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Everything posted by swissie
I venture to say that I know more about them than the average American voter. No, I don't like Trump at all. The problem is that close to 50% of American voters like Trump. The rest of the world wonders "How is this possible". Americans must be totally "fed-up" by the political/financial elte that has governed them since WW2. Wanting to extort the Devil by the Beelzebub.
The Investing Year Ahead
swissie replied to Mike Lister's topic in Jobs, Economy, Banking, Business, Investments
"The Bull is well supported by earnings" I hear. Major players are down to 4% cash. Where does the "fuel" come from to keep the party going? Mostly overlooked: The Chinese "Locomotive" is having serious problems, with global ramifications -
The Investing Year Ahead
swissie replied to Mike Lister's topic in Jobs, Economy, Banking, Business, Investments
Just received an alarming phone call from my clairvoyant Romanian gypsie lady this morning: "Institutonal Investors are only sitting on 4% of cash". They are fully invested, where does the fuel come from to support the party"? Got me thingking, as all industrial commodities have failed to rally after a significant decline before. The worst "bull trap" in years. Those commodities hovering slightly above major support lines, if broken on the downside, stock markets will not remain "unaffected". -
The Investing Year Ahead
swissie replied to Mike Lister's topic in Jobs, Economy, Banking, Business, Investments
I never said that buying a condo or a bar today is a good investment. Unless the Thai Government realises that an increasing number of wealthy Chinese Nationals are in desperate need to "shelter their money". Adjusting legislation accordingly, opening certain "floodgates". In such a case there might evolve a drastic undersupply of condos in Pattaya. -
The Investing Year Ahead
swissie replied to Mike Lister's topic in Jobs, Economy, Banking, Business, Investments
It was a small investement, keeping me busy and yielding 35% annually for almost 5 years. Believe it or not. I am not going to elaborate any further, concerning "Thai Work permits". If you are on the "radar" of the local officialdom, you are on the radar, rectifiable only by exchanging brown enveloppes. I refused to be pert of this game. -
de dollarization gaining speed
swissie replied to watgate's topic in Jobs, Economy, Banking, Business, Investments
Every time some economies tried to "self-clean" (eradicating exesses) the central banks turned into Fire Brigades, supplying water (liquidity). On every such occasion, adding to "the national dept". In some countries, Bond holders/buyers are starting to use their pocket calculators. In short: While the central banks still will act as the Fire Brigade, bond buyers will increasingly ask for a higher price for their water (interest). Accelerating the upward spiral of an ever increasing National Debt further. The final word will have the Bond-Buyers and not the central banks. If the central banks should compensate the "bond-buyers-strike" by printing more money, the result is inevitable: Massive inflation. Finally: The "magic-potion" of the central banks over the last 70 years is not endlessly repeatable. Because to pay the "fire brigade" will become unaffordable. Cheaper to let the house burn down than to pay the fire brigade. Or simplyfied: Let the world economy "sweat-out" the accumulated excesses of the last 70 years. Long overdue, there will be no "soft landing". -
de dollarization gaining speed
swissie replied to watgate's topic in Jobs, Economy, Banking, Business, Investments
Shortly before the end of his presidency, Eisenhower remarked that after this war, there is now a military/economical complex in existance, that will not go away anymore. But: Without this US military/economical complex, Eureopeans would all speak Russian as a second language in the 2nd generation. -
de dollarization gaining speed
swissie replied to watgate's topic in Jobs, Economy, Banking, Business, Investments
Holy smoke, diden't know that clocks are still at 4. Must be exports as my swiss friends wear 20$ watches, made in China. PS: Private Banking still available, but must disclose "where the money comes from", everything over 10'000 CHF. If I were "a foreighner" wanting to hide some money, Switzerland would be the last place I would choose. Much better the British Channel Islands, Cayman Islands, the Bahamas, Panama etc etc etc. The list is long. Something like a Norwegian "smorgasboard". Switzerland no more part of the "smorgasboard". -
Oh no, not again. There is a sub-forum "marriage and divorce". I find that the OP should read the posts of this sub-forum carefully. Very educational. A must for everyone contemplating any "linkage" with any Thai National.
The debate usually stops, when an individual realises that he can not afford to live in Palm Springs. Folks, seeking cheap living in combination with a high cultural level should not look for a domicile in Alabama or Gary Indiana. Many famous Indian Gurus have proclaimed that in old age one must keep it's feet on the ground, as to "soar like an eagle is the privilege of the youth of the world". For you and me, our "soaring days" are over. Only remedy: Adjust in a fast changing world. Or better: Stay in Thailand.
