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Everything posted by Dcheech

  1. Aspirations are fine but they should be personal ones, created by choice, initiative and drive. Not dependent on the money of others, or government handouts. While this may cause pain. It is better to cut them loose from the bondage of SSecurity, than hold their hand. WE of the New MAGA generation are striving to eliminate the WOKE, socialist, hand out culture that permeates society and is a sickness upon the land. As such we must start early. . libertarian bible lessons will be a excellent starting point.
  2. That is Putin's Dream & NATO is next. He has his man in the White House. It's a train wreck happening. MAGA heads somehow believe this will benefit the US & them. Well they've been told this by FOX, and lets face it, most of these people want to be angry at something. After the internal enemy of WOKEness, whatever that is, Euro Land is ready made entity to vent spleen on. There has always been an isolationist element to the right wing. Sad as these are the people that will be taken to the cleaners in the end. Not much sympathy left for these types. .... Iraqi desert adventure trip - disaster. Torture, oops enhanced interrogation, destroying what work Truman Eisenhower & Roosevelt had done to protect POW's. Then 2008, Wall street collapse, all because Republicans wanted less rules for banks. Add them up and then top it with Donald Trump's led cluster puckery with KGB/Stassi man. Republicans, conservatives, MAGA sprogs, are a curse upon the land, and now, multiple continents. They are like locusts.
  3. So you mean right wing donors. Big Pharma has always given more to republicans, than dems. Somehow MAGA heads forget that fact or perhaps with the power of lying claiming 'Fake News', feel they can get around uncomfortable facts like this.
  4. Who doesn't want to go to a prison camp and get sterilized?! All this yelling is nothing more than WOKE types getting hysterical.
  5. WSJ - A Murdoch publication. Blowing smoke at AP after Trump had a hissy fit about Gulf Of Mexico. Reality is, they are far too independent. An authoritarian state need to be able to control the press. Trumps needs to control them.
  6. You should take a look at the FOX internet site. Yes, it isn't a news site, but Murdochs not full on with Trump tossing the Ukraine under Putins bus. That is noteworthy.
  7. He was his set up man for a staged show. Capeesh?
  8. Has JD Vance as his set man. A bully like Donald Trump always needs numbers as he is a coward at heart. truthfully Its good to see the MAGA heads here go full on Trump Putin commie/dictator lovers. They wrap themselves in the flag, but the last thing they care about is democracy, the Constitution or helping fight oppression. All a lie
  9. I used to see him & another guy during Wuhan having a smoke at that table. Visible because few westerners around out here back in virus days. That is on the back route to the condo by St Vlads the Russian maybe church place. Windows grimed, upper one gone. AC units marks but they a re gone. If he had money, just enough to get by. Of course. And people here are saying blighty is worse?! Maybe health (alcohol) problems but ... that is not living.
  10. They used to make Hawaiian shirts them with Japanese rayon, or 'old rayon', & a fine weave. Very few companies do anymore as it wrinkles easily, doesn't last as long as other synthetics. However one reason they were, and are, popular. It feels good against the skin, it feels good against the skin in hot weather. Jams World still uses it, but for every good shirt design they come out with, they put out fifteen, which look like a unicorn threw up on it. 😬 I gave up with them. Understated Hawaiian is not bad though. TIT.
  11. Here we go again. hyperventilating about Shocking docs ... and then nothing. They promise everything and deliver nothing. Pam Bondi is just another hack, hired by Donald Trump. Given what happened in Dons 1st term she wont last another year. Stupid in, stupid out. Distract America as the Ukraine & NATO debate is happening. I don't doubt Epstein is a sleaze but the idea this would lead anywhere is more right wing smoke blown up the colon. They should just go back to secret tunnels, libs running a pedophile child torture adrenochrome factory in Comet Pizza. All done in the weeks after the audio recordings of Donald Trump bragging about grabbing pus-y in the bus. Again nothing more than a distraction from the reality of one Donald Trump.
  12. And if these were Chinese tourists, none of this would happen. The Park Ranger knows he can get a reaction with complaining about farang tourists. More, it is something PooYai higher ups approve of. Perhaps media reports like this are helpful to keep Thai national attention from thinking about why Chinese tourists, those saviors of Thai tourism, are no longer coming in big numbers. In fact they have not been coming in big numbers since Jan 20, 2020. Yep, you can date it.
