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Everything posted by Dcheech

  1. Less than 1 percent of denied health insurance claims are even challenged in the US.
  2. Got that backa--wards Two military coups and two judicial coups against that party. Then the recent judicial coup against the Move Forward party. Two decades down a rat hole, no matter how you feel about the Shins
  3. As I have a lot of toys, I reckon I'm high up in the win category.
  4. They said that in 1930's. What could go wrong?
  5. The Thai boats were running, would have gotten away, if they did not shoot. Myanmar navy boats likely are unable to give chase, lucky they even float. One drowned, four prisoners. THE Thai media is right on this. Not like the 48 Thai nationals Hamas butchered. That might upset potential tourists countries, and they were baan nok Thai, so who cares?! Not the Thai media.
  6. Without fail it is the people who cannot eat anything other that western food who complain about prices in Thailand. Merry Christmas
  7. Russia invades the Ukraine. Hamas invades Israel. This is somehow a US war? In twisted conspiracy demented right dreams maybe, but for rational people no. Only place US troops involved in armed conflicts, are in the country and region jrBush invaded & destabilized, two decades back. For non existent WMD. Trashing the US's international reputation, then enhanced interrogation techniques AKA torture, completed that trash job. Republican's, a curse upon this earth. And here we go again.
  8. New poll from a Russian Troll?! Woohoo, handstand time.
  9. Its long been a right wing Republican dream to get rid of Social Security and Medicare. I think it would be terrible if they did. However many US expats would have to leave Thailand if they S--tcanned it! As I age I find myself less sympathetic to these two bit retirees. You wanted Trump, fine now, without your S Security, back to a MAGA dump in the USA. Try Tennessee or the Florida panhandle.
  10. Don't get me wrong, I'm sure any member of Ying's cabinet got juiced, but TIT. BTW The leaders of the PAD movements against her and Mr. T likely got many times more money from the Democratic Party of Thailand who is awash in big money. Before they were able to "provoke" a coup. Ten years gone, the cornering of the market never really worked because other countries increased rice production, when prices when up. (same as Bunker Hunt & silver back in the 80's BTW). Then for the last 6 months or more, there was a judicial coup by those Dems, preventing Ying from selling the rice, even at a loss. This was done to hit at the base of her support. All this rice and can't sell it. You remember that. And NOW we find out that gangreen let the rice from that program rot in warehouses for 10 years, did not sell it. I guess to punish farmers who supported the plan. That still is mind blowing to me but given the vindictive nature of Thai politics likely normal nastiness. While palms got greased, no billions of baht getting rammed into banks in Taiwan. Still it is a popular bar talk notion, beyond that .... zzzzz.
  11. Like I said, more a working class stiff on vacation ... Duh.
  12. Pattaya is a major destination for backpackers? He sounds like a bricklayer on vacation.
  13. What billions? Any facts on that, or is this just Leo brigade yammering at a Pattaya bar?
  14. That has been a big nothing burger hasn't it; Epstein client lists. They have released all sorts of things but waiting for the epic stunning announcements, we have nothing really . Yet it is still being milked as if there is something. Right wingnuts will milk as long as a one halfwit somewhere, believes it could happen. Methinks you should get back to Pedophile Pizza parlors, adrenochrome processing factories and other spew right wing radio & lackeys, ladle out. Now is the time to go full on with BS. Seize this shining moment, kick the factcheckers to the curb. Good luck on that.
  15. Looks like you need to get on that. Make like Sherlock, BumGun.
  16. "FIFTY" Thai fishing boats and if the GPS is off a bit, a misunderstanding can occur. Unfortunate that. West of Koh Phayam more than five nautical miles, does put them in Burmese waters. Given the Burma boats were there and primed for action, that Thai fishing fleet has been here before. Might be the last tine though.
  17. You prefer your propaganda served up straight no filler, by RT & FOX. I wouldn't call Glenn Beck, Sean Hannity or Tucker Carlson journalists, but hundreds of good ones out there. Just reread the book by the two ST journalists about the Green River Killer. One of the first, and there have been many, failures of "profiling". That fact seems to upset people, BTW. Why was I reading that book? The old fool, Dave Reichert, the man in charge of the Green River investigation, was running for our State Governor this last election. Given the Trump wave he could have been elected. Thankfully he lost, but amazed anyone could vote for him given his past record of incompetence and failure. Still all he had to do was look good, smile and lie. He was a Republican, qualifications are low. And today as few people read, easy to gloss over & ignore his epic failure for a generation of semi illiterates.
  18. Only one person can knock him down a few pegs I assumed he was back, because of that one person. Likely I misunderstood.
  19. I do not recall all the details. He was a teacher, he tried to report another teacher, Thai National who was 'perhaps' taking liberties with the students - My lawyer insists I state it that way - He was warned not to do this. He only spent two days in KKaen pokey and then quietly deported, but cost him serious money. He also was accused of the very thing he had felt morally compelled to report. He was hitting/molesting on students. I kid you not. Of course you would have handled it differently, even though I cant see a thing in your post to tell me what that would be. Forgot to state specifically he was a westerner, well liked by many teachers and students. Welcome to Thailand
  20. This is one of the most, if not the most, common form child abuse in Thailand (and many SEA countries BTW) There is a Thai slang term for 'marry the wife get the daughter too' I don't get the spew at the teacher .... This Is Not Your Own Country; not Euroville or FOX-Amerika. TIT. No idea what social status any of these people are. However if a teacher reported this, (to who?) no matter if true. Status of people involved could get them fired, or violent reprisals taken against, likely both. It is sad, but ... what you going to do?!
  21. Like I said 90% or more of the population does not have to deal with it. Knock yourself out with this stuff though.
  22. Hope they get things ironed out. I always thought it could be good fun for the family. Go Navy!
  23. Uh huh. Niece and nephews go to public schools in a blue state, suburbs of an ultra woke city, and have never had or heard of any of those problems ... no trangender in the bathrooms, no access to elective surgeries ... not sure about libraires as most of this generation does not read books, and is not forced to. Pronouns Never had anyone say anything about pronouns, ever. That is in school for them. I go back every other year for a month, for twenty five years. Never ran into it once. Not once As long as the MAGA REDS can keep pumping this, they will. Keep fear & outrage stoked. It doesn't mean it exists on a real level for 90% or more of the population.
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