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Posts posted by Pedrogaz

  1. I was told it was 6 months at the Licensing Centre, but that was some time ago (about 5 years ago).

    I would suspect there is some leeway with COVID. I had a renewal appointment on July 20th, but the office was not doing renewals any more because of COVID. They told me to try in 2 months time.


    I asked about insurance (because your car is only insured if the driver has a licence).....but the said, ask your insurance company, (I didn't bother as I can't do anything about it anyway).

  2. Not me....got a rejection form because the registration program does not let you put two items in a box, and they wanted passport & visa in one box. I sent the missing info two weeks or so ago....heard nothing since. 


    • Thanks 1
  3. I recently bought a Pansonic Double Inverter model to replace a 10 year old Samsung unit that had been peeing out water. The double inverter is a step backwards.....the unit is more costly and is cool not cold and whereas the old Samsung, whether peeing water out or not, cooled our large room  very well. Sorry I changed.

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