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Everything posted by flyingtlger

  1. Just follow the money trail......
  2. Sri-on knew the talks were dead in the water already....
  3. Typical Thai reactive thinking. Instead of regular up keeping and being proactive, people wait for a catastrophe to happen before taking care of things....
  4. Why not? You're only gone for a month or so....
  5. That's the last thing you should do. Let it be, you are blessed that they are in your presence....
  6. Yoaza! I don't care if she's not real. I'm in LOVE ????.....
  7. Really, I thought I've seen it all. Whoever their PR rep is, they really set a very high expectation.....
  8. They're hardly coming....
  9. But it's only good for one car! Not very cost effective if you plan on parking many cars....
  10. "Considered" is the key word. Not very assuring..... In other words, Cross at your own RISK!
  11. Auspicious! LOL, turns out to bad luck rather than good luck....
  12. Of course Prayut wants to wait 10 more monthes....he has nothing to lose.
  13. Thanksin is a white collar criminal...with that said, "Crime pays in Thailand if you're well connected or rich enough"....
  14. What is a scheme in slang? Scheming is an adjective that describes someone who is always doing sneaky things to make things happen, like your scheming friend who invites you to a family party because she secretly wants you to meet her adorable cousin. A scheme is a plan of action that is usually secret or kept hidden. Scheming to nickel and dime ya....
  15. Shinawatra Thaksin keep saying he's coming back but never does. Me thinks he's doing it just to stay in the lime light. If he does come back, I bet he won't be a free bird....
  16. Now Dr. Jatesada has a target on his back....
  17. Maybe Pita isn't as fresh and clean as he looks.... Where's there's smoke, there's a fire!
  18. "Australian ambassador makes a splash on World Drowning Prevention Day in Phuket" Someone has a morbid sense of humor...
  19. Land of Smiles? More like Land of VIOLENCE! LOV, very ironic....
  20. Thaksin Shinawatra is all smiles.....
  21. That's weird, I've never had any problems with bars' offering menus. Just ask for your favorite beer or stick with the Thai brands. As far as food is concerned, look around and see what others are eating. If they don't have a menu, point to something you see and like and order it. Better yet, try to learn some basic Thai. It's not that hard and most waitresses and waiters are very understanding and accommodating. Try saying "men-yooo krup".....
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