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Everything posted by Dcheech

  1. She likes both, but I'm the one putting out the Baht. Will be using too, so looking at what might be, could be, better. They are close enough that price is not an issue. . I have a 17 year old Wave, 130KM,+ that refuses to die. I love it but, it is time push it off a balconey, uh er, get rid of it. Yes a Wave or a Click is more economical, more bang for the buck but not really looking for that at this point. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- Given both of our ages, this might be the last bike we buy. I have a bigger bike btw. Then again we use the Honda City for touring these days. This trend will likely continue & expand as we age. Looking at the Filano & Giorno, as a morning market, morning gym & swim, around town, put put. Not going to be putting major KM's on it. However want to look stylish doing it. Want something that goes with our mirrored shades. Even old **ckers need to be cool, or at least think that we are. Thanks for all your input.
  2. Looking at a small scooter for city & market, around town, with occasional trips, say 30 KM out of town. Want enough speed to use ring highways without getting run down. Ease of use for girlfriend is paramount. I realize a Honda Wave, Dream or Click, would be cheaper, more efficient & more power. Want something more stylish that SHE will like, but I will be happy with. Any comments, pics or pans, appreciated. Thanks
  3. It’s always something. I flew Air Asia, BKK – Bali RT last hot season. I use either of those two airlines for CM to BKK & back. The only thing that I make sure of is to buy extra baggage if coming back from my home country (not Indo) always BUY IN ADVANCE, never at check in. Thai Lion also flies via D. Muang, well so does Air Asia but that got switched up during the recent virus thingy, that was going around. As for dropping flights and getting refunds. I haven’t had that problem, with them or other airlines. Lucky, I guess.
  4. I fly Lion Air & Air Asia n Thailand. I would not hesitate to fly if comvenient for my schedule. I first used them traveling touristing Indonesia years ago. Budget airline, same as Air Asia in my experience.
  5. The nature of the atrocities committed. The acceptance of those by Gaza civilians. Gang raping until dead, or killing by steel, blood raping and desecrating the victim afterwards, parading raped beaten and half alive victims though town to a cheering populace. I assumed the women on the truck was dead some now say she was alive. The butchery by steel of the children, the hacking apart of Thai workers with farm implements while chanting Allah Akbar. Oh and cell phoning the parents to tell them they had killed ten Israelis, 'Allah be praised' and the family cheers. The rocket that hit the hospital, blamed on Israel, now assumed to be Hamas. President Biden was in region trying to broker a peace deal. Hospital hit, Muslim leaders refused to meet with him. That now sounds like NO accident. 471 dead?! Hamas would think nothing about killing their own, if it furthers their designs. At a certain point, I really do not give an excrement any more AND it is always us westerners who are supposed to care, be sympathetic empathetic, broker the peace, pay the bills, accept the refugees etc. Proportionality be da--ed. If Israel bombs them from now until Khoa Pansa, I do not give a rats and you will find more people who have no dog in this fight are feeling the same way I am. BTW NFL playoffs are shaping up to be pretty good this year. Cheers
  6. It's what I needed this morning! Bless her.
  7. Great deflection by the Thai government! The Israelis Ambassador tried to remind Thailand about the Thai hostages, and of course the almost 40 Thai workers butchered by Hamas many in savage and horrific manner. That as of Monday. It needs to be countered, deflected & suppressed. Should not be too hard for Thailand to redirect & reframe any sympathy for these Thais by the local media. After all these are poor agricultural workers of low status, many are even kone Isaan, for goodness sake. No need to go to bat for them or publicize what they suffered. More to the point, Thailand keeps in lockstep with Celestial Leader Xi, and his vision of the world. Just like they have on the Ukraine conflict. As a good ally, Thailand takes its orders and delivers.
  8. What does this portend? Another post by Gamma, is what it portends. If you have lived in Thailand as long as claim, you would have seen a number of these. In fact it is nothing out of the ordinary and btw, I am a firm believer in global warming. Now dawn is about to break, how about a cup of coffee & relaxing?! Move away from the keyboard GG, move away. Thanks
  9. Man walks into a bar. Stepdad tells this story. Got out of Uni and immediately drafted. Not good, well not bad, as right before Vietnam, missed it by a hair. Based in California, but an outbreak of what today we call “norovirus” eventually forced the army to close & clean rebuild it. Yep. So what to do with 50K soldiers? They were split up and sent to other bases all around the US. He found himself in Texas, boring, but there was a local bar with good music. House band was more than good. Strange too, as the two guys fronting the band, my god they were ugly. Sickly looking too. It was only on their 2nd or 3rd visit, when they saw them with the lights on, realized they were albinos. Yep, Johnny and Edgar Winter. One of their first paying gigs.
  10. I have never liked Bibi. Especially since how he behaved with Obama (and Biden) back 08-16. Nor do I like Israels gradual takeover of the west bank. That said I find I really am less than interested about what happens to the Palestinians. That is in direct response to what they did when they began this attack, what they did to Thai workers. If that is the way you want to fight guess what; Israel can bomb the crap out of Hamas & Palestinian civilians for another six months I will be concerned only because it interrupts my football and basketball viewing. Som Nom Na. Please do cry some tears for Palestinians for me, as busy watching the cowboys get pounded.this morning
  11. Try looking these guys up on your facebook. 'Chiang Mai Kayaking Meetup' https://www.facebook.com/groups/1903557923206187/ Hope that works They have activities going all the time, and a place to get local knowledge of kayaking areas.
