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Posts posted by Pedrogaz

  1. I'm skeptical and cynical....I do not believe anything any institution tells me, government or otherwise. The intent of government communications is usually to mislead and make you believe what the government wishes you to believe. Often this is not what one would call lying, rather misleading you by two main strategies.....first is ommission whereby they conveniently forget to tell you anything that doesn't fit the narrative being sold to you....second by citing certainty where none exists (Eg Iraq war.....we know Iraq has weapons of mass destruction, we have 'intelligence'.)

  2. I haven't read up much on this, but I have the impression that this is a con trick by BJP using the confusion between marijuana or pot which is smoked for it's high THC (tetrahydrocannabinol) content that gets you high and which is massively illegal now and will remain so.


    Cannabis products come from the cannabis sativa plants. The plants have either high concentrations of THC (the stuff that gets you high) or high concentrations of CBD (cannabidiol) which usually comes from plants high in CBD and low in THC and is known as hemp. Such plants used to be used to make rope and other products thousands of years ago.


    So THC is illegal still and will remain so. CBD is slowly going through the process of becoming legal, but there are restrictions on growers such as the number of plants and the amount of THC (which should be under 2%) the plant contains. In typical Thai confusion created by the government we have a system where growing the wrong plant can put you in jail (like the two grandmas rescued by Anutin). I mean how do you know before you grow the plant how much THC it is likely to contain.

  3. The killer clause in Thai regs is all about you, even if you test repeatedly negative, being unlucky enough to be sitting on a plane near someone who tests positive. You are then liable for hundreds of thousands of baht in hotel/hospital fees.


    I'm sure that some numbnut in the Government will see this as a source of cash and ensure that it becomes more widespread. 


    I won't go abroad until all this type of quarantine is over or unless the trip is absolutely essential.

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