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Everything posted by flyingtlger

  1. Crime of passion? Nah, just raw jealousy and stupidity....
  2. If you want it done right, you have to be on site and watch over every single step of the job....
  3. Sounds more like a mafioso burial....
  4. Lock him up and throw away the keys. Let the prison justice system take care of him....
  5. Think positive, at least she didn't have to get her leg amputated like the woman at the airport....
  6. What's the big deal. It's that what they're paid to do?
  7. When it's time to go, it's time to go....
  8. And the sun will rise in the east and set in the west.....
  9. This is fairly common now-a-days, especially with companies that have problems or something to hide. "Don't contact us, we'll contact you if we need something"....
  10. Find a Thai girlfriend that doesn't speak English, guarantee you'll learn Thai in no time....
  11. Nobody is above the law......unless you're Thaksin!
  12. Are the other occupants foreigners? What is a TM30 in Thailand? What is TM30 notification? The TM30 notification and its underlying laws are about the obligation of a landlord (housemaster, possessor, or manager) to report the stay of a foreigner (non-Thai national) in his/her property.
  13. Why don't you ask your agent in CM and see if they know someone that help you in Nan. A lot of these agents are connected.
  14. Looks like he has a bad case of histrionic personality disorder....
  15. LOL, politicians will saying anything to get your vote.....
  16. Can safety shoes prevent electric shock? Electrical shock proof shoes are isolating safety boots that provide a secondary source of protection from electric shocks. The entire surface of these safety boots are made from non-conductive materials; thus, no electrical charge will pass through the body. Obviously he wasn't wearing non-conductive foot wear....
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