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Everything posted by Dcheech

  1. Outraged netizens keep 'farang be evil, month going for another month. Why stop a good thing?! Impressive work netizens.
  2. Barbados Cooler A lot a different recipes. Best to experiment until you get it right for your taste. 2 or more shots -Barbados Rhum 1 or 2 tablespoons -Vanilla syrup 1 or 2 tablespoons -Lime juice Add ice, soda, or sparkling water in a tall glass. Enjoy Pretty sure this is based on old grog recipes .. vanilla & lime juice work well in a drink. Can't go wrong with dark and stormys, but it's more a rainy season drink. 😉
  3. Farang be Evil month rocks into the second month with no end in sight. A bar bill ... farce
  4. Late aughts Kao Tao got a bad reputation for the motorcycle scam. Same as the jet ski scam. Never went there for that reason. It amazes me there was a good deal of awareness back then, yet today the current crop of backpackers are unaware of its much more sinister reputation. Don't know the details, but the Isla de Muerta, has claimed another victim. London kid, as usual the news & facts have been stuffed by the island and media. Granted the national media has its hands full with 'farang be evil' month on Phuket so how can they be expected to deviate from the script?
  5. And the beat goes on. 80 per cent of these cases could have been handled without pumping the media, ... However that is not the point. With the economy tanking, and Chinese tourism post Wuhan flu, a fail, no better way to distract the populace than pump up some healthy, populist, xenophobia. Likely take a couple months to work it out of the collective system. Just be careful out there in case the neighbors throw rocks. And remember, it will all be better once they throw those bad guys out .. cause your a good guy.
  6. When faced with uncomfortable facts you deflect, and likely lie. I can't say I didn't expect this. Meanwhile The dawn comes up like thunder, behind the squid boats cross the bay. Time for my morning swim. Happy trolling 2baht, may you find a Buffalo or two who believes your bilge. Cheers
  7. What multi billion deal? "reports suggest" ? What? No clue about what if anything Microsoft & Thailand might do. It is a Thaiger article but this really sets a new standard in reporting nothing.
  8. You know sympathy is in short supply these days. Just saying I thought going to the Thai beaches would be a good change a pace this hot season. Unfortunately "farang be evil" month happend. Should have just went to Indo islands or back home this year as I usually do. Won't make the same mistake bext year .
  9. Paranoia it strikes deep Into your heart it's gonna creep! Chill Freddy! While Freddy might be a little worked up, likely he is out in the real world and not behind a monitor & keyboard all day, not that you are ... right?! BTW lots of steely looks on this trip and the comments, not loud but they are there. The downside of actually making the effort to speak Thai. You understand what is being said. Hopefully the government has paved the way for whatever controls they want to implement now and will cool off the 'farang be evil' media show ... but maybe not. You never know. On AN likely a lot of the -expletive deleteds-will now claim it will be for the best; bad out good in. Sounds like water on the brain to me but it is what it is. You can't expect much from the mentally challenged or Bots. Cheers
  10. Don't these Buffalo heads in Phuket know after last month, anything not legal, or claimed to be, is going to get nationwide full metal, publicity?!
  11. Ban Krut, maybe Chumphon. Ao Manao has been nice. I'll leave Scunthorpe till next April fools
  12. Going to be a lucrative money stream for the boys in brown if it goes through. Plus no wear mask. The daily double bust. Get out that ATM card, or scan options. Ka Ching 😀
  13. And here it comes. After farang be bad xeno month, they double down. This has nothing to do with health reasons. Glad I haven't bought the house yet. Back to the plan B & C options.
  14. Snow covered rocky crags, across the water, as the Brindisi Corfu ferry traced the isles east coast prior to arrival. Really beautiful. Early April, and cold in Greece that spring. May till mid October. That leaves six and a half months of b-tt cheek numbing weather. REI, LL BEAN, PATAGONIA have good cold weather gear and online ordering (F--- Amazon) BTW Merino wool long underwear is great, make it your friend. Cheers
  15. Understand the Thai governments position completely. With 38 Thais killed by Hamas, some with extreme brutality the killers praised allah, as they hacked the Thais apart with farm implements. This might not go over well with the poorer 80 per cent of the Thai population. Keeping a lid on this has been difficult. Yet they are on it. This fact needs to be erased from popular conscious. Tourists from Muslim countries must come first. So to, marching orders from Celestial leader Xi must be followed. A difficult path but one Thailand is following to the best of thier ability. Mo matter what western cynics say ... Money must come first.
  16. Old computer term for cut, actually copying text, then paste it in a new document. I do that with good info then save the doc in a folder. In this case my Thai travel folder. I did print out a hard copy before we left Not that it helped, somewhere after Suphanburi, Miss T wanted to visit a couple temples. There we were out in Ban Nock Thailand on bad rural roads dodging trucks carrying rice havesters. Just another road trip! GARF.
  17. When the Gubermunt gives its tacit approval, you can expect the Thais to pile on. BTW on the trip down, thai guy pulled over on side a HWY urinating about 400 meters from PTS station & bathrooms -- Classless but as a Thai, nothing to get hissy about.
  18. Raises eyebrows?! Thailand has aided the Myanmar military government's since 1988/9 when current ongoing unrest broke out. Thirty five years of money numba one. No one raises eyebrows about this disgusting fact anymore, if they ever did.
  19. TIT With proper maintenance the project might have worked. However that is the last thing you can expect here. They couldn't even keep the free gifted tsunami detection buoy in operation, after 04 because no one would change the batteries.
  20. Extremely sad show by our resident CSI-ASI unit.🙄 BTW a couple months back a pickup truck did the same. The road that had been worked on, then paved over, caved in. You wonder when someone is going to get seriously injured, or killed during this lengthy digging project. TIT
  21. Nice C&P and printed a hard copy, heading south this week. We break the trip. Seem to end up in Singburi, Chaisaeng Palace. Nothing to shout about but it works. They do have a nice breakfast and on the road early. This old guy comes out at dusk.
  22. British Columbia Photos, facebook group. Member just posted a short video clip he took yesterday of the "Mighty Fraser River" at St George. Unfricking real. Last year was bad, you wonder if the province will burn down this year. However, nothing to worry about ... it is all natural ... like the Black Plague, or the boxing day tsunami TBL. Pop another tinnie, click FOX up on the flat screen. It's all good.
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