12. Easier to trade with friends. As with enemies all trade stops.
  13. This has got to be the greatest deal ever. Donald will get 50% of future Ukrainian natural resources, while Europe should guarantee the survival of the rest of the Ukraine. Something Europe can not (militarily) provide. The fly in the ointment: Unless the US gives "guarantees", no mining giant will invest a single Dollar in exploring Ukrainian resources. Start-up mining costs massive amounts of money. The very fact, that Donald will rely on Vladimir's "goodwill" (practically making him the grantor of the independence of the rest of the Ukraine), shows a degree of political naivete that is unrivalled in recent history. Finally leading to the conclusion that Donald doesn't give a hoot about a US/European friendship that lasted for 80 years. Benefitting both. By persuing this strategy, the US will end up with no friends in the end. But having to deal with a formidable new enemy: China. With no friends left.
  14. Foreighners are excluded from Thai Social Security if not working for a large company. Thai government employees get a pension. Around 20K per month. All other Thais get an "old age pension" amounting to THB 600 per month on average. This is not a "typo". It's sixhundred BHT per month. Furthermore, Falangs can not join the 35 BHT health scheme.
  15. Long before, every village had a "village fool". Talking illogical trash: Limited to the village. These days, internet provides a platform for every "village fool". Possibly reaching millions. Looking at "Influencers", half of them belong in a mental institution, including their followers. Modern times.
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