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Everything posted by flyingtlger

  1. Throw a rock on a busy thorough way, guarantee you'll hit one. There are so many relators looking to close deals....
  2. No just the majority of them, more like 99.9%.....
  3. Your account is permanently closed. You'll have to open a new account and you'll have to have proof of residency as well as proof that you legally reside in Thailand. A tourist visa will not suffice.
  4. This going to happen more and more Look up and see all the cables and wires intertwined and the abnormally hot weather won't help....
  5. Similar story, different day..... Unfortunately, I'm getting desensitized to tragic accidents because it happens so much.....
  6. Where? Pattaya?
  7. I wonder if she was wearing a helmet?
  8. Get an MRI for peace of mind (no pun intended)....
  9. Thailand is reactive and not proactive. Only when a catastrophe happens, then and only then, things change....
  10. The "Golden Rule"....Those that hold the Gold, make the Rules.
  11. If you want it done right....Do it yourself.
  12. Just use your passport unless....you've over stayed or got something to hide.
  13. Same story....different day.
  14. Thou shall not take away jobs from local folks.....
  15. Sticky buds got some sticky fingers on them.....
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