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Everything posted by Dcheech

  1. And he went to Koh Tao. What could go wrong?! 🫤
  2. Interesting. On lower ChangKlan there was no correlation. NO increase in power outages during the hot season vs the rest of the year. The only likelihood of having the power go out, was when a thunderstorm kicked up.
  3. What I learned in aseanNow today. Their are Forests in Los Angeles neighborhoods and they mismanaged by liberals
  4. But you will post it up, parrot it, and what fun.
  5. I recall articles from months back which said no Thai hostages were still alive. I assumed it was from the Thai government but who knows. As usual with sources, news sources, here in the Kingdom no clue what is true or BS from some government Somchai at Karaoke club. Thailand's policy of saying as little as possible, about the Thai workers in Israel, to protect the delicate sensibilities of Muslim middle eastern tourism, works against itself yet again.
  6. Trump is just being Trump. First term he would make outrageous statements, about every week. As much to get attention as anything. If people believe his BS, and get worked up about it, all the better. He loves the attention. Its getting time for the first members of his administration to get fired, quit, or get charged with felonies. (Ok Gaetz, already happened, but ... ). That was his first term, a hot rolling clusterpuck of chaos. People coming and going. Mostly incompetent, then replaced by incompetents, no difference. It's what mooks want, so Trump gives it to them. Note - Trump dethroned Howard Stern, as King of The Mooks, a decade back.
  7. Fly a Kite? Time wise, this might not work out.
  8. That is the question. In our little coffee group, we all have accounts established pre24, no new money. That would be tax free by their rules. However there would be a small amount assessable, based on interest or capitol gains comingled in that account from 24. Easy enough to figure that small percentage out, of the money we send over. With personal deductions, let alone other deductions, nothing is owed in tax. Not talking about pensions or SS, here. Back to ... do we have to file?! Its not the 2000B penalty. We just would like to continue to be law abiding expats, garf! as likely lifers & here for the duration. The consensus in our little group, is wait until March, see if something clearer than mud turns up. No taxes owed but .... potentially yet another fricking hoop jump, and What Fun
  9. https://www.expattaxthailand.com/thailand-expat-tax-rates-allowances-and-deductions/ Side note - asking for a friend ... and myself. The personal deduction is 60K & if over 65 190K. Got that. However a friend ran onto this, from the site linked above. "Taxpayers aged 65 or over are entitled to claim an additional personal allowance of 190,000 baht. This is in addition to their 60,000 baht personal allowance." According to that statement a 65 year old expat would have a personal deduction of 250K. Is that true? Thanks
  10. Jesus Wept. Have you not noticed inflation in Thailand? You have not noticed that worldwide inflation bedevils countries from China to Canada, Albania to Argentina today? Next rhetorical question, did you notice another worldwide event in the last five years, something besides the ever-growing WOKE menace. ...... Say a Virus? Every country in the world was pumping money into their economy to keep it chugging down the road and not spiral into recession/depression. When confronted with a pandemic, or lockdown, like the recent worldwide virus originating in Wuhan China. Countries pump money into the economy to keep people spending, to keep the economy from locking up. The by product is inflation and yes it is worldwide. NOTE recent US campaign rhetoric aside (as in Bidenomics) Trump started doing exactly this in his last year, 2020. No real choice, it is the only economic answer that might work. Biden continued it. This is a no brainer as only one economic theory works in these conditions - just deal with it - 'Keynsian economics'. as true today as it was in the 1930's and one that conservatives and liberals use. Conservatives just don't like to talk about it, but they use it. Recession/Depression - or - Inflation? It is not even a choice GG
  11. Let it Ride ... lightweight? sure. Casino The Big Sleep Lawrence of Arabia My Dinner With Andre The Big Lebowski Lone Star Godfather I & II Christmas Vacation A Christmas Carol - 51 A Christmas Carol - 84 Its A Wonderful Life & Spy Games, - A great liars movie, Nathan Muir kills it
  12. Putin is calling in his markers. When you have invested as much into this president as the Russians have, you expect things. Trump Jr admitted as much 15 years back when he explained who invested in Trump Golf Course developments. Then again, Putin is ex KGB who openly mourns the demise of the Soviet Union. Can't believe that he didn't honey trap Trump when given the chance, given Dons legendary lack of self control/restraint. Still, it's what Amerika wants. Putin is going to grab Uncle Sam by the back of the neck, bend him over and pound him. All to the cheers of right wingers & mooks in the US, those patriotic types who wrap themselves in the flag. Happy I am overseas!!
  13. Kremlin is warning Russians not to speculate on what caused the Embraer 190 crash. About as close as Russians will get to a full admission that YES, we shot it down.
  14. Christmas Eve - December 24 1968 One of the most amazing pictures ever.
  15. Digging around for a populist cause to keep the mook contingent excited & entertained. It's been done before ...
  16. Only with military service. That said, the Panama canal & Greenland invasions should be quick, relatively painless affairs. Not like pounding sand in Iraq under the previous Republican Regime.
  17. A little late..... Turns out that was the problem .... He was off his meds. His family, who know that he is mentally ill, believes he WAS NOT taking his meds. He has a history of mental illness. But there he is on a flight. Great. 🫤
  18. The Makro in Hang Dong (or is it Mae Hia) has the 1 for 1 on till the end of the month till the 24th of this month.
  19. Did not vote because ... this is what I purchase Sourdough Rye Pumpernickel Multi grain - Nana's multigrain And on the other end of the spectrum Croissants Danish I rarely buy wheat or white bread. However gladly have either if they come free with the meal.
  20. So you have a running tally of scientists, & if they have shown a sino biases ... yeah Right. Given China will not allow a free and impartial international investigation we are never going to know for sure. Secondly given this is a Republican document, I would not trust it, more to the point the world won't trust it. That is what happens when you become a party of Liars. It gets around.
  21. Thanks for that. I get a couple US papers online, cities I used to live or work in, one of which is populist right in orientation. They have had articles, best interpretation of them is 'sympathetic'. No one likes the healthcare in the US. Leave it to the rightwing retiree crowd here to fixate on WOKE, they got that on the brainpan. Still it gives our geriatric keyboard warriors something to do.
  22. Former Heroin addicts generally don't look healthy.
  23. All is not lost, Assad lover. Trump is almost in. Putin can call in his markers, excellent chance Trump will jump to attention. Just like when Erdogan called, asking the US, er, Trump to betray the US's Kurdish allies. When Putin talks, Trump listens. Perhaps Trump will combine Russian Wagner units & US troops to get a bloodthirsty dictator back in power. It is a whole new world out there. Who knows what wonders may come.
  24. Back to whining about Obama?! Obamacare is a step in the right direction. However one that Republicans have sworn, repeatedly, to destroy, except they can't, because healthcare insurance in the US is so fricking bleak. Donald claimed he would 8 years ago. He was going to replace it with something 'so good, so great, so beautiful', the usual Donald verbal spew, but he did nothing. Just more BS, from the President of BS.
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