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Fex Bluse

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Posts posted by Fex Bluse

  1. 3 hours ago, lovethai123 said:

    First look, i thought this cute looking tomboy has committed suicide, then i know he is probably a man, a real real somchai, and has some degree from some college and is working in some hospital, well good for him/her.


    Another things is, didnt the thais wish all the time the foreigners are taking over and they shudnt be here. I am no face reader but i felt this at many instances. now when foreigners r not coming, u cant manage ur country and ur people are dying.


    what is the use of all that money then? print some money, distribute, let the baht fall to a decent level. this will help tourism in 2022 or later

    It's an arrogant place. The country hates to admit how reliant it still on foreign tourism after many decades. 


    The Sino class, generally, is especially disenchanted with any perceived reliance on Westerners. Many would much rather replace every white face with one from Mainland China. Many still have family in China.. 


    This is not true for all, but in my experience, most I've talked to. 

    • Like 1
    • Haha 1
  2. Gents, regarding lockdowns, several of you are missing the point. The very reason the mortality rates are so low in many countries is because very sick people could get care because hospitals were not overrun. 


    Also, while mortality is low, there are studies revealing that some percentage of people who got the virus and recovered may have long-term risks (brain, lung, etc.).


    Lockdowns were indeed necessary until we had vaccines. We are finally there, but it will still take some time. 


    As for the situation in Thailand, shame the country has such incapable leaders. All of this was easily predicted. Thailand could have worked hard on a variety of backup plans to help displaced people in key industries like tourism. But, they didn't. And, now it's too late for many. 

    • Like 1
  3. 2 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

    Almost 10 Police Officers Involving in Labour Smuggling




    BANGKOK, Dec 19 (TNA) – Almost 10 police officers were allegedly involved in smuggling migrant workers across the Thai-Myanmar border and the investigation is underway, said National Police Chief, Pol Gen Suwat Jangyodsuk.


    He said the initial investigation on labour smuggling in Kanchanaburi’s Sangkhlaburi district found that state officials and almost ten police officers to be involved in aiding illegal labour smuggling or being negligent over it.


    Criminal prosecution and disciplinary action will be taken against the culprits and the investigation is also being conducted in Tak’s Mae Sot district, bordering Myanmar.


    Full Story: https://tna.mcot.net/english-news/line-today-english-news-620623



    -- © Copyright TNA 2021-01-19

    They meant almost 10 thousand, at least 

  4. 3 hours ago, recom273 said:


    I don’t think that’s true.

    There was a report from Peru of a volunteer suffering from paralysis after trialing the Chinese vaccine. Brazil also stopped trials of Chinese vaccine,  it resumed 2 days ago.

    I wouldn’t want to be in Laos at the moment



    Yes, what I wrote and meant is China will not be admitting or sharing any negative news about its vaccines. 

    • Like 1
  5. 1 hour ago, Natai Beach said:

    Yes Fex, that is correct.

    Looking increasingly like a wise decision after reading about all the problems with dozens of people dying after taking the dodgy Pfizer product that Trump rushed through.


    I have always been more than satisfied with the first rate medical care in Thailand and the beautiful nurses and their little high heeled  white sneakers

    Have a great morning ????

  6. 7 minutes ago, Liverpoolfan said:

    They really love talking about themselves like they are the master race.

    If they are so concerned with the safety of the vaccine, then why didn't Thailand make their own vaccine?

    In a Thai lab, using thai equipment, bottled by a thai company complete with a thai logo stamped onto it.

    I know why, because they CANT!!!

    @Natai Beach, didn't you say Thailand was making their own vaccine that you were planning to take? 

    • Haha 2
  7. On 1/7/2021 at 3:26 PM, CLW said:

    Who said something about conspiracy or cover up? Yes, there were no deaths or crowded hospitals in Thailand because most cases are asymptomatic. That's a fact and proven by the recent proactive testing of migrants. Still it doesn't means there have been no infections in the last six months or earlier. The virus has been circulating all the time in Thailand but there has been little to no testing. Because the government wants Thailand to appear Covid free which is a lie. If you can come up with testing numbers of Thailand please show me and also compare it with other countries.



    So many incredibly poorly educated Westerners here. It really is amazing. People who think Thailand has been covid free have no ability to think critically.


    Thailand? The #1 country for Chinese travellers and #1 for Chinese from Wuhan. And, the same country that was one of the last to close its travel to Chinese.  The same country that can't coordinate and execute any national initiatives. 


    Yes, Thailand is amongst the ONLY countries in the world that magically figured it out. 


    Sorry, there are lots of expats here who are no more clever than the bar girls they date and marry. 


    • Thanks 2
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