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Posts posted by Dcheech

  1. 12 minutes ago, jak2002003 said:


    Imagine having to live next to a house with several huskies locked in small cages that are howling and barking loudly day and night for months on end and the neighbour not giving a dam about it.


    You have a great imagination. However it has nothing to do with the dogs or what happened. I doubt the owner will comment, although, yes,  he is a TV member.  I believe he is still rather bitter about it.

  2. Over the years two friends have had their dogs poisoned. One had a pair of expensive huskies. Insecticide and rat poison are cheap and easily available. A popular activity here in LOS.

  3. The reality; Minister Anutin does not care about masking and never really did.. His famous quote about dirty farangs was a stage presentation for the media who would run with it, as they are supposed to.

    Blame had to be shifted from Chinese tourists who had brought in Wuhan flu to Siam, to farangs who walked mask less. A difficult psychological transference was made and the people understood who really was to blame.  



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  4. Morning news, two fully vaccinated women catch the Delta variant in Khorat. Not good for Sinovac.


    More weird; the government crows about free Sinovac gifts from China, at the same time it makes cash orders for the vaccine, paying a much higher price (for Sinovac) than what it would cost if they had ordered Pfizer or Moderna. That is the Thai government not a private hospital purchase.


    Mayhem & madness.

  5. If bodily fluids come in contact with exposed tissue you can get infected, real minute amounts too. Scratches are common routes of infection, in later stages, as they become violent and foam at the mouth. The spittle is a disease vector. However days before she went full hydrophobic, when they just thought she had a fever,  if she had spit on her hand, and touched you or wiped it on you, you might get it that way. Even if you about certain you did not get infected but you were around here, are you really going to risk it and not get vaccinated?!


    Hydrophobia is 100% lethal and an extremely painful, horrible way to die. While not mentioned, not uncommon to euthanize the victim.  

  6. On 5/14/2021 at 6:46 AM, ExpatOilWorker said:

    If we don't have any flip-flop statements,  we could see Moderna available in Thailand before the end of the month. 


    Try October.

    Thailand is basically doing nothing different, schedule wise, than they were two months ago. What is new and very effective, produce a new carrot on a string every day. Keep everyone jumping at it, but in a perpetual state of hopeful confusion regarding the specifics of the vaccine rollout and Bob's your uncle.



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  7. Just now, Patong2021 said:

    . The Thai approach as announced is unethical and I will be surprised if Moderna board approves sale without assurances of ethical distribution. Even in USA, there was ethical guideline for distribution with prioritization of high risk groups. Thailand plan would not do that and all western vaccine companies have code of conduct to behave in ethical manner.  I don't think Moderna wishes to have US Congress investigation of allegation of distribution activity or to take on the aggravation of NGO and shareholder activist groups criticizing. 


    I disagree entirely. Moderna's board or 'code of conduct' has nothing to do with it. If Thailand wanted to get another vaccine, the could, and quickly. They are going with sinovac 'gifts' and a few packets of Astrazeneca, to tide them over until their own production takes over. Hope this works for them. It did look rosy last year, this year not so much.  

  8. 3 hours ago, webfact said:

    a "great foreign power" was using Thailand as a base for nuclear missiles intending to attack a third country. 


    As any party would get spanked, if spinning porkies about China, that leaves, Amerika. Stretching it even for a Thai conspiracy theory. Obama was unhappy with Thailand, Trump could not find it on a map and Biden, a repeat of Obama. Ah for those happy days of the aughts when George junior would pay handily for rendition privileges & RR for Iraq troops on rotation. 


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  9. 21 minutes ago, ctxa said:

    The problem with farang judging Chinese tourism in Thailand is that unless that farang has some understanding of Thai or Chinese language,... We can't differentiate between Thais and Chinese ????. And even then not always do you hear them speak, differentiating by looks is more often than not quite challenging, if not completely impossible .


    If living here, it is not hard to differentiate between, Thai and Chinese <language>. The Chinese certainly have some big spenders, yet, all too often they clot the supermarket checkout  lines. Buying then loading spinner suitcases with dried durian chips, mackerel and other items to take back to the hotel room. Obligatory we chat app phone jamming, is a give away, if you are stone deaf. This does not give one the impression they are big spenders, quiet the opposite.

  10. 14 hours ago, snoop1130 said:

    A 28-year-old Phayao resident who went to work at the 1G1 entertainment venue in Myanmar’s Tachilek district


    Interesting why they would have an entertainment complex in Tachilek, not in Yangon or Mandalay. I did not think Myanmar citizens were particularly wealthy, but live and learn. Looks to be a covid 19 hotbed. One hopes this is not a superspreader mega-event for Myanmarese or whatever country the punters come from. That would be tragic.

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