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Fex Bluse

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Posts posted by Fex Bluse

  1. 3 hours ago, webfact said:

    Prime Minister Prayuth Chan-ocha had previously said the private sector could import vaccines as long as they were approved by and registered with the Thai Food and Drug Administration.


    But this week, businesses were notified that only the government could import and administer the vaccine


    It would not be Thailand is everything was not chaotic and broken. I suppose it's what so many of us like about the place. Never a dull day. 

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  2. 1 hour ago, scorecard said:

    The reality is that they have no business plan that does not rely heavily on foreign tourism. They will stall as long as they can delaying their foreign creditors until mass tourism is revived."


    Well there is an answer > no tourists therefore revenues down > easy answer > raise fares.   

    I will not be surprised if they do that. Thai Logic ????????

  3. On 2/7/2021 at 4:43 PM, TooBigToFit said:

    I'd like to know more about this and the supposed other two people who were attacked. I also want to note that the guy was arrested along with someone who had a strangely Asian-looking name. I don't know if that person was actually Asian or not. Was that the person who filmed this? That's another person who we need to know.


    "Also arrested was 20-year-old Maylasia Goo, who was charged with being an accessory after the fact." - from the DailyMail.


    Personally, I don't doubt the attacker had some racist attitudes but most of these street thugs are just out for any weak victim or person who gives them any look. They are angry at the world more than any race or person. But in an area like San Francisco with many Asians, the attacker could just be going after Asians thinking them and easy target. I don't see this as a sign of some massive rise in racism towards Asians but more like one serial bully who targeted Asians who is now going to jail for murder.



    With that said...

    I checked out the tag #JusticeForVicha that was in the picture and found a clip posted on Twitter about this.



    A couple posters had some real anger at racism towards Asians/what they see as going on.





    There's another tag as well #AsiansAreHuman



    You could very well be correct. Not excusing this disgusting violence against an elderly man. At the same time, Asian in western countries have learned to exploit race whenever possible to advance their cause. We all know how many racially motivated deaths occur in places like Thailand against Farangs, for example, but Thailand does not have a culture and news media that amplifies the race message at every opportunity. You'd likely find that even Thais living in the US have no clue how much racial violence occurs in Thailand.


    This is the power of biased, propagandist 'progressive' media in western countries.

    • Sad 1
  4. 3 hours ago, from the home of CC said:

    and some countries with all the benefits of 'education' and resources ended up with the highest death rates in the world - 'forward thinking'  'properly managed' ? biggest lines of bs I've heard all week ????


    And, others have convinced daft, probably poorly educated and skint blue collar retirees that they have beaten the virus. 


    Let's see who comes out on top in the mid term. Some seem to be freezing to death without coal and stealing rice from SEA countries because they can't feed their borg. 




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  5. 2 hours ago, Stygge said:

    Maybe Thailand need a quick fix. Tanzania has declared itself covid free and won´t be needing any vaccine thanks to a revolutionary green smoothie consisting of local vegetables.

    I´m surprised enterprising thais hasn´t come up with a lucky covid amulet yet. It works for traffic so why not for covid? No vaccine needed and welcome tourists.


    @Natai Beach didn't you mention something about a Thai vaccine consisting of strong Thai herbs and chilis? What phase of testing is the Thai vaccine at? 

  6. 20 minutes ago, internationalism said:

    I have quoted new york times, a respectable journal. It's scientific summary of what is available. That is not an article about politics.

    But it's you who is trying push red necks perspective into this discussion.


    No, covid did not created mass hate against china. But I can see hatred coming against each government which were inept in dealing with pandemic - that does include the USA, the UK, Brasil, where presidents openly spread disinformation and ignored incoming danger.

    That would backfire not only against those governments (Trump lost election, Johnson also likely), but in the long term would lead to deeper political changes in those countries and worldwide. Profound change, similar to social and political changes which took place after the 1st and the 2nd world war. 

    That would also include china and thailand, even those governments were better in dealing with pandemic (or just lucky due to milder strain of covid or to many other factors).

    Yes, at times of deep crisis, as we are now, hatred, nationalism, xenophobia and racism would emerge, and you are a prime example of such attitudes. Try to cope with stres in different ways than hatred, because it only destroys you and other around you. For me you are yet another frustrated gonzo, which just landed in my ignore list, so don't expect another reply

    The fact you believe China's version of the truth is all I need to know about you.


    All the best 

    • Haha 1
  7. 23 hours ago, Misterwhisper said:

    Who the heck gave the center this obnoxious name?

    Did a simple and sane "Center of Clinical Virology" not suffice?


