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Everything posted by UWEB

  1. Good thing is, it seems to be working, everything else needs a bit fine tuning.
  2. A couple of times I have used Wise to transfer Euros from Germany to Thailand, takes always 24-36 hours.
  3. If I understand above correct, all savings in your Bank Account(s) as per 31.12.23 can be remitted to Thailand without paying Tax for?
  4. Screenshot was taken 5 minutes ago from my Account
  5. I've asked Lazada Customer Support how to get the Money out, they wan' to have a copy of my Passport and Bankbook. I asked if they want to have also my Online Banking Password, was laughing and told them to f..o.....
  6. The only time I had trouble with Lazada was, when I not used CoD. That was the first and last time I payed an Order in advance, and the Money is still in Lazada Wallet and can't get it out.
  7. Yes, you are missing something out. Not all people living in Germany having a German Passport, all non German Citizen can be extradited to another Country in case there is a Treaty and it was approved by a Court.
  8. The German Constitution does not allow the extradition of Germans to other Countries except EU Countries and International Criminal Court, even if there is a Extradition Treaty.
  9. So you think they will keep money from every Transfer into Thailand, even if somebody is not Tax Resident? Sorry,B...S..
  10. They have one year time to make the set up, Tax Declarations to be done in January 2025 earliest.
  11. Contact Tourist Police, not the normal ones. The chance to get some help is much more bigger, and at least they can inform the public not to use the same scammer.
  12. If you believe go to Church or whatever you prefer. A Resident Status and Tax Resident Status are two different thinks.
  13. If they work more than 180 days abroad they are not Thai Tax Resident.
  14. Might be this one. https://www.booking.com/hotel/th/orngaermthabsaaek.html?lang=en-us&soz=1&lang_changed=1
  15. Can't find the Documentation on You Tube, has somebody the URL?
  16. Galvanized Pipes are worst case scenario except you are using bigger Steel Pipes in the underground to protect your PVC Pipes.
  17. Yes, for sure. And from all the stories people must know that they need a Health Insurance.
  18. Have the same size of Pool. Running the Pool Pump costs nothing for me as I have Solar. Pool Service costs appr. 2000 THB per month, but have end the Contract after 6 month and do it now by myself. Pool chemicals are peanuts, 500-600 thb per month.
  19. Times are changing, in these days Banks are asking for Certificate of Residence or blue/yellow House Book plus plus plus.
  20. I guess I'm a new Record Holder of Solar Consumption and all time Export Fed In Record. This morning I've looked into my Huawei Solar Dashboard and was more then surprised to see that I have had a peak Consumption of 41353 KWh and exported 51.02 GWh to the Grid, what has created a net profit of THB 114.129.845,54 for me. Time to start negotiations with PEA to get some of the money.
  21. Yes, not very slow only also I have to reload the page at least two times before I can open any post.
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