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Posts posted by Pedrogaz

  1. I have changed my opinion about capital punishment. There are a group of people who have no place at all in civil society ie violent rapists, murderers and violent people who ruin the lives of innocent people. I think we should adopt a harder stance against these monsters and kill them to protect innocent people. Of course there needs to be a proper trial rather than the pig circuses we often get, with proper evidence and no duress. But getting as life sentence in the UK for murder and you get out in a few years for good behaviour....sorry 7 years for murder or violent rape is no deterrent at all. 

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  2. No problem with Sinovac....no one knows the comparative efficacy or safety profiles of the various vaccines. This requires a head to head DB comparison. We have never even seen the end points of the various vaccines. Any 'knowledge' of comparative efficacy is therefore premature, but that doesn't stop bigots shouting their vaccine bigotry. The trashing of Sinovac in the media was a clever PR stunt by US companies, possibly with government involvement. As I say I am quite happy to receive Sinovac.

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