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Posts posted by Pedrogaz

  1. 8 hours ago, Bkk Brian said:

    That red dot also produces 10% of the worlds wheat which is being systemically strangled by Russia who is stealing it, blowing up the fields and blockading exports

    Why did Ukraine mine all the ports? Seems to me that Ukraine is at fault here....let the grain ships take their chances. All this talk of EU and British navies coming to escort the grain ships is also bogus. Warships cannot pass through the Bosphorus now and Turkey have been very strict about implementing the treaty that controls the passage of warships.

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  2. 17 hours ago, KhunLA said:

    Everyone is susceptible.  SP vax only last 3-5 yrs.  And they stopped giving them when ? ????



    I had a smallpox vaccination in 1978. It was after the disease had been declared extinct, but a lab somewhere let some of their stored samples loose. I was travelling to Italy in the October and needed a smallpox vaccine to get there.

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  3. All this means is massive increases in the price of medicines. This will be a very thinly veiled enforcement of US IP. We have cheap medicine prices here because the government can use TRIPS to break patents if the medicine is needed by the public and is too expensive. Look for medicines to become unaffordable.

  4. On 5/6/2022 at 10:13 PM, ozimoron said:

    When a powerful country invades a much smaller and weaker nation should the whole world just stand back and do nothing? Should Australia not have helped Timor when it was invaded by Indonesia and massacres occurred? Should the US not have bombed Belgrade?

    What a lot of propaganda you have swallowed. 

  5. I think that the quality of leadership, especially in the West, is deplorable. These are people not even qualified to run a lemonade stand. The EU is particularly bad, where there are not competent leaders and the unelected Commission are self serving and don't give a toss about the citizens they are supposed to serve. A senile idiot former in the US....and an overgrown lying toddler in the UK. Scott Morrison who just recently threatened to invade the Solomon Islands, who just did a deal with China he didn't like.....and Trudeau....what can you say after his deplorable and illegal treatment of the trucking protest.

    Damn them all.

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