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Everything posted by flyingtlger

  1. Me thinks you didn't read all the details and options right ...
  2. Using the good old, reverse psychology....This boy might grow up and write a book on Reverse Psychology and he'll be telling people, "please don't buy it"...
  3. Regardless of how affordable and fun Bangkok is, with global warming and excessive pollution, Bangkok is becoming a much less desirable place to visit let alone live….
  4. You can run but you can’t hide. The long arm of the law will find you….
  5. Thai Immigrations is now much more sophisticated with face scans and fingerprints and everything is centralized. It doesn't matter if you do border runs via land, air or sea. Unfortunately you may be on the "watch" list now....
  6. Sounds rather bland...I'd put some more veggies and spices, like, garlic, mustard greens, chilies and star anise for a little more depth but I understand that some folks like their food bland.
  7. Poor boys will be scarred mentally and emotionally for the rest of their lives. Sadly and unfortunately this will be the beginning of a vicious cycle for some of the other boys who don’t know better and will perpetuate the sinister act of raping other boys later on in life.
  8. Believe in humanity…. KARMA has way of getting to evil doers one way or another.
  9. That’s like saying, “I’m not going to compete because if I don’t win, everyone will think I’m a loser”. How pathetic…
  10. A day late and a dollar short….
  11. Hidden message: Don’t raise your children to be naive and gullible….
  12. Just imagine if this happened to your daughter or sister? Lock this wicked and EVIL teacher up and throw away the keys.
  13. The new Uber in Phuket….
  14. At the very least, when these numbskulls crash they’ll be in La La Land already….
  15. Thailand is becoming like the USA with all the gun violence... Too many unregistered guns as well as ghost guns. A lot of these illegal gun owners are untrained and have a Napoleonic complex and think having a gun makes them omnipotent. Forget the “Land of Smiles”. It becoming “The Land of Short Tempers and VIOLENCE”!
  16. Yes, there are many clowns but some of the moderators are too strict and conservative…. Some will delete a post just because there was a meme or a giphy they didn’t understand.
  17. This happens day in, day out. The reason these crooked cops got busted is because they extorted a celebrity that made headlines in her country. Thailand does not and cannot afford negative publicity especially when tourism accounts for 18% of Thailands GDP.
  18. Thank you and GOOD BYE!
  19. Young, Dumb and full of .....VIOLENCE!
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