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Everything posted by Dcheech

  1. More deaths than Wuhan Flu vaccine - or deaths attributed to the vaccine, in the UK, but listed as questionable. I would expected antivaxxers to be apoplectic about the slaughter, yet almost nothing. As they say All vaccines are equal, but some vaccines are more equal than others.
  2. Putin reckoned he would get it for free, just had to wait until trumps second term, to maximize the benefits. Bam; Wuhan flu, then Biden. Vlad must have excremented his pants when Trump lost in 2020. Had to go to Celestial leader Xi to get get backing, and of course wait for the Olympics to finish before he could do invade. Poor Vlad, what should have been three week rout, turned into a three year meat grinder. Military revealed as joke, decimates Soviet, er, Russian, male population. Puts him even more in Celestial Leaders Xi's pocket. At least he still has Donald Trump. He wants what is owed.
  3. It won't be in FOX .. or other places Macron also allowed the seating of the AP correspondents at the conference. Trump has banned them from DC press conference for still using ‘Gulf of Mexico’ instead of his newly designated; Gulf of America. A truly heinous crime. Meanwhile the USA voted with Russia, Iran, and North Korea against a UN resolution supporting the Ukraine. Voting with enemies, former enemies, Islamic & totalitarian states. Obviously, something Donald Trump has no problem with. Trumps America is just getting going, who knows where it will roll.
  4. Probably of far less significance to the Donald, than the Philadelphia Eagles, winners of Super Bowl 59, refusing to visit the White House. Word is coming out this morning, the team voted that down. Ownership is likely peeing their pants. Hah! Ireland?! Does Donald Trump even know where it is or if it is a country?
  5. Rain came in at 420 in bo sang. We put in awnings, front and back when we got this place. First time a rain has sounded on them. Woke us up, but ok, not that tin roof roar. So nice having coffee in bed, cool wind sweeping through the room. Sundays should always be this way.
  6. That is why AID programs, whether humanitarian, military or whatever give/try to give credits for 60 to 75 per cent of the projected program/budget. Eliminates as much corruption as possible. Again one should REALLY think of it as its taxpayer aid to US business, military industrial complex and farmers, as to any foreign countries. However that is likely far too leftist an idea for your brain pan to handle.
  7. Fascinating what festers in the fevered imaginations of right wing brain pans. Its like you believe the US gave Zelensky a big bag a cash or something. Military aid is basically credits to purchase US equipment, or at least 60 to 75 percent of the total given would be this way. In truth it is US taxpayer money directly given to US business. Now with Ukraine, they would be buying other needed parts and equipment from other Euro countries & and with the remainder, to keep things running. This is how military aid has always been. This is how USAID is too. You think they pass out cash to the starving. Or US farmers give big sacks of wheat or rice to the starving third world out of the kindness of their hearts?! They a re paid for it. US taxpayer money paid to US farmers or Business. The shipped OS and distributed. Ok, back to the sanctimonious handwringing, howling, & gnashing of teeth.
  8. un size Route 66 pic.
  9. I love the syphons, and yes I remember when they brought it to your table. A whole production. This up in Ban Nok Thailand long time gone. Today they want to move customers in & out. Get those sales. Likely too much training for staff to operate & costs, imagine they do break after awhile. Hillkoff up here sells them. I could see buying one, as it brings back positive memories, I want to reenforce.
  10. First I admit, always stock up on trips out of Thailand; Indonesian or Guatemalan, are favorites. Problems I do have with Thai coffee. Thais favor light, medium, or very dark roasts. I like dark roast but not an espresso roast. Secondly with all the different brands, different coffee farms packaging their own, It is tough wading through chaff to find something you like. As you said it can vary widely. believe I will start more online ordering, even though I would rather buy from shops, or ask Flo about a couple they sell. All that said, they're getting better Hot season escape, just stop in a supermarket before you fly back.
  11. You must be a true connoisseur. Cant think of anything as generic as the taste of an espresso shot. Thailand’s coffee continues to improve. Their Arabica continue to improve. Taking advantage of that, brewed, press, cold or drip coffee has become fashionable in CM these days. A number of shops doing it. Nice to see. Flo coffee on Charoen Muang RD, east of the Ping, next to the famous salapao shop, is happening place. Sadly tourists & pats have yet to find it. If in CM, well worth the effort to visit.
  12. I am not surprised anymore with just how round the bend, bonkers, that idea is. Or that MAGA heads would believe it. The US has been spinning off into zone insanity for 20 or 30 years now. Sooner or later the price of mass stupidity will have to be paid. This will end ugly. The only real alliance is the one that already exists; Russia & China. They want nothing more than to get rid of the US as top dog. That is now within their reach as they have a fool they can play.
  13. You somehow found out that he did not use the money - sorry the credits, to buy US weapons. Way cool Don't keep us in suspense post up some links, on where the money is. Sadly given how MAGA people lie, no one will believe you unless you do.
