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Fex Bluse

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Posts posted by Fex Bluse

  1. 15 hours ago, spidermike007 said:

    Privatize the entire system. Competitive bidding to the most highly qualified educators worldwide. State pays a fee per student. Schools then are allowed to fail students and hold them back if they are not showing initiative, getting decent grades and doing the work. 


    It would allow a complete dismantling of the failed education ministry. They are incompetent, indifferent and actually seem to have a mandate to provide only poor quality and mediocrity.

    This does not sound 'sanuk' at all ????

  2. 1 hour ago, asiasurfer said:

    Whilst I agree that there is too much nonsense going on in Thai schools, I must also admit that they are more fun to learn in. I'm not sure if the stiff program, we rule in the West, is always the best. I have kids in school here and generally I think, it is more fun to learn here. This might depend on the school of course.


    For example, does the so called "PISA study" incorporates the actual happiness of students? I guess not. I may be biased here, but I can say that I used to hate school back home. My kids here love it.


    Common sense and critical thinking is a subject I have to teach my kids at home though... It's called raising children. 


    Have a nice morning everyone. 

    Yes, Thai schools are indeed fun. That's true even through university. It has been said that Thais goto school not so much to learn knowledge but rather to learn to be more Thai. In other words, Thai schools are primarily socialisation institutions.


    But, yes. Thais are fun loving people! It's simultaneously their most attractive characteristic and what holds back their national development. 


    Big progress does not come from taking life lightly. It comes from hard work and sacrifice and grit. Thais generally (not all) lack this type of internal drive. 


    I would never tell anyone what to do with their children. But, I would caution anyone raising children in Thailand to be extremely vigilant in balancing the Thai socialisation - that is required to be successful in Thailand with Thais - with socialisation that works outside Thailand. In other words, kids should be able to code switch and understand that many of the ridiculous aspects of Thai culture are not acceptable outside of Thailand. 

  3. 4 hours ago, Cake Monster said:

    Why does Anutin still have a Job.

    This procurement of a few Doses of a Vaccine is really pathetic.

    He should have negotiated for Millions of Doses months ago.

    The Money was borrowed from ADB to do this, so why has it not been done is the question the people have to ask.

    The first doses go to countries who invested... Thailand probably invested nothing... So they are far down the list of priority 

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  4. 2 hours ago, AmySeeker said:

    Looking at the UK rates - they are averaging some 50,000 covid cases a day !!!!!!!! ????


    Surely some form of herd immunity must have set in by now ?! 


    Beyond belief these numbers. By population per 100,000 they are doing worst than the USA. 

    But probably not worse than China who have been lying from the begining. 

    • Confused 1
  5. 36 minutes ago, Natai Beach said:



    The government trying to do the right thing to promote and restore confidence in the Thai seafood Industry. Not a bad thing. Good on them.


    Now I look forward to reading the 5 pages of negativity on this forum. 

    Meanwhile farangistan one leader is promoting bleach and UV light up the but, another is going around forcing handshakes in a covid ward, and five of them have ignored covid rules and contracted and spread it themselves. 

    You forgot to mention they have also created the vaccines you'll be taking, saving the world from your evil, no morality Sino leaders. You really have a hard on for the US. Were you rejected for a tourist visa or something? 

    • Thanks 1
  6. 15 hours ago, dinsdale said:

    How do you know there wasn't? Very low testing = very low cases. I'm astounded people still think the previous numbers of infected are true and was the actual total number of infected people in Thailand. It doesn't make sense. They are now saying around 11.5% are positive. The last number of tests in Thailand I remember seeing all those months ago was in the mid 200,000's so more than likely 20,000+ positive. As I've said in another post, covid outbreak in AN AREA of Sydney. 400,000 tests in the last 2 weeks.

    This makes sense: Zero tests, zero infections found. 

    Lots of very poorly educated Farangs here. Quite frankly not much more switched on than average Thais. Scary 

    • Haha 1
  7. On 12/28/2020 at 4:42 PM, webfact said:

    Thailand went to war against a global pandemic in 2020 – and almost won




    For Thailand, 2020 has been a year of fear and tears as the country wrestled with the worst pandemic in modern history. Just as hopes were rising with news that vaccines are on the way, the virus struck again this month to plunge us back into despair.


    Strict control measures have returned in the run-up to the New Year, dampening the festive mood as well as Thailand’s economy. Thais’ natural optimism and resilience are being put to the test once again as the fresh outbreak of coronavirus disease brings a record surge in cases. Until this month, the country had been praised for snuffing out local transmission of Covid-19, with only a few cases found among quarantining returnees each day as the death rate stalled at 60.


    But that impressive record was shattered last week when an outbreak in Samut Sakhon, 45 kilometres southwest of Bangkok, spawned more than 1,000cases of local transmission, mostly among migrant workers.


    Full story: https://www.thaipbsworld.com/thailand-went-to-war-against-a-global-pandemic-in-2020-and-almost-won/




    I see the Thais really are copying the China model of saturating the global media with nonsense propaganda. Good for them. Following their cultural roots. 

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