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Everything posted by flyingtlger

  1. You know Prayut Chan-o-cha is patting himself on the back. Things are falling into place just as he planned....
  2. What reward? The US and Japan have been doing this for years but to no avail. https://www.theatlantic.com/ideas/archive/2022/05/single-use-plastic-chemical-recycling-disposal/661141/
  3. This the kind of thinking and SOP that makes Thailand a third world country.....
  4. This is what Pita did not do, that's why the rug was pulled out from him...
  5. It's a numbers game. They bait you with a dirt cheap price. They'll get you one way or another ????.
  6. As long as you didn't overstay and you didn't do anything to get arrested you shouldn't have any problems.
  7. Try some neck stretches...
  8. Good intuition, me thinks you're spot on....
  9. Mosquitoes, I them blood sucking critters. They remind me of my ex-wife.....
  10. This is exactly why he got ousted. He should have been more tactful and respectful...
  11. Stupid is as stupid does. He shot himself in the foot (pun intended)....
  12. This should be done on a rotating basis for all beaches that are heavily visited....
  13. And that's only the tip of the iceberg....
  14. I own a Tesla. It's nice but I don't like the fact that it takes way too long to juice it up. With a gasoline car it only takes a few minutes to fill up. With a Tesla, you'll need at least 15 minutes and that won't fill it up. Tesla's do not do well in hot weather as well. The next car I'm going to get will be a hybrid.....
  15. As usual, Thailand is "reactive" as opposed to "pro-active". Only when a catastrophe occurs, things get fixed....
  16. This guy looks like an exemplary citizen....NOT!
  17. Teen violence is nothing new and there's no way to stop it completely. It's like cockroaches, you can't eliminate them. You can only try to control them....
  18. Easy for this person to say....What if the foot was in the other shoe?
  19. Yeah, that's what she said, "Me lub you all night w/the white grease"......
  20. Get a new roof. If it's eating through you drywall and into rooms, no sense trying to cut corners. If you don't fix it now you'll definitely have much bigger problems later especially problems with dry rot and mold.
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