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Posts posted by Pedrogaz

  1. 10 minutes ago, Thomas J said:

    LOL  and do you have any evidence to contradict that.  No I thought not.  Let see, these were the same people who told the world that human to human transmission of the virus was not possible.  I believe the "official" Chinese figures about as much as I trust those emails from the Nigerian Prince telling me I have inherited a fortune. 

    I put those with North Korea who announced that it has zero Covid cases.  Now if you really believe that the China figures a nation of over 1 billion people with crowded cities such as Shanghai, Beijing, and Chongging all with more that 25 million people and somehow despite having the world least effective vaccine has a Covid infection rate lower than the Marshall islands.  I can see why you would trust their figures out of Wuhan. 

    You made the claim, you pro=vide the data to prove it. I am under no obligation to disprove your claim. We can agree to differ. I think you may have a narrow mind issue. It is clear that you dislike, or maybe hate Chinese, and that you will believe anything negative said about them, and disbelieve nothing positive. Try to learn to think more broadly.

    • Like 2
  2. Causality it very difficult to prove, and impossible to disprove scientifically. Did the vaccine cause the effect, or that effect?  We will never know at this stage in a vaccine's life. Analyses of anecdotes never show anything. The authorities are over claiming, imho. What is quite obvious is that vaccines  in general have a low level of side effects and can be considered quite safe. With MMR vaccines we saw that parents got very het up and acted irrationally when a few cases that had had MMR got retardation issues. It is an emotional issue.


    Regarding the difference between vaccines....I think in the real world that the results of the vaccines will be similar. I don't really believe the claims by Pfizer and AZ that theirs work better against the delta strain. There are two dimensions to vaccine efficacy...that is the quantity and quality of the antibodies produced. The quantity is easy to measure and that has been the basis for all efficacy claims.....it is reasonable, other things being equal. But it is important to hang on to the idea that the antibodies produced are not the same, and a smaller number of more effective antibodies might offer better protection.

  3. 1 hour ago, Toscano said:

    If you find a good visa agent it is worth every Baht you pay , they will take care of everything , including 90 day report in this time of COVID-19 . As an older man who grappled with the ever changing marriage visa for years , now on a retirement visa , my agent lifts a great weight off my shoulders , I'm well taken care of . You are not being ripped off , the agent takes care of immigration too .

    You make a good point about the regulations continually changing.....but they never make the process more efficient for themselves or easier for their customers. Getting a COR now takes 3 days (5 days including the weekend) with hundreds of photocopies and signatures. Where do they file all that paper.....and why don't they ever open a file to check that you live at such and such address. I have lived at the same address for 12 years, and yet time and again I go through his insane rigmarole, why not be done with it and let you have your name put in the blue book? 

    • Like 2
  4. My beef with Food Panda is the quality of their delivery drivers. Worst drivers on the road, in my opinion. I had two near miss accident situations with two of their drivers this morning on a short journey. One drove through a red light and turned right, into my lane as I was turning on a green light. I was 5 seconds into my green light, and there is a 4 or 5 second delay between changing lights....so he was 9 or 10 seconds into a red light; he didn't even look or slow down. 

    • Like 2
  5. 47 minutes ago, MrJ2U said:

    Smart people booked and paid weeks ago.


    Now it's more mahem with Sinovac being practically useless and the Astra Zeneca distribution being cut 60%.


    All the while the GPO still hasn't ordered Moderna for the Private hospitals yet.


    This government is completely inept.

    Maybe smart people paid months ago for no vaccine to actually arrive. Perhaps you are naive?

    • Like 1
  6. I'm going through the process at the moment. Naively I expected that either the system would have remained unchanged, or, if it had changed, then it would be improved. But TIT. We have constant changes in immigration and other bureacratic procedures and they are never an improvement over the previous systems. It is change for change's sake, masquerading as improvement.

    Case in point. When you try to book an appointment in English, you arrive at a page with a button saying press for English after several pages of Thai. You naively push the button....but nothing happens, nothing at all. After an hour of button pushing you give up and ask a Thai friend to book an appointment for you and to find the real video with English so you can take the test.

    Next you go to immigration for a COR. You find the system has changed. Instead of going to a special counter and walking out with the COR in 15 minutes, now you get mixed in with all and sundry who are renewing extensions of stay etc. Then you find that you drive 100 miles to the immigration HQ, you give in the paperwork with the obligatory 500 copies and signatures, take it back to the counter, where the lady tells you it now takes 3 days to review the paperwork for a COR. I asked her why could she not look in my file at the million or so pieces of copy and see that I have been living at the same address for over 10 years? 'New procedure, new procedure' she replied 'drive the 100 miles again!' (She didn't actually say that last bit). I just wondered what problem the new procedure was supposed to fix.

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