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Fex Bluse

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Posts posted by Fex Bluse

  1. 2 hours ago, Mulambana said:

    If somebody can come up with 15 minutes tests to check a corona virus positive person like blood glucose tests or pregnancy tests, he would be a billinoire. But it is out of leagure for posters in the forum. They can only show their expertise in this forum. 

    And you are so successful that you spend alot of time telling dumb, unsuccessful posters how dumb and unsuccessful they are... 

    • Haha 1
  2. 9 hours ago, crobe said:

    2) A new management team and board of directors with experience in aviation and turnarounds to be appointed, no political appointees, no air force appointees. Strict performance criteria on new team.

    Such people would invariably be foreigners. And, that simply is impossible 

    A farang laying off Thais in the airline would immediately be in grave danger. 

  3. On 5/7/2020 at 1:21 PM, billd766 said:

    Not really.


    Try reading the OP all the way through and then look for the same story in the other EL paper.


    She actually visited him quite often and this time he asked her for some help which is why she came there in the first place.

    Yes, that's what SHE says. 

  4. 3 hours ago, Logosone said:

    It's Bangkok going overboard. I was out at a Thai restaurant yesterday, sat at a table with four people, no social distancing rules, no masks required, just like old days. I will definitely boycott any restaurant where I can't eat like normal, sit like normal and behave like normal. They'll never see my custom again, plenty of places to choose from.


    Also afterwards went shopping, no mask and nobody said anything.


    Maybe people are more relaxed in the North. Looks like Bangkok is going overboard.

    I didn't get hit by a bus today. So, nobody will ever get hit by one and anyone taking precautions to avoid getting hit are worrying too much. Everyone should value their life exactly as I do mine. ????

  5. 10 hours ago, baansgr said:

    I don't think they really care..with a population of 1.3 billion on their doorstep, it's obvious where the easy long-term money can come from. Makes sense for Thailand to side with China. Let's face it, Western tourism has been static and even in decline for the past 5 years or so, yet China has increased ten fold.

    It's true. It makes sense for them to focus on China. Logistically and culturally. And maybe even economically. 


    They will have to accept though that almost no other nationalities will want to visit if Thailand develops a reputation as a "little China". 


    Then, they will have to deal with the Chinese and that's not always pleasant. 


    They will deserve how ever it ends up.


    I suggest all farang get in their HJs ASAP before Thailand converts into a Chinese tourists-only destination and the brown bar girls disappear onto the farms. 

  6. On 4/30/2020 at 12:29 PM, heina said:

    Refresh my memory, did not Mr. Prayuth offer CP Group owned True Move to postpone their 1 billion dollars 4G licence payments last year?

    Time to demand. Margin call then.

    Problem with anything like this in Thailand is that the thin veneer of rule of law quickly fades when big money is involved. 


    It's a bully culture. The only thing respected is power. Laws and ethics are largely secondary. 


    The PM would understand that being heavy handed with a behemoth like CP could end up very serious for him (maybe even violently). 


    Thailand is a mediaeval system dressed up to look modern. 


  7. 2 hours ago, faraday said:

    I'm sure that that is the case about the majority of Issan people. There is though, considerably more to a person deciding to engage in prostitution than money.


    I do however think, that because of your relative lack of experience in the real world, there are many things you don't understand.

    Spouting off - as you occasionally do, about some subjects, does rather come across as being tainted with a degree of naivety.


    This is not a personal attack, I'm not writing this to insult or be mean to you, but maybe, sometimes, you could take a step back, & appreciate the age/experience differences, & ignore the ones looking for an argument.

    He's obligated to argue and fight anyone saying anything bad about Thailand. It doesn't matter if it's true or not. And he's not allowed to say anything bad about Thailand. 


    Thailand Cultural Mandates 


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  8. 19 hours ago, Cake Monster said:

    Yes indeed ! This s a story that the Authorities in Thailand should be absolutely ashamed of.

    Hungry people do not care about Social Distancing, they worry bout feeding their Kids and the rest of their family members.

    So why are there no food trucks, or Army Soup Kitchens to care for these hungry people 

    Shame on you Thailand, shame on you. An utter disgraceful way to treat your fellow Country Folk

    Yeah, shame. Thais never spare an opportunity to gush in pride at their culture of taking care of each other when times are hard. Thai 'rak' Thai and all that. And they like to suggest that they are far better than western countries at caring for each other.


    Let's see if that's true 

  9. 1 hour ago, Dukeleto said:

    That’s what I’ve been thinking too but when I pondered more on the subject I think in the long run they won’t. They know what’s waiting for them back home with unions, workers rights, pensions etc and all the while they have their share holders to appease. I think profitability will outweigh in the end. The only scenario I can see with this happening is if companies who relocate manufacturing back to their home countries are guaranteed certain things with a guarantee that if there is another outbreak of a contagion that their government will immediately shut its door to the source being paramount! Regardless of what that wet brown paper bag the WHO says!

    Plenty of other countries to pick up the slack caused by leaving China. Not all industry needs to go back to the home country. 


    Some industry, however, like those that are strategically important, however should go back even if it means higher prices for everyone. 


    India, Vietnam, the whole continent of Africa, certain countries in South America, others. The interim decade could be difficult as the shift happens, but we need to start down the path of decoupling with China. 


    They are smart and hard working. But generally lack morality or ethics. And are culturally xenophobic and chauvinistic. 


    Finally the world is seeing them for the massive threat they are and needs to stop underestimating them.


    They are not our friends. 

  10. 8 hours ago, WaveHunter said:

    The fact that Thailand is studying it as a possible treatment for Covid-19 would be something to be proud of if it turned out to be work, since an herbal remedy could come into use far more quickly than a manufactured new drug could.


    I'm also proud of Thailand for having very active and productive clinical research ongoing with Remdesivir, a fact most people are not even aware of. 


    In fact, Thailand is often underrated when it comes medical research, as well as in regard to its' high ranking globally for public health and health care. 


    Yes. It's proven out by the hundreds of drugs originating from Thailand and sold all over the world... One of the better known world class Thai labs is Dr Somchai's Lab. 


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