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Everything posted by UWEB

  1. This morning I have opened the Balance Tank and found below growing in some places. Anybody an Idea, looks to me like Sprouts but not sure.
  2. Wondering what are your chemistry Levels in your Saltwater Pool? PH 7.2-7.6? Salinity 2700-3400 ppm? Free Chlorine 1-3 ppm? Alkalinity 80-120 ppm? Anything else to be checked?
  3. yep, my neighbor got red handed and has now a digital Meter. Have the impression that my Meter get checked now twice a week if it is spinning backwards.
  4. Thanks, the Set Up was done by the Pool Company and I never had a look into what they have done till the problems have started. This morning I have changed the Chlorinator to normal mode.
  5. Thanks, have changed the Chlorinator from Winter to normal mode already this morning, will test the Water again tomorrow to see where I am.
  6. OK, thanks for the useful Information. Pool Service has done it yesterday, just have tested the Water and PH is down to 7.7. First time below 8 within last 3 weeks.
  7. It's a 8 month old pool with Tiles, the grouts are in perfect conditions. This morning have switched off the Winter Mode, let's see how the Water quality is later today or tomorrow morning.
  8. You have given a comment, not an answer on my Question. Better to keep quite when not having a useful Information.
  9. Nice to know that you are having a UV System, but your Answer doesn't answer my questions.
  10. You can not move your Bank Account from one Branch to another Branch, you have to open a new Account. If both Branches are in the same Province, why you want to change, makes no sense.
  11. Since I've got my new Saltwater Pool I have used a Service Company for the Pool. Around four weeks ago I've started to look into what they are doing and was quite shocked. Not only that the Pool Water was complete out of Balance, I have found a Snake and some Frogs in the Balance Tank and the Overflow Trench was never cleaned and full of green Spots( Algae?). As it is now they can't get the PH below 8 beside that they are adding Acid twice a week. Additional I found that the Chlorinator is running in Winter Mode all the time. Is this correct? Or is it a reason for that Chlorine is always low in the Pool?
  12. I've paid nothing to get hooked up to 3 phase Power Supply, they had to install even two more Power Poles. Only costs been for the installation of the Meter, what is at normal rate some hundred Baht.
  13. Lazada has made some changes.You have to open your Order, click on "pay now" and choose your preferred payment option. Have placed two Orders today via COD.
  14. "I was wondering how they were going to remove this one tile without damage to it and the surrounding ones but to my surprise she scraped out all the surrounding grout and started forcing what looked like a very liquid type of cement into the gaps and continued tapping until hollow sound disappeared. Is this a normal or acceptable and successful way to fix this type of problem. " Had the same problem and they used the same way, but it didn't worked.You have to remove the loose Tiles, some concrete and fix it with Cement.
  15. Was traveling to Thailand 12 years on NON O retirement extension while working Onshore and Offshore, never have had any problem with IO. Best way to go.
  16. The price is not a criteria for me, I'm more interested in technical details and if somebody is using such a Monitor already.
  17. Looking more for a Unit like this one Ondilo ICO SALT - WiFi pool thermometer & pool tester - for water care with salt electrolysis - Poolthermometer Shop - Smarte Pooltechnik
  18. I have digital Salinity, PH, Free Chlorine and Alkalinity Testers, they all working fine without any problems. Test Stripes or similar are no option for me as I like advanced new Technologies.
  19. There are some available in Europe and US, but haven't found any here in Thailand what I prefer as you still need some Calibration Fluids for the Sensors.
  20. Try to find a smart Saltwater Pool Monitor via WIFI and Bluetooth, so I have all data on my Mobile. It should at least measures PH, Salinity and Chlorine. Anybody using such a Monitor and can recommend? Best would be one available in Thailand.
  21. They are called Cotton Gloves, loads of offers on Lazada and Shopee
  22. Have a 4 Stroke Honda GX35, never have had problems except regular maintenance.
  23. What is the reason that you have to shut down your Solar, DIY?
  24. UWEB

    Change of address

    Have you done a TM30 at Immigration already? That's the first thing you have to do.
  25. Who has written the Study, Mr. MCDonalds or Mrs KFC?
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