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Everything posted by swissie

  1. Let's not forget, the Central Banks are major "currency traders". Depending on the situation, the may want to strenghten or weaken their "home currency". Of course, they produce their balance-sheets. But that only reflects what they were doing in the recent past. What they are doing today can only be guessed. I know only one thing. The US Democrats as well as the Republicans want the Dollar lower.
  2. I think I am starting to understand. On a Saturday, shortly before closing, due to "expiration" of certain foods, prices are reduced. Also: Shortly before closing time at the bar, the remaining ladies become more friendly. I used to call this "statistics" in combination with "common sense". In the future I will call it "algorisms".
  3. So very sorry to hear about this, you, as a serious contributor in an other ASEAN sub forum. As I gather, you escaped this "ordeal" financially "intact". As opposed to thousands of other Farangs that have left their heart and money in Thailand or the Phippines. The fact, that you are still "financially intact" offers you the opportunity to "open new doors and new avenues" for you. Fortunately.
  4. I believe it's called timing. What moves the markets? 10 fools meet and 6 of them decide that a sack of potatoes will cost 50% more soon. The beginning of a Bull Market. Or the other way around. Supply and demand, but not necessarily when it comes to "split-second" trading. Or "running the stops"? You? Nevermind: I am genuinely interested. An increasing number of people seem to use algorithems, but I never got in contact with a person that actually applies it. So, you are my man. Or, to make a long story short: How do you personally profit from algorisms in your daily trading?
  5. Quote: Running highs and lows and repricing to old inefficiencies. Not hard to find out where the "buy/sell stops are. Turning every weak breakout into a short term bull/bear trap? Is that it? That would be nothing new.
  6. I partially agree. "pivot points" are of interest. All technical indicators are in "ouverbought" territory. I don't need any algorism to tell me that. It won't be long and all technical indicators will be in "oversold territory". What tells your "algorism" to you, that my standart technical indicators don't tell me? Warren Buffet is famous. You are not. Why not?
  7. Plenty of Thai "legal eagles" that made it possible for Farangs to stay in Thailand as far as Visas are concerned. For a price. As I write, a new generation of Thai "legal eagles" are preparing to find possibilities for Farangs to circumvent taxation. For a price. Actually the new "business" for Thai Lawyers will be more rewarding than the old "hum drum" Visa business. A new source of income for underemployed lawyers in Thailand has just opened.
  8. So glad to hear that something like this is possible in TODAYS Thailand.
  9. I allow myself to copy and paste my thread "Ah... the US$": Ah..... the US$. US citizens investing in US Dollars must not read on. All others, not calling the US$ as "home currency" should read on. No matter who wins in November, Democrats as well as Republicans have "economic growth" on their agenda. Sluggish domestic demand can only be offset by increasing Exports. Fastest way to do it: Make products cheaper by lowering the value of the currency. Therefore be prepared, that the positve yields that US equities offer today, will be greatly curtailed by a depreciating US$ versus your "home currency". Or even turn into "negative yields". In the olden days, major currencies fluctuated maybe 5% per year against each other. Today this can happen within 2 months. Due to this increased volatility, a "hedge" (insurance) against further US$ depreciation costs 5% per year. Crazy, but that says it all. ----------------------------------------- I repeat my sermon. Democrats as well as Republicans want the Dollar lower. That is finally the deciding factor. Most people insist, that the "FED" is detached from politics and therefore "an independent institution". Yep! But I also believe in Santa Claus.
  10. European women don't turn "bad", they get "ugly" by any standart. No form of "natural decay" is more illustrated as by the curse of aging women. Decay is the destiny of all life and living things. But to display this in form of "diminishing female attractiveness" is devastating. The God's don't like us. Especially not females.
  11. Last time I saw my "classmates" was over 50 years ago. I spent my time mostly overseas and when I was in my home country, I was just too busy to attend "class reunions". Last week, I managed to attend my first "class reunion" ever. I knew that all of us are over 70 years old by now. Soon had to realise, that a third had dyed in the meantime. Facial recognition very hard after all this time, names helped me to know who is who. The "boys of yesteryear" a bit wrinkled and old, but still engulfed by an aura of "I am old and wise and still looking like a human being, therefore I am ok". The "girls of yesteryear" is another story. When they were young, they had the power of selecting between paupers or millionaires. Offering "sexual-nirvana" as a weapon to pursue their goals. Us boys chased them back then, thursting for "sexual reward". As seen on my "class reunion" recently, yesterdays beautiful girls are now old disfigured monsters. Ugly beyound description and comprehention. How can nature be so cruel, especially towards European women? Conclusion: The "Gods" favor females in their younger years, favoring men in their older years. The scales are balanced out. In the end.
