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Fex Bluse

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Posts posted by Fex Bluse

  1. 18 minutes ago, Sujo said:

    Even if thailand opens up and lifts quarantine it must rely on other countries doing the same.


    No on is going on a holiday when upon return their home country quarantines them for 2 weeks.


    Thailand can do nothing, it is in the hands of other countries.

    And very few people will be looking to goto countries that are overrun with Chinese tour groups. 


    Thailand made its bed, treating Westerners very poorly recently. 


    Let's see if the government starts begging Westerners back, whoring themselves or if they have the pride to stick by their vision of a farang free Thailand. 

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  2. 5 hours ago, webfact said:

    First off, hotels need to change the narrative. The pathway to reopening Thailand’s Covid-19 stunted economic model is becoming clear, as the national curve of virus cases is statistically moving towards flatter terrain. Science matters.

    Unusually well-written article for this publication. But, very poorly thought out. I suppose authors must turn out content as it's their job. 


    Thailand's official numbers provide no comfort to anyone with a brain. They are almost certainly wildly inaccurate. 


    That said, a much better article would have said something like - 


    It would be wise for hotels and other tourist related businesses to prepare for a post-covid world (whenever that is which could be a year or longer away) by engaging with the government and UPGRADING their infrastructure. And, working with the government to make sure all tourist related business is prepared to assist tourists who might contract COVID in Thailand. Work with the government and Insurance sectors to make sure tourists can get get health assistance, etc. 


    I'm so tired of all the 3rd rate media we get in Thailand. It really is the pitts.

  3. 47 minutes ago, Matzzon said:

    I do not 100 % believe the numbers. That out of the reason they might be false as well as there has been mistakes made and people that forget. However, I do not look down on what is presented until there is proof for them to be false. If Thailands number would be false, as long as people on Thai Visa has been trying to point that out without proof. Why is there not same result as in Italy, France, Spain and USA? You just can´t manipulate that amount of dead people.

    So, you give every new situation the benefit of doubt. You will trust until a reason not to. For you, past experience does not matter. 


    So, if you were walking through the plains of Africa and came upon a pack of lions, you would not change direction. You'd walk directly by them without fear. After all, there is no proof those particular lions are aggressive and will rip you apart. 



  4. The Japanese need to be very careful with the Thais. If the Thais try to play both sides (US and China) and allow large numbers of China firms to open in Thailand so the China companies can escape US and other Western country sanctions, the Japanese companies might get caught in the middle as Thai products are heavily penalised. 


    The Thais already announced they would be open to such an arrangement with China. I kind of hope they are dumb enough to take the risk and have the entire economy collapse, as China's is going to. 

    • Like 1
  5. 4 hours ago, The Engineer said:

    The thing is that many Farang live here and are around the whole year. That is why statistics like these are not very useful. Because migrant workers are also mentioned, who actually take money out of the country, while the long-staying Farangs (by definition) bring in more money the whole year around. The shown statistics have absolutely no value with respect to economic figures. Believe me, I think Farang add 40% or may be even more of tourist income to Thailand. You can easily work out some scenarios. They also buy condo's, rent rooms, pay to Immigrations, maintenance fees, and many more. Chinese and Indian  tourists do not; they come with very cheap bustours, which include very cheap food, may buy a souvenir, but that;s it. Migrant workers sleep with 4-10 in a dormitory and spend no money.

    Unfortunately the real economic figures are not shown. it will further change in the coming years as well, when more and more Farangs change Thailand for more friendly and intelligent Cambodia and Vietnam. Who is willing to buy my condo ?????

    Agree. And don't forget the Chinese and Indians are not even getting regular handjobs. 

  6. 23 minutes ago, NanLaew said:

    Most of them already go home in the low season to help on the farm so yes, maybe they will do more of that.


    Anyway, lost tourism means only 9% to 17% of GDP that needs to be replaced. Pretty sure the already mature services sector can fill the gap and the younger more agile generation of workers will easily retrain and adapt.


    The notion that Thailand will become a total basket case after all the foreigners stop coming is quite funny. Did you come up with that one yourself?

    Good luck. When the Thai economy is in tatters, all the fanboys and girls will vanish from the forums overnight. I've seen it before. Until then, they continue to provide us entertainment. 

    • Confused 1
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  7. 1 minute ago, richard_smith237 said:

    Because tourism in no other country has been impacted, right??? just Thailands. 


    Thailand does not treat tourists poorly. Genuine tourists to Thailand get favourable treatment, easy visas or visa exemption arrivals.


    The strong baht had an impact, but the only foreigners who have suffered through this ‘poor’ treatment you speak of are long-termer who want to remain on tourist Visas etc... they are not tourists and don’t have a significant impact on the 9-15% contribution towards Thailand GDP by the tourism industry. 


    As with many countries, reliant on tourism - the industry ebbs and flows as different markets are attracted to one area then move on. Thailand has had is hay-day with cheap tourists, now that the Baht is so strong it may have to concentrate on tourists who can afford to spend more, this means better quality places, not the cheap drop outs who somehow think they are a major contributor to the Thai economy. 


    Tourism and Thailand will bounce back. 

    Good luck 

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