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Everything posted by Dcheech

  1. They are sold in thailand, by thai people, to thai people. You almost do not get that fact in the news article above. The Thai people who do these scams seem to have protection. I wonder why that is?!
  2. That is because it is a Thai Buddhist tradition (ปล่อยนก) to release them and make merit. Same with fish & whatnot. See it all over Thailand. ---------------------------------------- The bird junk at Thaipai gate has nothing to do with making merit. Chinese tourists want pictures of pigeons swirling around, flying, with them in it, at Thapae square. There was a scene in that movie (L. in CM) like this. Now it is a bleeding tourist activity - feed the birds and get pictures of them with you in it. It is also why they have gotten away with it for so long, 'Chinese tourists think it a part of their CM tourist trip'. So the plod let them. Finally it is getting to be such a pain in the hind in, they are actually, reluctantly, doing something about it. BTW, no mention is made of the specific tourist group funding & fueling this activity, because, well, they are SPECIAL.
  3. On my new feed this morming: Thailand changes Olympic uniform. After a couple days defending it, they caved fast.
  4. No clue what you are yabbering about. If you are trying to talk about a person, then say who it is and provide specific details. This is all a bunch vague mush.
  5. 🥱 No such thing. A MAGA invention, and by extension a Russ/china fantasy spiel. Neocons were big with Bush & WMD fiasco. Now just another discredited right wing republican fringe group, no one wants to admit being part of after their remaking the Middle East by taking out Saddam went mammaries up.
  6. Sounds like what I have right now. Not Wuhan, tested. A number of people have it in my condo.
  7. Thai mail has NOT been good for some time, and can be a real problem. BTW I blamed this on my own home country (US) mail service until people from other countries, complained of the same problem. A bummer as the Thai post used to be really good.
  8. I doubt that, doubt that there has been any deaths. No one in CM has heard of any 'rumours' of this. Vang Vieng was doing tubing for years, no, a decade plus, with no controls whatsoever. This is both recent & infrequent stuff for Pai. Of course organized by Thai companies and locals to make money. Booze them up, drug them up & toss em in a river. Frankly it seems pretty orderly compared to the old VV tube experience. However now it is also a chance to be outraged. Righteous outrage and Thailand. Who knew righteous outrage was such a critical feature of Thai Culture?!
  9. When you can't even make cheap elephant pants to sell inside of Thailand. You got problems.
  10. Yep, they did. The Downtown Inn was owned by a former CM mayor. As usual per Thailand, they spend far more time confusing the issue, obscuring the facts, than reveal any thing of substance. It has been said, the real cause was the same as the Phi Phi islands deaths of the American and Norwegian women, followed by the deaths of the Quebec sisters. These two incidents, happend at roughly the same time period as the CM hotel incidents. As for many things in Thailand, no real answers, It's just another of life's little mysteries.
  11. Gormy McMullan was/is a loyalist Protestant, a member of the loyalist terror group; The Ulster Volunteer Force . One of the groups the British Army and Northern Ireland PLOD treated with kid gloves, if not actually using as thier defacto allies during The Troubles. As he was killing Catholics at Loughinisland, he was never charged. Surprise Surprise Surprise Do the tabloids you read, not mention these facts?
  12. Meanwhile daddy bought an AR 15 ... a gun designed to hunt humans. uh huh yep. More responsible gun owners in action.
  13. Boeing plane bombing, March 3, 2001, real or just a warning to the T Man, one person died because of it.
  14. Prince Vlad has Donnies back. I'm feeling the love.
  15. John Wilkes Booth was a leftist?? 😐
  16. You got that info already? Wow .... any links on that? Or just BSing and what fun.
  17. That rice was sold in the US, in the 1990's. First at Asian marts like Viet Wah or Uwajimaya. By mid to late 90's the suburban yuppie marts had it. Perhaps repeated 'misunderstandings' with high grade Thai rice bags (Thai Hom Mali Rice) filled with a lower grade of rice, reported a couple times on old Thaivisa, has taken a toll. Otherwise no need to introduce, just make sure the buyers get the product they paid for.
  18. I wonder how many came through Thai Immigrations on the passports of the 14 other countries sold to crims by the Russian mob.
  19. The New York Post article. A Murdoch publication with even lower standards than FOX Media, if that is possible. Explains why there is little other news about these "allegations" & for that matter why it gets posted up here.
  20. Trapped in a Bangkok ASQ Hotel, Coffee was my only hope.
  21. Did you hear that on FOX "News" or was it a Tabloid? As reliable accounts do not mention that at all. Still if you want to spout BS, this is the time to have at it. Right wing ratchet heads are obsessed by Baldwin. Guy's best movie was twenty five years ago - woops - thirty five years ago; Miami Blues, but I have heard, the skits he did on SNL caused outrage & gnashing of teeth on the right. Crazy? Yeah. However it does give right wingers something to scream about as pedophile pizza parlors fade into the right wing group howl sunset.
  22. I haven't. It reminds me of Manila, forty years ago; pure 3rd world. Knocked a chain off my old bike 6 months back because of a hole & metal plate. Locked up the back tire and skidded to a stop. All in all, lucky I wasn't run over by the car behind me.
  23. Thailand used to let you buy at the duty free on arrival. My booze was over 40 % cheaper at King Power. Even better, you could then show a domestic ticket & have it wrapped, tagged and carry it on your next flight, to your final Thai destination. Even if you were heading over to Don Muang for a flight. They cut the wrapping & tagging for your next flight last year They want you to buy booze in Thailand at Thai shops, not at the arrival duty free. Always the money. Always.
  24. Same. Money from a Mutual Fund deposited to US bank and once they said funds were available, I tried to transfer. However Wise said (warned) funds would not get to my Thai branch for FIVE DAYS. Never had that message before. Tried again in a couple hours and went through immediately.
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