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Posts posted by Dcheech

  1. 1 hour ago, EVENKEEL said:

    I'm just curious about the reason Saudi wants Thais when they have a steady supply of workers from India and probably Pakistan who I'd bet do and would work cheaper.

    KTC verifies job skills. With that some person could 'potentially' get a job in Saudi, but nothing in the article says a job is guaranteed.  Hope it all works out. It remains to be seen what giving back the blue rock, and those green ones, got PM Prayut, besides normalization of relations.

  2. 5 hours ago, djayz said:

    Just how severe is the labour shortage in Saudi Arabia?

    Saudi Arabia is in the middle of a long term effort to "localize jobs" and reduce its foreign work force. Localize jobs is a polite way of saying they want their own nationals to do the work. They dropped over 250,000 foreign workers last year. Certainly they still employ a lot of foreign workers, yet trends are totally opposite of what this news release implies. 


    However It does make a good headline, if you need to cover PM Gen Prayut real reason for visiting Saudi Arabia.

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  3. Quote

    In late 2016, General Prayut invoked his absolute power under Section 44 of the interim Constitution to issue an order suspending mining at Chatree from January 1, 2017. The order came in response to local opposition against operations at Thailand’s largest gold mine

    Interesting how the powers that be of the thai media, Did not broadcast, blanked out,  protests made by locals, to reopen the mine. You never even knew they occurred. Unfortunately protests by locals undercut the official reason for closing and seizing the mine. That the government did this to protect locals, who were angered at mine pollution and environmental damage from the mine. Now as the final court decision nears and likely will fall against the Thai governments seizure of the mine. everything becomes sweetness and joy. 


    Business in Thailand enter at your own risk.

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  4. Walk it back.

    Returning blue and green stones was never going to be easy. It had to be done in person with suitable apologies made by a head of state. Normalization of relations the real outcome. No matter what cover story the Thai press trumpeted. After a week, walk it back, locals and westerners will be none the wiser, a historic event has just taken place. Nothing to do with hiring Thai workers for the sandbox. 


  5. On 1/28/2022 at 3:23 AM, webfact said:

    Prime Minister General Prayut Chan-ocha instructed related agencies to find Thai workers

    More a cover story. The Saudis wanted something back and would only accept it, from the head of Thailand;  Prime Minister General Prayut, in person.

    Today Saudi has its pick of low-end foreign workers. More, they have had budget problems recently and have been cutting back. Some will be hired but no where near the numbers of the late 80’s.
    After the theft
    After the murders
    After the biggest Gem Scam in Thailand’s history.
    After acquitting the police gang, and giving a promotion to Major Gen Somkid Boonthanom.

    The only option for restoration of relations, Saudi tourism, was an in person visit. Give they guy credit. He was able to get some of the baubles back, then suck it up, bring them in person, with apologies. Desperate times call for desperate measures. 

  6. 9 minutes ago, daveAustin said:

    Liberal left westerners will hope to get the FIL put away no doubt. 

    In your dreams. Liberal left westerners are stunned that the BiB did this to the man defending himself from a person who broke into his house;


    3 hours ago, webfact said:

    The cops have initially charged him with attempted murder, reported Thai Rath.

    However stunned is all that is allowed, criticism could be deemed 'defamation'. That is not legal, and punishable by arrest and jail.

    • Like 2
  7. 7 hours ago, webfact said:

    On Friday, it was described by Dr Taweesilp Visanuyothin of the Centre for Covid-19 Situation Administration (CCSA) as a ‘loophole’ that left Thailand vulnerable to the Omicron virus storm now brewing.

    Dr T reminds the populace, where this virus is coming from, who brings it in, and most importantly, by implication, who to blame. The Government is on top of this variant. 

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  8. 12 hours ago, mikebike said:

    Somehow you forgot about the hundreds of thousands of  G.I.s here during the war... think that may have had something to do with California in the 80s...

    Excellent guess, but a guess nonetheless. Meanwhile, why did it take Vietnamese Pho so long to become popular in the US, as they had more than hundreds of thousands of ex GI's as  ready consumers? Food for thought.

    Try again.

  9. 2 hours ago, SiSePuede419 said:

    Ohhh.  I learned that's a no no in America.  First like you said, they're probably not even Thai.


    Second, if they're American Thai they probably think because you can speak Thai, you're a despicable sex tourist.


    If you want to practice your Thai, don't do it at American Thai restaurants.

    You found all that out on the job as a Manhattan chef, did you? ????  The one place I was able to use/practice Thai was at Thai restaurants after coming back from working in Thailand.

    Try again.

  10. 11 hours ago, zzaa09 said:

    All of which is faux Asian fare modified to fit the backward American [and other Anglophone cultures] palate. 

    Barstool BS-ers are up early. Thai food was 'popularized' by California yuppies back in the mid 1980's. It's true. Not by Euros, Brits or Antipodean expats. They had not arrived in numbers yet so cross cultural transmission was in its infancy. Thailand was for the most part uninhabitable for them back then; upcountry air con unreliable, phone calls had a nasty lag time, little or no cable footie and high airfares. Expat colonization would have to wait another decade until technology caught up, then and only then would Thai restaurants sprout back in home countries. .

    Time for anther Leo?! 

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