  14. Not the best in CM, but the best on the eastside ... maybe. For rice paddy dwellers. No such things as an 'American breakfast', but eggs, bacon, hash browns, and a short stack pancakes, or variations of, is one standard available at diners across the US. Grand Slam with home fries.
  15. Texas, nothing Prayer & Leeches can't cure.
  16. Biden created the Ukraine invasion? Biden created the Hamas attack? Of course not but a whole segment of the populace like to parrot bull excrement these days. The last war that US soldiers were in, and still involved in today, was Jr Bush's WMD Iraqi adventure trip. Something MAGA conservatives have serious amnesia about. Just Deal with it Thingamabob, you'll be OK.
  17. And that is the truth, but you notice how the Thai media always fails to mention that fact.
  18. Creating peace by letting Putin control the Ukraine? or assimilate it? With the idea that he and his successors will be satisfied with that & peace and hosannas will break forth 😃. That is about as effing dumb as old Neville Chamberlains "peace in our time" . Putin & cronies have stated what they want for twenty years ... A New/Old state of Soviet dimensions. Letting China have Taiwan is Trumps next step. Problem is after a new trade agreement, giving up Taiwan, the Chinese can toss that agreement out the window & what you going to do? The idea that someone with a basic 7thgrade education, functionally illiterate, notoriously vain, vindictive and greedy/easily bribed, is going to remake the US alliances should scare the bejeesus out of everyone let alone the US. Amazing how many saps have bought into it. I Of course underestimate just how dumbed down the United States has become in the last couple decades. As my neighbor says, 'what could possibly go wrong' This is going to end badly.
  19. I agree one thousand per cent and I call it the china virus as well ..oh oh you're so racist ..so what about Spanish flu, German Measles, Japanese Encephelitis, etc....the woke world is a joke world .. You guys got woke on the brain, so much so you don't see what is right in front of you. I used to use the term ... W----- Flu .... on a number of my posts here. Until the powers that be, deleted it, like it was a curse word. ever since I had to be careful ... say 'the flu that originated in Wuhan'. That so tender sensibilities here on AN are not offended and outraged. Miss that did you. now have fun chasing that WOKE bogeyman.
  20. I have to disagree. Trump will win the trade war with China. Right wing MAGA heads will morph into a howling frenzy, even more so than they are now, if possible. They will be go fricking nuts. Woohoo! One detail. In the restructured trade agreement, the US will acknowledge Taiwan is part of China and agree to cut military sales and support of. Likely something similar to a Ukraine peace treaty. At a later date the Chinese can just go back on it all, damage done no matter how it plays out. This could come quickly as both Xi & Putin realize they cannot wait. Strike when the iron is hot, when you have someone as credulous, vain & ignorant as Donald Trump, you cannot waste it. No two terms now, this is it. Who knows he might choke on a big Mac while watching Hannity/FOX, blam bucket kicked. This rare moment must be seized and exploited.
  21. Thailand: Bangkok to Petchaboon 1943 A forgotten historical footnote. Pibul got worried when the allies attacked Italy. He decided he wanted an inland capital and one more difficult to attack. He imported a bunch of Ban Nak issan workers who quickly succumbed to malaria 🫤. When the war was over, told the allies, he was actually concerned that (his ally), Japan, might decide to occupy Thailand in force, like they finally did with French Indochina in 45. Heh. Whatever his defects, the man had a golden tongue. Pibul - A man with the rare ability to see 'wrong as right', according to a famous Thai mah do.
  22. This is the best BS you can sling against a wall?! Try again tomorrow.
  23. Are you expecting too much? Yeah, sure you are. Amazon has been like that, for a long time. Only thing in their favor is they are at PTT stations. Hit the can, the 7, pick up latte, back on the road, bad coffee though. Lots of Thai companies are the same. Wawee coffee was/is notorious for dixie cup lattes. Puke. I refuse to drink there. As for small shops, mom & Pop small stores. Many of those just cannot throw out stale coffee. Thai economics. Which brings us back to Starbucks. It’s fashionable to sneer and sheep need to do that, they need to run with a flock, Still while expensive, you actually get a real cup. I was going to say coffee but make it an espresso beverage. Thai Bev, the company that runs Starbucks Thailand, has/had a policy for stores NOT to brew up “coffee”, just sell expresso, as too few Thais drink it. If you brew a tank you have to throw it out after an hour. Again Thai economics, can’t do that. Yes, a few Starbucks stores did and do brew up regular coffee but they’re in high volume tourist/expat areas. Not that there is anything wrong with that ... with espresso drinks, although, yes, they do seem a bit too swish. Hopefully that is changing now as brewed coffee is becoming trendy in Thailand. I do drink occasionally at Hillkoff 'training' cafe, Mahidol store in CM, but its a one off shop. Quiet, they are happy to have you there. None of the neo hipster bearded digital gonad types, comparing tattoos. In CM that is a blessing.
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