    17 hours ago, internationalism said:

    china has already 4, another 3 coming shortly (hopefully)


    approved already in china:


    "The Chinese company CanSino Biologics developed Convidecia in partnership with the Institute of Biology at the country’s Academy of Military Medical Sciences"


    "The Beijing Institute of Biological Products created an inactivated coronavirus vaccine that was put into clinical trials by the state-owned Chinese company Sinopharm." APPROVED FOR USE IN: Bahrain, China, United Arab Emirates. EMERGENCY USE IN: Egypt, Hungary, Jordan, Pakistan.


    "Sinovac Biotech, a private Chinese company, developed an inactivated vaccine called CoronaVac in early 2020" EMERGENCY USE IN: Azerbaijan, Brazil, China, Chile, Indonesia, Turkey.


    "Along with their Beijing Institute vaccine, Sinopharm also tested an inactivated virus vaccine developed by the Wuhan Institute of Biological Products" LIMITED USE IN: China, United Arab Emirates


    phase 3:


    "The Chinese company Anhui Zhifei Longcom and the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences partnered to make a vaccine. ... Phase 3 trial with 29,000 volunteers in December"


    "Clover Biopharmaceuticals developed a vaccine containing the spike protein from coronaviruses. To further stimulate the immune system, the company is testing so-called adjuvants made by ... the American company Dynavax"


    "Researchers at the Institute of Medical Biology at the Chinese Academy of Medical Sciences, which has invented vaccines for polio and hepatitis A, created an inactivated coronavirus vaccine" In December the researchers launched a Phase 3 trial on up to 34,020 volunteers in Brazil and Malaysia"




    Another paid 'wumao'?


    You can stop pushing Chinese propaganda here. Billions of people all over the world hate China now. And with good reason. The benefit of the doubt will not be given to China for decades. 


    Only very daft people trust them.

    • Haha 1
  8. 52 minutes ago, from the home of CC said:

    the Thais are a resourceful people, they'll adapt and move on from this nonsense that only benefits a few..


    All humans are resourceful. Thais are not special. 


    What should have happened is the Thai government should have been investing in preparing Thais for the next decade. Some countries have been doing this. 


    Also, they should have been improving their tourism industry. 


    Also, they should have been trying to profit from the geopolitical situation with the world divesting of China. Vietnam did this. 


    Thais will continue to be poor and at the mercy of richer foreigners who come to exploit their poverty. 


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  9. 3 hours ago, jacko45k said:

    Nope.... I don't see how..

    Has anything to do with this fraud perpetrated by a Thai male bank manager... just you having a go at some of the Pattaya Expats. Do you really know any? I know quite a lot and they seem pretty clued up, financially enough to live retired in Thailand, rather than some sad life on a pension back in the west.

    I see now. You don't understand what I wrote.


    I am talking about the fact that Farangs often date whores who have access to their accounts which is VERY relevant. If you can't understand or refuse to acknowledge that, I give up.


    2 hours ago, Fex Bluse said:

    Problems are many.


    These old farang blokes are often not too clued up.


    They marry and date and open joint account with hookers and other lowly Thai people (almost never decent Thai women). I know "she only work cashier"... sure


    Their Thai lady companions often constantly drip money from their accounts, constantly buying stuff or giving money to "cousin" or some other handyman, overpaying said "cousin" ... for some reason


    The blokes almost never audit their accounts


    Thailand in general is a very low trust society where nobody should be trusted implicitly, least of all people in positions of authority -- like bankers. Thais know this, but Westerners take for granted.




    This all equals a recipe for disaster.


    1 hour ago, jacko45k said:

    The ones you listed are not anything to do with this fraud really... and you make a lot  of generalizations.... but I got one too..... judging by that crowd I am surprised they have tens of millions of baht of free money to 'invest'


    I rather think all the points I mentioned are relevant. Of course they are indeed generalizations but, looking at the photo, VERY highly likely to be fairly accurate. Come on, we all know how it is here.


    Key points -


    Hooker girlfriends and wives constantly funnel money out of the accounts making them difficult to audit. For example, if a guy doesn't spend much or takes our money in lump sums to spend on things but has a lady who is constantly transacting (after which he generally does not check his account every time), that makes knowing at any one time how much money is in the account difficult. This is common sense.


    Westerners not generally being aware that in Thailand danger MORE OFTEN lurks in places it occurs LESS OFTEN in developed countries is also a huge risk. In most developed Western countries you'd hardly encounter a person in your entire life who will have had money stolen from them by inside people in a bank. It happens but far less frequently because of many things - more checks and balances, fewer destitute people, harsher penalties. This, too, is common sense.

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