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  1. The "craftsmenship premium" in Thailand is very low. As opposed to bid/ask spreads for physical Gold in the rest of the world. Measured by OZ (30.1 grams). Therefore, "Thai Gold", even in form of jewellery can be an attractive investement. Only thing: Buying and selling must take place in Thailand. To sell "Thai-Gold" in Europe is an advenure in itself, to be advoided if ever possible.
  2. My dear OP. Most Farangs that live outside of Tourist-Hubs live with their Thai Wifes/Thai Family. It may work out or it may not work out. I myself lived in the Thai-Sticks solo for 5 years. Learned basic Thai. But never was able to call any of my Thai neighbors as "friends". I remained a "stranger", especially as I showed no interest in any long-term relationship with a local beauty and her family. The internet was my friend. After 5 years, I decided to return to civilisation, fearing that I would end up in a mental istitution eventually. Rural Thailand is still not prepared to harbor "solo farangs", only wanting to live in peace, undisturbed by locals, them thinking that you must be "rich". The root of the problem. Therefore: Be careful what you ask for.
  3. When I post here, I text it on "notebook" first. Then "copy and paste" in AN. Next day I receive a dozend of "ask for translations" in my SKYPE account. I never asked for any translation services. I block them, but "new translaters" re- emerge on my SKYPE account. What is going on? What is the connection between Notebook, ASEAN NOW and SKYPE?
  4. On a weekly basis, some Russian officials threathening the West with nuclear warfare, with the result that a good part of "western politicians" are starting to shake in their boots. Propaganda at it's best. As opposed to some high ranking western politicians, Tsar Vladimir is not stupid. Him knowing well that a possible "nuclear response" would also turn large parts of Russia into a contaminated waistland for the next 1000 years. Under such circumstances, it would be hard "to make Russia great again". (his main objective). We can stop shaking in our boots as far as this is concerned. - Much easier for Tsar Vladimir to hack the european electric power grid. No doubt, state sponsored russian hackers are working on it as I write, while anti hacker western "defenders" are always one step behind them. With the power grid down, this will be a good time for Europeans to start shaking in our boots, as opposed to some re-ocurring propagandist nuclear threads, issued by some "minor" Russian officials.
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  5. How many diesel generators would an average "server" need to remain functional?
  6. Surely, less western tourists visiting Russia. The chances of being arrested as a spy are slim (unless one posts on social media, calling Russia "the evil empire"). The chances of being abducted (for ransom) in "western countries" like Guatemala, Honduras, Nicaragua, Venezuela, Columbia, Ecuador are higher than being arrested as a spy in Russia. Sufficient, you qualify as a "gringo". Not rich "gringos" get away with 1000$. Peanuts, not worth mentioning in the western press, but a daily occurence. Well understood: Such things happen in the so called "west", not in Russia.
  7. Especially American Indians know all about it. Some say, that the "Western Empire" is also in the process of "falling". Especially if Donald can help it.
  8. Thanks for clarification. Concerning the imbalance between males and females in Russia might be cause for worries, when this becomes widely know in the west. - As any sort of "companionship" for Farangs has gotten harder (more expensive) in Thailand, could this encourage western seniors to look for greener pastures in Russia? Especially if this would be combined with an "easy retirement visa", in combination with a cheap Russian Ruble? If a stampede should take place, it is always good to know that only the early participants of a stampede turn out to be true winners. American history, "How the west was won".😊
  9. Possibly some final thoughts are in order: If a country at war even has to import their AMMUNITION because they can not produce sufficient amounts in their own country, must serve as a wake-up call for every unbiased observer. Quiz question: Wich country must import their Ammo? Russia or the Ukraine?
  10. In the late 1950ies, Nikita Chrustschov installed the Ukraine as a "administrative steward" concering the Crimea. He diden't make it part of the Ukraine in a political/geografical sense. Before, the Crimea was part of the Tsaristic Empire since Katharina the great, after that part of USSR.
  11. Thanks for supplying those statistics. Amazing how readily available those "accurate" Russian statistics are to us in the West. No such statistics concerning the Ukraine available in the "western press": Why not? Probably because those same statistics would show that the Ukraine is far worse off than Russia. But, since the beginning of the war, the "western media" has subjected itself to "voluntary censorship", always in favor of the Ukrainian cause.
  12. Of course we know that the lack of electricity for any lenght of time will cause problems. Answers so far not really satisfactory. So, I will rephrase: How long can a power outage last before all my vital facts (social security number, Tax ID number etc etc etc etc etc etc ) be "lost forever". All of us realising that without the digital etc etc etc etc etc our word would come to a standstill. REMEDIES? Come on boys and girls, this is a serious matter.
  13. Yes have. 3 days ago in my supermarket the "system" was down. Paid in cash. King of the hill while "card customers" looked like financially beached wales. More so, the young cashier ladies, seeing "cash", looked at me in a dreamy way. Not having seen such positive facial expressions by young ladies in ages. Possibly thingking that finally a sack of coins will eventually buy more bread than cripto currencies.
  14. Scientiflicty correct, humans can cause EMP bursts as well as the good old sun. I myself can produce such happenings in my underwear after consuming liberal amounts of CIALIS. But that is not the topic.
  15. Called "solar wind". Last such ocurrence, aiming at the earth was about 120 years ago. No computers then.

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