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Everything posted by baboon

  1. Catch 22. Hardly anyone coming so gouge the few that do. And because the few that do are being gouged, hardly anyone bothers coming.
  2. Who cares? Thai youngsters, perhaps? Sometimes they may want to boogie on down to some Tom Jones and maybe a skiffle band or two...
  3. I think the junta should throw the book at Lalissa. Demonstrate how far out of touch and authoritarian they really are. Show youth around the world their true colours and expose themselves for the disgusting sons of bitches they are. These swine need young people far more than youngsters need them. I hope and pray they find this out the hard way.
  4. I can see them easing up on Covid a little bit but keeping the state of emergency 'just in case'. At least until they can discover / manufacture a new crisis to retain it.
  5. Pointless, too. You have the likes of Mrs baboon hanging out with Covid Positive mates and then going into town to spread the joy. Isolate? Screw that, it would inconvenience me. I daresay she is not the only one.
  6. The Order of Saint Vladimir would be a far more appropriate British decoration nowadays...
  7. You neglect to mention they were browbeaten and threatened into voting for it.
  8. Err, you are aware that they loved their Czars so much there was a bit of a revolution and the Czar and his family were shot...?
  9. Not a bad rant, but you overdid it with the rhetorical questions and taking my words out of context. The fact that I hope that both Ukrainian and Russian nationals are afforded assistance in Thailand at this very difficult time for them, I think confirms that I do indeed have empathy for my fellow (wo)man.
  10. Can't the both of them not just p!ss off and leave the country be? Fat, smug self-satisfied vermin both. They ought to be in the dock at The Hague, the filthy scum.
  11. What can I say? The Thai government are scum, but then you knew that...
  12. You are indeed correct when you say there are Thai people who deserve free meals and housing. Why aren't they getting it? It isn't like the state couldn't afford it AND provide temporary assistance to stranded Russians and Ukrainians. The only conclusion I can draw is lack of political will. Russia airlifting her nationals out is a bit tricky, given leasing companies wanting to seize their aircraft and Bermuda deregistering Russian planes' airworthiness certificates.
  13. I don't know. But the Thai government are wallowing in foreign cash, so why not spend a fraction of it assisting human beings in distress through no fault of their own?
  14. Your post sounds a bit cruel, but perhaps I am getting the wrong end of the stick. Why not just leave them be until there is an agreement between Thailand and the Russian Federation as to what should be done?
  15. The Russian army have already lost more troops in Ukraine than the Soviet army lost in ten years in Afghanistan. I don't know how much longer the Russian people can or will put up with a procession of bodybags. https://www.aspistrategist.org.au/russias-weekly-troop-losses-in-ukraine-have-already-overtaken-soviet-casualties-in-afghanistan/
  16. I presume you are talking about TG. In my own personal experience, I have found their prices outrageous for donkey's years. I flew KLM last December and did not pay any more than usual. Shop around unless you HAVE to fly direct, in which case I am afraid you are a captive audience.
  17. Anyone going to Thailand for cheap booze will be in for a rude awakening, perhaps Scandinavians being the exeption...
  18. Like about Asian countries not actually letting tourists in or setting the bar for entry so high, no-one can be bothered...
  19. Marriage, eh? Cut out the middleman - find someone you hate and give them a house....
  20. 'Your story would be funny if it wasn't so pathetic. Guilty on all counts of absolutely everything.'
  21. https://www.tatnews.org/2022/02/tat-welcomes-s7-airlines-new-weekly-service-between-russias-novosibirsk-and-thailands-krabi/
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