  12. The hacking apart of Thai workers with farm implements as Hamas boys held them, chanting Allah Akbar, indicates Hamas does not care too much about Thai workers also
  13. First I do not think there will be a serious TAX. They have yet to really say anything. Yes that law firm paper that is on a couple threads is nice, but the tax office is going to have to re design their tax form if they really mean it. When that happens game on. Note - I already moved my 2014 cash over pre Jan 1. So I already have a year covered, just in case. The easiest route for me is bring 15K (or 20 K?!) USD into Thailand. You can bring 15K USD (or20) into Thailand without declaring it. I usually make a trip back to home country once a year. As I also get a small government pension, which is protected & tax free, that would cover me right there. The real issue for me, is if and when I buy a house, and yes I think I will be doing this in the next couple years
  14. I did a phone interview with the Manila office. Not a big deal ... HOWEVER They deliberately dropped a scheduled phone interview. Let me state that again They deliberatrly missed a phone interview. -------- They had called me ten days prior to set it up, verify the number and then on the day, never called. I waited too long and when I called back the Manila office was closed. I was the last interview that day or something. If they do not call you give them 15 or 20 minutes and then you start calling them! Get on their Backsides! When I did get back in in touch to reschedule I was told they had a wrong phone number, so sorry (they had the right one ten days before when they called me to schedule uhmm) If I am pissy about it. That is because when you rescheduled, you have another three week wait until the next phone interview and what fun. That after the months of waiting after filing etc. The Manila office. Right. Don't take any guff from the swine. ..
  15. I imagine Starbucks Brit office is every bit about keeping the profit margin intact as Thai Bev is, in these days of worldwide inflation.
  16. Still Banging on Starbucks?! Like Starbucks or Howard Schultz has any idea of pricing in the Thai market? Luckily for them a Thai company does. Thai Bev, their local partner & famous for their connections in high places, here in LOS. They would be the ones changing the price, Seattle office would just rubber stamp. As for friends in high and not so high places. That is the very reason this article mentions Starbucks and not Thai Bev. Privilege does has its perks. OTOH Howard Schultz is realistic about his Thai partners. He knows that there will be discrepancies because of “breakage” Something Carlsberg could not get their heads around.
  17. A lot of nice pussy in the churches up here, btw. Yes I'm serious. I know this is Pattaya subsite. However there used to be a guy who would street preach at Nana plaza back in the aughts. Letting it loose, shaking a bible in one hand. Made me feel a degraded, sinful, filthy swine & what fun that was! You do not get that today. Does anyone know if he still around, who he was, or is this just another lost memory? Thanks
  18. Thai Bev is a resident company and likely does little for the 'everyday native'. That said how about a smile when you pony up to that trough and suck down a latte ... Chang .... Mekhong ... Archa. Remember you are in the Land Of Smiles.
  19. At least TAT was able to identify long haul travelers as their target market from North America. Wonder how many decades it took to figure that out? In addition to flying time & short vacations for most, you have serious jet lag on arrival, followed by brutal jet lag on return. Only long haul travelers will put up with it.
  20. Just pulled what my online notification reply from IO - All was broght, all directions followed. I can understand finding somethng/anything to carp about is deeply important in your life. ..BTW - No mention of the printed hard copy of the appointment in list. Here is hoping you find something to carp about this New Years. Happy Holidays
  21. & thanks for the insight. However if you read the post, how would I have known? Telepathy? I was not told to go to the tent first and I went through the covid gate. It seems they could not be bothered to tell me where to go. You should get on this. I expect better next year. Happy Holidays
  22. Same Same but different I was NOT told to go to the tent que on my arrival at that old covid gate shack out front. After waiting in the front counter que for over 10 minutes, I was ten minutes early as instructed. I was told they could process it but I would have to return the next day to get it. I had given them my name, docs etc. assuming I was on a list of some sort. Obviously not! I showed them my appointment which I had on my phone. Rather flustered they then told me to go around to the back copy & TM30 shack, to have my appointment time printed out, YES they needed a hard copy of my bleeding appointment time (!) then have the tent people check them. Yet another que. On my return from the back shack, the tent people looked at all docs, the docs that the center que lady had already checked & vetted. GARF. Yet another 2 & a half hour plus non o extemsion with an APPOINTMENT. At least it is not the dawn patrol of fives years back, but no praise at all for their appointment system which has yet to deliver what it promises.
  23. You should say why it is a cesspool due to the liberal nutjobs that control the city. Chicago is one of the three main Thai embassies outside of the US capitol, so it would make sense for TAT to locate there. BTW back in the lockdown days it was much easier to get your documentation via the Chicago embassy than LA, NY (or the Washington DC), embassies, no matter where in the US you were living. Thanks Chicago. You are ingesting too much 'Faux News opinions about the news' into the brainpan. Always a danger. St Louis, Baltimore, Memphis, and the entire state of Louisiana are more a cesspit than Chicago, but as they are RED or nominally red, as such FOX doesn’t belch much in their direction.. Happy Holidays
  24. Somjai stationary, Next to Asia books, has a lot of art & craft supplies beside stationary. Maya 3 floor
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