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Everything posted by Dcheech

  1. British Columbia Photos, facebook group. Member just posted a short video clip he took yesterday of the "Mighty Fraser River" at St George. Unfricking real. Last year was bad, you wonder if the province will burn down this year. However, nothing to worry about ... it is all natural ... like the Black Plague, or the boxing day tsunami TBL. Pop another tinnie, click FOX up on the flat screen. It's all good.
  2. YES you will get a better rate & less fees, if you bring cash back and exchange at Superich or SK, than you would by Wise or bank transfers. Next trip I will be bring back 10K (or is it 15?), just in case there is anything to this 'tax thing-y'.
  3. Pretty sure the Thai government knows exactly who is responsible and that is why they confuse the issue with as much gibberish as they can. The media helps, like this confusing gibberish filled article above. Sure their are evil Finnish berry farmers & Swedish blah blah blah. But the first skinning is the money these poor people must give the Thai recruiter, to get a job. A job that may or may not exist. Many of the poor, likely get in hock with loan sharks and worse. That is where it starts and that is what needs to be stopped and that is why Thailand seems unable to do anything about it. These Thais who take advantage of their fellow Thais seem to have an immunity, never prosecuted, rarely mentioned.
  4. Transferred a chunk yesterday and got these questions with three or four answers that you clicked - that Wise supplied. Where is this money coming from? What is your estimated anount you send over in a year? - | What is it for? Could be a question or two I forgot. They stated they were required by law to do this. First time I have ever seen this.
  5. Look in the mirror ... That said there are a lot of old sprogs who defend Thailand by reflex action, because they do not know what else to do. Sad actually. I live here but I know it is not a paradise, far from it.
  6. Lots of Thai are non judgmental. Lots of Thai are judgemental. They live in the moment and if the moments news is … things change. I watch people become unfriendly; morning market 2 or 3 times a week, Same for evenings, I can see it. This sounds far too pollyannish. I know of people who never had an issue here but lost wealth, health & in cases, their life. I accept the fact that it is risky living here, riskier than other countries. However if the government ratchets it up, yes I am seriously concerned.
  7. I like how you first response is, defend Thailand Defend your sandbox. Looks like you are well bonded to the Thai cultural norms ... if you can't deny it or blame someone for it, you can always come in with the what aboutery defense. Carry on old sprog.
  8. What Jongwat is Ohio in? Is that near Kalasin?
  9. Interesting they decided to trumpet this fact anyway ... Chinese tourists numbers have been a disappointment, both years post Wuhan flu. None more so this last Lunar New Year. Yes many came but nowhere near the numbers they had hoped for. Perhaps the good people of Thailand can rest easier even if the Celestial Tourist spigot is only at partial flow, they are still preferable to those unholy westerners. As the people now know after this, farang be evil, month. All is well in the Kingdom.
  10. Like all places, it might be going up a bit. However more likely they are just reporting more, as in, it was always there you are just getting more of a glimpse of it.
  11. They do not look Maori, definitely not "originally from NZ".
  12. "brutal assault" Here we go again, just as it was slowing down a bit. Imagine those two will spend some time in the hoosegow, not that I care what they do to them. The Thai media is going to run with this for another week at least. Starting with the swiss kicker this has been a solid month of the evil that farang do. You bet the Chinese diplomatic crew are laughing their hind ends off at this turn of events.
  13. You got to love how the Thai press goes full metal when a farang is caught doing this. It is almost like they can blame decades of fake Rolex's on those keenok farang. They definitely try.
  14. Sounds too convenient an explanation, made by people who do not like both the MFP & PT. You wonder if someone very high up, said time to bring the T man back. That cannot be argued with or tal;ked about. What can be done is try & undermine his popularity among the Thai population. Been doing that for 25 years now. Yawn.
  15. Imagine Charly & Andrew Brett are both dreaming of a prison cell in Blighty. Good luck on that.
  16. 2019 to 22 ?! 😐 I bought my Bangkok Rolexs decades earlier. I must have got the cheaper fakes! Scammed again.
  17. Tripe? Did you bother to read the Time article, or just read Thaiger's headlines & maybe their story?! Not a fan of TIME but four fifths of the their article is about the problems facing the PM & Thailand after two decades of internecine conflict, losing its lead in SEA, failed guidance by a non elected government, and the resulting economic & social stagnation. Pretty much spot on. Which is why Thaiger does not mention any of that. Thaiger's job is to keep the facade & window dressing looking good. They count on the fact you will read their spin, but are too lazy to read the original article.
  18. So it is like Trip advisor, we use it but know that we really cannot trust it. Meh.
  19. I use my Laptop when making transactions. After logging in with name & password. When I am about to complete a transaction, they then ask for my password a second time before I can complete & send money. This has been the MO for 10 months or so now. Likely it came about the same time I had to reconfirm my identity with a new (same) picture. Garf!
  20. One pill?! Obviously a dealer. 😃
  21. After pumping Swiss Farang Xeno for weeks, they now want Euros, as the Yuan, Ruble, & Rupee is not enough in 24. Hope that works out for you.
  22. The ones not having the Double Whopper from Burger King?
  23. Yep, but Indonesian Airlines are like that. They used to be collectively known as ... 'The Flying Circus'. That said they have improved safety standards. Yes it is true. I use AAsia BKK BALI as my hot season Thai escape & then fly local on from there to the eastern isles. They do seem to hit the tarmac pretty hard when coming into Ambon or Manado though. Ouch. Ramadan this year (& last) so it is Thai islands Thai Airways used to be good. That said, the complaints made by many here about Thai staff & pilots having attitude problems, that might be the best term to use, is true. That is why I stopped flying them. Some of their staff work their tails off, others could not be bothered & you have no clue what if anything they do. Why fly them if you can fly JAL, EVA, Qatar, etc. It is my money, I do not pay for 'attitude issues' from Hi So types who think it beneath them to serve customers.
  24. That does not mean they cannot screw things up even more if they work at it and it seems they are working at it. That 60K fine for possesion, you can bet the local plod will go full in on that. Have it available, yet illegal for most like ... wait for it .... tourists. Being the kind hearted souls they are, they may accept a bit less to let the 'crim' walk. WooHoo! Happy Days Are Here Again.
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