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Fex Bluse

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Posts posted by Fex Bluse

  1. Proof positive that many expat and other posters on the forum are really disillusioned.


    If you cannot see that the Thais repeatedly perform far below par across virtually any endeavour, I feel for you.


    Some of you really don't understand this country at all. But you represent a constant stream of gullible westerners who succomb to Thai propaganda.


    • Confused 1
  2. 2 hours ago, macleans said:

    And where did you think this disenchantment originate from? Let me give you some examples. At my previous workplace, there was this Welsh guy who acted arrogant, showing himself off and often speaking in such a tone that he was superior to Thais. He also often made fun of Thais in general. The guy was really disliked and was perceived as a self-entitled idiot by the local staff for obvious reasons. When I found Thaivisa I also found many posters on here who show similar attitudes to that guy.


    Moreover, the growing number of sexpats who have come to Thailand for bar girls and cheap booze have tainted the image of foreigners in Thailand. When the locals see men who spend all day getting drunk at bar stools, then afterwards walk around with bar girls and grope them and such on the streets, what do you think the locals perceive of these men?


    I recently watch a vlog on youtube. In the video, this aussie born asian youtuber was describing how sick he felt when he was on the flight from Melbourne to Bkk because there was an aussie man who was bragging loudly that he couldn't wait to bang Thai women when he got to Thailand. How do you think Thais in that flight would feel about it.


    The negative feelings and attitudes towards certain groups of foreigners accumulate over time, and they shape and reshape the image of western foreigners, especially the male group, which, unfortunately, may have led to stereotyping. Oh don't blame general Thais for the existence of pattaya, soi cowboy, etc. They are not the one that developed these places. But let's leave it at that as the topic is about a Thai man getting bashed in London.

    I'm not sure if you are new to Thailand or just have stayed long or maybe have not looked beneath the surface.


    As to arrogance, it's chicken vs egg. Who is reacting to whom? Was the expat reacting to his experience with Thais? Or were they reacting to theirs with him? I have seen plenty of examples of otherwise nice and polite expats who become so frustrated with Thais that they develop attitudes like what you've mentioned.


    As for the quality of foreigners coming here, again, I think you may have cause and effect reversed. The average quality might be low because that's what the Thais attract. Perhaps because their culture facilitates low quality interest. For example, any educated and honest Thai will tell you that Thais, in the main, often break laws and rules especially when they think nobody is watching them. So, why would they expect foreigners to obey their laws...? Why are there no such systemic issues in places like Japan and Taiwan and Korea and Singapore and Malaysia and Indonesia?


    As for the bogan on the flight, sure that is distasteful. But I'm not sure what that anecdote is meant to prove.


    • Like 2
  3. 6 hours ago, Enoon said:


    Quite so.



    Asymptomatic carriers (the majority of those infected at any time) disembarking from aeroplanes, continue to pass, unnoticed, without concern or further investigation.


    The absurd pantomime around the ship (a "soft", high-visibility target) was nothing but a propaganda placebo for gullible, reassurance-seeking Thais, which also worked for an unsurprisingly large number of equally gullible TVF members.


    The only way to stop it traveling anywhere it to stop all travelers from infected areas, not just those showing symptoms.


    But that would seriously affect the "MONEY go round", so instead we get THEATRE.


    Not to worry though, deaths continue to be targeted within a clear demographic, with a consequent very low overall death:infection ratio.


    You're not going to die from it, neither am I, neither is anyone we know.




    Agree. And I suspect the Thais didn't want to accept the ship because the attached international publicity would also expose them as being incompetent and unable to properly test, etc.


    But of course happy to let more competent Malaysians test and then get involved in publicity.



  4. 1 hour ago, macleans said:

    The amount of hatred towards Thais shown in this thread is shocking. I mean the man just got racially abused, robbed, and had his nose broken, and all I see is a bunch of expats, who live in Thailand for whatever reasons, expressing their happiness that this event happened to a Thai national living abroad.


    Some of you may have had bad experiences in Thailand, but they give you no reasons to be satisfied when an innocent man got hurt, just because he is Thai. Seriously, that's overt racism. I doubt any of you have been robbed and assaulted here because you happen to be foreigners.


    I have seen a few posters in other threads ask if and why the attitude of Thais towards expats have changed and been less welcoming over time. You lot on here are the cause of that change.


    What I don't understand is if you hate Thailand and Thai people so much, why do you stick around? Wouldn't it benefit both you and Thailand if you leave?

    It's only shocking if a person completely disregards the reason. You don't find this level of disenchantment in most other Asian countries. Thailand is special. Now ask yourself why.

    • Like 2
  5. 2 hours ago, teacherbrendan said:

    What utter tripe. Yes there are some strong regional accents in the UK but the UK has an excellent education system. The majority of Brits whether they are from foggy old London Town or rainy Newcastle will have impeccable English skills. Certainly much better than ‘hi sirrrr’ Filipino or some mongloid yank form of English.  

    What's a mongoloid yank? Is that basically like a Thai massage with the extra 500 baht bit?

    • Haha 1
  6. Just now, sanemax said:

    No everyone speaks English and some Welsh people also speak Welsh as well .

    Did you mean accents rather than dialects ?

    Maybe accents, yes, but where they are mutually unintelligible, we might as well consider them dialects.

    Either way, a massage girl whispering into my ear in "real English" is about the worst thing I can think of, save for her doing the same in German.

    • Haha 1
  7. Thais on average will never be proficient English speakers until they change the culture.


    There are generally 2 groups of Thais who speak English:

    1. Lowly educated Thais working in the tourist industry (including all the bargirl wives and similar)

    2. Educated Thais who travel abroad and who may work in a professional international setting.


    Group 1 is motivated to actually communicate with non-Thais even though they have much room to improve.


    Group 2 is not only not motivated but they are also typically arrogant and have learned English just as a show of class similar to their overseas travel. They often Thai-ify their English to the point that only other Thai English speakers can understand what they are trying to say. In other words, they have no ambitions to speak to Westerners or any non-Thais. English is simply fashionable to them.


  8. 12 hours ago, peter48 said:

    These figures are relatively low ...well done Thailand managing to control things  closeness to China and BKK as a massive population travel hub and large numbers of Tourists . Looks impressive. 

    Your last sentence is the key.


    We have already seen evidence of the Thai government putting tourism revenue before the health it its own citizens.


    So, who would trust such a government to publish accurate numbers (if they even have the), I don't know. 

  9. On 2/10/2020 at 10:09 AM, webfact said:

    How did shooter get weapons used in deadly Korat shooting?

    The question itself is silly.


    We all know, as do Thais, that there is little security or precaution taken for anything in Thailand.


    Whether it's unsafe roads, balconies, electric or leaving laying about patient medical information, Thai culture seems to prefer a loose system and lack of controls.

    • Like 1
  10. 4 hours ago, KhaoNiaw said:

    That's what there's a public hearing coming up for.

    The Thai banks lent £800 million but the site has only been valued at £20 million and costs £20 million a year for safety work.  

    Some interesting things in the article which many here will recognize - owners willing to sit on their empty property (especially with someone else footing maintenance costs), seeming to agree a price then deciding they want more, Thai ambassador 'completely disengaged' and not following up as promised. 


    Several common features of the famous Thainess

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