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Everything posted by cleopatra2

  1. Yes we do know. There was another male colleague present at the meeting. The manager who slapped her made the comment. " Sorry I had to do that". When the woman complained to the other male present, both males treated it as a joke.
  2. Deactivating essential apps risk putting the device into a bootloop. Whilst it may be possible to reactivate the app without a system reset it is not guaranteed.
  3. The BoE is carrying out research on how and if the Digital Currency should be adopted nationwide. The Digital currency (BoE) is already in operation for certain institutions ,. The BoE has stated it is not intending to withdraw cash without the public's approval. The OP is just scaremongering / conspiracy nonsense, based on speculative what if's or maybee's.
  4. Sounds like powershell starting or a program requesting powershell. Without seeing the black screen/ window difficult to know. Does the sympton appear randomly or at a specific point.
  5. You can delete system apps for the default user without root. What you cannot do without root is uninstall from the system partion to free up space.
  6. ADB will run all of its commands in a shell on the phone. Similar to how chroot works in Linux.
  7. ADB if setup correct works on all Android phones. Flashing a custom rom will likely lead to some propriety software and functions not working correctly. Example would be volte. If you only want to disable bloatware the tool I would recommend is universal debloater
  8. ADB does not require the phone to be rooted. ADB works on unrooted phones.
  9. I was not contending subject reality , mainly because i am unsure what the term subject reality actually means. The closest i can think of , but possibly mistaken is the information paradox and the universe hologram theorem The Biblical Creation and Evolution .for me cannot be considered the same. The story of Creation as told in Genesis is merely a retelling of other religions myths that preceded Christianity. In the creation stories there is no description of how the plan is formed. God just created by willing things into existence , Genesis chapter 1 . Where in chapter 2 the ability to will existence is gone and God requires the earth to form living life. Evolution provides a framework of how the process works , this allows questions to be asked and independently answered .The same cannot be truly said of Biblical creation. Industrial Melanism demonstrates natural selection , the investigation of modern genetics and the ability or lack of animals to synthesize vitamin C has provided support for Evolution theory. The argument you put forward for conscience is circular illogical. If no matter can evolve into conscience . Then conscience cannot exist at the beginning. However I would ask you to demonstrate that matter cannot develop into conscience.
  10. When God commanded that Abraham sacrifice Isaac his son, there had been no sin or disobedience . A compassionate god would not have made such a request, especially since God had promised Abraham that Isaac would lead a nation of people.
  11. So God gave man Free Will but only if they obeyed his commands. The Old Testament is full of God fighting and waging war. With many scriptures describing God as a soldier or warrior. 1 Samuel 15:3 describes the Genocide of the Amakalites , including babies, children and all animals Why did God command Moses that every time a Isrealite census were carried out , everybody had to give a ransom to God. Which eventually led to a plague from Davids census.
  12. I was under the impression that Jesus died to give all humankind redemption from their sins. God depicted in the Bible is uncompassionate , requiring animal sacrifices prior to Jesus being sacrificed Condemning the majority of animal life to death , the great flood. Commanding his followers to wage death on people who God disapproved. Leaving the Old Testament saints in Hades before Jesus resurrection.
  13. Industrial Melanism would appear to disprove that evolution works in a slow and incremental fashion.
  14. My understanding is he is not a lawyer. Meechai has a law degree and worked at the Council 0f State and various political roles.
  15. I think a more usefull question is , If the 2017 Constitution nullified his term. Who appointed him PM after the the Constitution but bufore the Election.
  16. There is no evidence that Lazada have leaked the buyers details. The OP stated it was the buyer who passed his details on , only then to make a tenuous connection because the buyer was found on the Lazada platform they are responsible. Although the OP claims the package was sent by an unknown party they have not stated how this was arrived at. It is possible the seller actually sent the package. The claim of data breach is at this point unsupported. The original post timeline is incorrect, claiming he bought the item last week ( from the posting date ), but from the the activities described this cannot be possible. At one point he is claiming a week of communication with Lazada, in addition to waiting 2 days after making a report to the police. The OP responses are vague ,lack specifics and contradictory. Originally claiming the details were passed on by the seller. Later changing to His details passed on by Lazada.
  17. By using the Lazada platform the buyer accepts the T&Cs. The conditions state that the user acknowledges that third party sellers use the platform. When ourchasing items from a third party seller the contract is between the seller and buyer only. Lazada can act as an ageny to collect the monies. Lazada would haveto pass the buyers details onto the seller for the platform to function. The seller would have a contract with Lazada when they regisrered as a seller. Given that Lazada suspended the seller for breaching that contract is not an admission of liability. It is only recognizing that the seller breached their obligations to Lazada.
  18. What i do not understand is the packaging. It is stated that the delivery was in a Lazada box along with Lazada tape. It is my undrrstanding that packaging is the responsability of the vender . Thus it is difficult to see how the packaging could be identified as Lazada. The majority of vendors will use whatever appropriate oackaging available. Maybe other members who have used Lazada could confirm if recieving items packeged in a lazada box.
  19. Using the English translation of the Constitution The stipulation is serve as PM for 8 years in total. There does not appear to be any provisions excluding any term prior to the 2017 constitution. The interim Constitution of 2014 was fully endorsed by the highest authority, and thus the Prayut became the official serving PM.
  20. Enrolling a deed poll complicates the UK side. In addition to the deed poll a declaration needs to be completed by a UK householder. A solicitor or commisioner of oaths needs to witness the documents before being sent to the courts of justice. The courts tequire evidence of British or Commonwealth nationality . (in most cases this would be a pasdport)
  21. I would be cautious of only using the deed poll. The supporting documents table provided with application form ( for group 2 ) requires evidence from table D , the deed poll certificate. However at the top of table D it states that documents from table A are required. These if required would have to be in your new name to support the name change. Applying for a passport from outside the UK - Supporting Documents - GROUP 2 (publishing.service.gov.uk) Table D specifies that documents from table A need to show your name in current use.
  22. The information comes from the official guidance notes Applying for a passport from outside the UK: guidance notes (accessible) - GOV.UK (www.gov.uk)
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