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Posts posted by Pedrogaz

  1. NO don't say that word "failure".....it implies that something has gone wrong with the marvellous websites that our helpful people in government have brought to all of us expats. Never forget that Thailand is the internet hub of ASEAN, if not the whole world, so if something were ever to go wrong with IT systems here, that would call the whole economic hub theory of hubs into question. Someone should hang for this.

  2. This government has an unhealthy fetish about alcohol. It seems to believe that alcohol is responsible for all of the ills in Thailand. There is no obvious reason why catching COVID should be facilitated by having a beer, but those with limited intelligence creating policy in Thailand have magicked up some link and so restrictions on alcohol go hand in glove with restrictions on COVID. Did they miss the giant failure of Prohibition in the US in the 20s?

  3. I have a horrible feeling that Thailand will be bankrupted by COVID. The amounts being staffed away are incredible while tax receipts are headed downward, and so the money will have to be borrowed. Who is going to lend it to Thailand where personal household debt is already at 89% of GDP? What sort of risk premium needs to be given for such loans?

    What happens when the government gives away massive amounts of money? The bigger the amount of money, the worse it will be invested. I will bet it ends up in the pockets of the hiso elites and government officials.

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  4. On 6/27/2021 at 2:50 PM, nrasmussen said:


    If you test positive (vaccinated or not) you will be forced into hospital quarantine. So better make sure that your insurance covers hospitalisation also when you don't have any symptoms and are not in need of medical treatment.

    Why would you be hospitalised if you have no symptoms? It makes no sense. The worst place to be is in a hospital with other infected people.  International standard of care is home isolation. 

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