The Investing Year Ahead
swissie replied to Mike Lister's topic in Jobs, Economy, Banking, Business, Investments
"The USA is the only game in town globally". So it seems. Much optimism priced in. Insurance anyone? Amazingly PUT OPTIONS are cheap, especially the ones that are "out of the money". Relatively cheap downside protection available (currently). -
de dollarization gaining speed
swissie replied to watgate's topic in Jobs, Economy, Banking, Business, Investments
He He. Clocks are only a minor part of our exports. Same with cheese. Some stereotypes never die. Some people think that the main export from the Netherlands are still "Tulips from Amsterdam". -
Well, here it is: Blood Panel consists of 2 pages: Everything ok. I may need to go stationary to a hospital for a truly big check up. If inconclusive, I may want to consult a Haitian Woodoo Priest.
Also: Tablets for mild diabetes and cholesterol. What specialist should I consult for "chronic unexplainable weakness"?
No change of lifestyle or diet. On the package it reads "can cause sleepyness". But if does not mention "weakness". The constant state of "weakness" concerns me most. To operate a vaccum cleaner for 10 minutes causes "exhaustion". Routine blood tests show no negative results in any way and my Doctor claims: "For your age you are in good shape, see you next year".
My first blood pressure medication made me dizzy. So I switched to: AMLODIPIN-VALSARTAN 5mg/80mg. Works fine concerning blood pressure. BUT: After a good nights sleep I wake up tired and weak. This condition prevails during the whole day. Is this medication the "culprit"? If yes, what other medication should I try?
I don't want to come across as a "smart alec", but assuming you have a valid drivers licence, why not buy a small motor home or a large van? That way you have housing AND transportation. Don't know how it is today, but "back then", I could park my motor home just about anywhere I wanted too (overnight). Not so in Europe. Outside of "campgrounds", a friendly police officer will wake you at 2 AM asking "what the hell are you doing here". To live in the US does have certain advantages (unless that too has changed).
Still many Asians suffer from "lactose intolerance". But on the decline. Wealthy Agro-Thais keep cows as a status simbol. European-Cows do not do well in a overly hot/humid climate. The cows in Thailand are part of African Zebu imports that can stand the climate much better than "Euro-Cows". But compared to Euro-Cows they give wery little milk. Barely enough for their calves. No wonder that "milk" is mostly an Import Product in Thailand. Arriving as "milk powder" from happy European cows, that produce 10X more milk than Thai-Cows.
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The other way around. Thai female living with a Farang for 22 years under the same roof in Farangland. Never married. Now Farang is going to retire in Thailand, financially well off. Recommending to the Thai female life partner of 22 years: Stay in Farangland, apply for Social Security Benefits, as I will not support you financially. As not married, no legal action could be instigated by Thai authorities. Also: With no criminal record, nobody can be prevented from travelling to Thailand. I feel sorry for the Thai Lady. Rare, because it's usually the other way around, but this time a Thai Lady is the victim.
de dollarization gaining speed
swissie replied to watgate's topic in Jobs, Economy, Banking, Business, Investments
The CHF has always been a "special case". We live by our Exports. A strong currency doesn't help. Indepted only by 40% of GDP. But still: Parliament considers an increase over 40% as the "Armageddon of Switzerland", making for an unwelcome strong currency. But Switzerland is a "special case" in so many ways. To analyse Switzerland can only lead to serious headaches. Rumor has it, that Swiss People are "not from this world and don't really want to be part of this world". Well, if that's the case, we diden't do all that bad over the last 1000 years. -
de dollarization gaining speed
swissie replied to watgate's topic in Jobs, Economy, Banking, Business, Investments
Russia is an "enclosed" Economical/Political system that needs no vital "imports" from nowhere and nobody. -
The Investing Year Ahead
swissie replied to Mike Lister's topic in Jobs, Economy, Banking, Business, Investments
I read several international newpapers daily (online). Financial news, but I also try to get "a feeling" how "the mood" of the general population is. In my home country I am not shy to ask Taxi Drivers, Restaurant Employees, Cleaning Ladies as to how they see their personal future down the road. Generally, I notice a somewhat "somber" undertone. Something like: "The problems of the world are incrasing left and right" but mostly " For decades things went quite well, this can't go on forever". Not surprising, the need for "safety" is on the increase. But can the US (once more) serve as the "safe harbor" for people and their money? That remains to be seen. If the US is no more available as a "safe harbor", who is? Eastern Timbuktu?