  12. Only internationally accepted pricing originates from COMEX (New York) or LME (London metals exchange). All other "pricing" of those metals are of no consequence whatsoever.
  13. Made a phone call on your behalf to my stepdaughter (she working in a BKK Bank). Her reply: International Banks in BKK (UBS for example) will "order" Silver Bars from "somewhere", if the customers pays in advance. As this would represent a "special order", the Ask/Bid price will be far removed from COMEX prices. Much to your disadvantage. (By buying as well as selling). This can't be the way to go! Instead: There are a number of ETF's (Exchange Traded Funds), backed by physical Silver and traded actively. Buying and selling only a few clicks away. In your case, living in Thailand, this would be the way to go.
  14. As I mentioned in my OP, Gold and Silver "digesting" the recent Bull Run. A downward correction taking place as I write. Especially for Gold, the longer term "uptrend" is intact. But lo and behold: Silver (as also an industrial metal) will correct more than Gold, if a worldwide economic downturn should materialise. Also, even under "normal" circumstances, if Gold moves 1%, Silver easily moves 3%. Nothing for the "faint hearted".
  15. Some select "Gold shops" may have it, but mostly in form of Silver Jewellery.
  16. COMEX Silver today at 28 US$ /Oz. Thailand is "Gold country". Thais do not see Silver as a potential investment.
  17. Hello, my name is Silver, my bigger brothers name is Gold. Once again, everybody is talking about my big brother Gold these days. I feel so neglected, nobody talks about me. It saddens me, as I have more to offer than my big brother. Not only do I serve as a "safe harbour" as well, you can not build any computers, smart phones or solar panels without me. Look at the figures. I am getting scarcer and scarcer. Surely, all technical "market indicators" see my big brother and myself in "ouverbought" territory currently. We have to "correct" downward a bit, to accomodate "market wisom". After that, you should softly take me by the hand, us dancing toghter into the next decade. Not considering divorce, until I cost 45$ per ounce.
  18. A few years ago, I tried to sell a couple of Kruegerrand in Thailand. A nightmare. But I make the story short: I finally had to go to Bangkok to visit the branch of my home country bank, where I proved that I have an account with them in my home country. A week later the bank manager called me, offering me to buy my KR's for the price of XXX (way below international market price). Equipped with the latest prices from the Wall Street Journal and thereathening the bank manager to report such "business behaviour" back to Switzerland, I finally got the current market price for my KR's. A nightmare!
  19. There is a good reason Mining Stocks pay high dividends. The life expectancy of a mine is limited. In the end, nothing but a big empty hole in the ground or a barren underground tunnel will be left.
  20. If only used "for more efficient use of capital" fine. But the temptation to enter the "leaverage game" is great. Numerous are the incscriptions on tombstones that read "He died of too much leaverage".
  21. Not a bad idea. Make sure that the ETF is covered by physical Gold. Also: How much is the annual "administration/management" fee, because there is also the "carrying charge" incorporated.
  22. Ah..... the US$. US citizens investing in US Dollars must not read on. All others, not calling the US$ as "home currency" should read on. No matter who wins in November, Democrats as well as Republicans have "economic growth" on their agenda. Sluggish domestic demand can only be offset by increasing Exports. Fastest way to do it: Make products cheaper by lowering the value of the currency. Therefore be prepared, that the positve yields that US equities offer today, will be greatly curtailed by a depreciating US$ versus your "home currency". Or even turn into "negative yields". In the olden days, major currencies fluctuated maybe 5% per year against each other. Today this can happen within 2 months. Due to this increased volatility, a "hedge" (insurance) against further US$ depreciation costs 5% per year. Crazy, but that says it all. Don't say "nobody told me before" after the fact. Remember: You read it here first.
      • 1
      • Haha
  23. It could be worse: When your Doctor tells you that "singing" is the only thing allowed anymore.
  24. "Naked short selling" is common on all futures exchange products. The short sellers are the future buyers, as they will (sooner or later) have to buy back their "shorts". Therefore, only short term effects resulting from this practice. When Richard Nixon detached the $ from Gold, I bought all of the Fort Knox Gold and stored it next to my wine cellar. In return, Richard Nixon accepted that I deliver him the same amount of Swiss Cheese to be stored in Fort Knox.
  25. Every mobile phone or other electric gadgets have a little Gold inside. Other than that, Gold is useless. Or is it? For the last 4000 years, Gold was accepted as "currency". Not sure if the $ or the swiss franc will be accepted as currency for the next 4000 years. Humanity has understood that EVERYTHING is transient. Except for Gold and Diamonds. Therefore, humans are fascinated by something "that lasts forever". - Give a girl a golden ring and see how her face lights up and her eyes are getting a bit moist. That's the magic of Gold. Never gone out of style for 4000 years.
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