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Fex Bluse

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Posts posted by Fex Bluse

  1. Look, we all know that people in this part of world generally lack high food hygiene standards. Thais are clean people in terms of their personal hygiene but food standards are very low. 


    Other than the Japanese and Koreans to a lesser degree, food culture in Asia is filthy. 


    It is particularly bad in countries heavily influenced by Chinese culture. 


    There is a saying in Asia that 


    "In China, they eat everything on four legs except the table." 


    "They eat everything that flies except the airplane." 

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  2. On 3/18/2020 at 12:17 PM, NCC1701A said:

    but but but the experts on this forum said this would not happen in Thailand.


    i was specificity assured this would not happen. 


    something about it being too hot. 



    Lots of very poorly educated and gullible old farangs around. The kind who believe deep in their hearts that the 20 year old Thai bar girl really does find them handsome. 


    I am looking forward to this opportunity to see them cheerleading for their adopted country as everything falls apart. 


    Let's see how loyal they are when Thai incompetence finally threatens them directly. 


    Can't wait 

  3. 1 hour ago, ParkerN said:


    Wanting to believe, for whatever reason, is a large factor in gullibility. FWIW. Mine is a non-qualified opinion, I'm not even an ex-nurse from 30-odd years ago so hardly an expert, but I view any stats produced by the corrupt government in Thailand as extremely dubious. For this reason, I think it's likely that the Thai people have been lied to fairly consistently, and that the situation vis-a-vis Covid-19 is rather worse than is generally accepted from numbers provided by the government, which, after all, has it's own agenda and a rather large credibility gap.

    Agree fully.


    Some people here probably want to believe because they hope the best for the Thai people and others here.


    And, whilst it would be admirable, it's ultimately counter productive for the country if millions of people continue to play dumb (or be dumb) and believe what we are told by unfailingly corrupt people.


  4. 11 hours ago, Dumbastheycome said:

    Interesting response ! Maybe it is  brave to abandon official identity of one nationality in favor of that which you choose to identify with now but it is unlikely that general Thai society  will  see you as any other than a  farang. I have extended family that despite being born and bred in Thailand  with mixed ethnic parents and who present as  blonde caucasion are viewed by the wider  community as curious foreign.

    His own sister wrote an article in the BKP describing her troubles getting citizenship and the specific difficulty she has because she is not ethnically Chinese or Thai.


    Any white person who thinks Thais will broadly accept them as Thai obviously really doesn't understand Thai (and especially ethnic Chinese) society.


    Anyway, he seems like a nice guy so I hope he never is made to face such a reality that he will ALWAYS be an outsider. Thais will laugh and be entertained by him but they will always see his skin color.

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  5. I have noticed that the site is running video ads even when I'm not actively on the page.


    Android device


    Even when my phone is locked.


    Extremely annoying and the only site I visit that does this. This was an issue in the past as well.


    The ads are bad enough but now uncontrollable video ads.

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