  13. The view of Putin being better from Baltysk?!
  14. Not after seeing his apartment. The poor old geezer was living in a dump. Probably living on Cowmangai and noodles. Buying from the places across Chang Klan RD, a sixty meter walk, everyday. That's not living, it hardly qualifies as existing. Yuck.
  15. Putin wants nothing more than NATO destroyed, and the west, Europe EU & the US, to be neutered. The amazing thing he has a US president doing it all for him. Behind Putin stands, Celestial Leader Xi, with a big grin.
  16. Reckoned it would be hard to find, maybe even back in the warrens, (Suriyawong alleys). Or at least up past the Russian Orthodox church, the appropriately named St Vladimir’s. Nope. First left after CK-Buriwong 4 way, and there was his burrow, in your face. No matter if he was getting money from blighty, he had money problems and/or physical age-related issues. Front by road, still dirty from the floods. Two marks on the wall where AC units had been, both long gone. One window on an upper floor completely gone. All other windows, opaque from grime. If he had a wife, she cleared out long ago. Thai news claimed this was part of ongoing sweeps of suspect areas, uh uh, nah, Likely a neighbor had enough and reported him. At 25 years, impressive but living like that at least for the last couple, or five, ten years ... sad.
  17. People blamed Julian Assange for accepting hacked info & email of the DNC & Hilary, from Russian sources. What can be said is no collusion was found between Donald Trump & the Russian hackers who supplied WikiLeaks. The Soviets, Russians need to keep the reins pretty tight on Trump because he could go any direction at any time. Good work by Foreign Minister Sergei Lavrov on reminding Donald just what is expected.
  18. BP had an fantastic track record of being non WOKE. Then woke happened. Good to see them getting rid of the WOKE ideology and get back to what made them great.
  19. Today cuts to Medicaid, SNAP, Housing Assistance, & more, in the republican budget all to give trillions in Tax Breaks to the rich , those "job creators" Personally I'm waiting for Trumps Social Security Cuts. I know it's harsh, but we have way to many, two bit, US retirees here in Thailand. Cut Social Security and they have to go back & find a trailer park in Tallahassee. Plus a few posters here, pining for a retirement in Isaan, can stop pining, & get a job as a greeter at Walmart. Looks like I'm turning MAGA.
  20. Nothing prayer & leeches could not have cured. Texas needs no vaccine.
  21. Hi So for the hot season. GG is out styling & not pounding the keyboard at 4 AM, in a box?! Not Hi So, but ... I had a skin cancer thingy removed.. The doctor said, be more proactive, as light skinned & living in Thailand. I knew I wouldn’t wear a hat, unless I liked it. Stroke of luck, a Panama Hat store on amazon, with an actual brick & mortar location in my old (old) town. Went there, got it sized, then bought two. Pricey but really like both. One is your basic Panama white & the other MALTA SIENNA,
  22. This might explain why Another Suborned judge. Same thing he is doing now as he fires generals in the military or puts in a new FBI head. He wants people loyal to him, not to the USA. Critical when you are replacing a democracy with an authoritarian state
  23. I really would like to get a picture, a face shot, of the old geezer. They arrested him on Ragang RD. One article states, living nearby. Wonder if he was in the warrens between that Ragang & Kad Kom market?! Always assumed it was mainly Russkies back there, but a scofflaw Brit. Yeah it fits. Back route from my old condo to the moat & CM gate market, if he didn't hunker inside, good chance I saw him. BTW There was a Korean who clocked in with a 26 (?) year overstay out of Lom Sak, Petchaboon. He still holds the record AFAIK, but being Korean, not given star treatment by the Thai media.
  24. Rewriting history this morning? what fun. The WMD Desert Iraqi adventure trip was propagated by Fox News, right wing talkers, Rush etc. a Republican president & their conservative sheep, in lock step. The very people cheering for Trump & Putin today & screaming about WOKE, MSM, Deep State, & crying about Zelensky bagging cash. Recognize who these people are ... have you looked in a mirror lately? Amazing how far they have come in twenty years. Now they support an ex KGB/Stassi agent dictator, & in the US, they are dismantling democracy. Showing their true colors, but ones that have always been there.
  25. This is guy who can't read more than a page in a book. Who has the functional education level of a 7th grader and my favorite, had to briefed about Pearl Harbor and the USS Arizona, by staff when flying out there (1st term). That at the height of his powers. More like 15 steps into senility now. The US has been lucky for a long time. I wonder, is this where luck runs out?
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