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Posts posted by Pedrogaz

  1. But what happens when they let tourists in without quarantine. I haven't seen data, but I doubt that most tourists come for so long that 2 weeks in quarantine is not a problem to them. When and how are they going to take that risk?

    Given the negative attitude to foreigners espoused by folk like Anutin who basically blamed coronavirus on farangs, it is difficult for me to see how a person with the usual two or three week vacation can come here.

    I saw the data today in a newspaper I cannot name which showed that under 5% of total Thai infections were in foreigners or caused by contact with foreigners. Given the large number of Chinese and Indians who now visit, I would imagine (it is not broken out by ethnicity), that under half ie 2.5% were in farangs who came here infected, spread it, or picked it up here.

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  2. I am in a right pickle. I am married to a Thai girl who has lived most of her life in Tokyo. She has a nice but small apartment in a nice area. She gets a pension, healthcare insurance etc from her dead husband's estate, but only a one year visa which must be renewed every year. We often go together in the spring to renew the visa and the fall to avoid the rainy season in Thailand. 

    She left about 3 weeks ago to renew her visa....it takes about 2-3 months there....so she has no passport and cannot leave Japan until the new visa to stay there is issues. If I go to Tokyo to see her I must go through 14 days of quarantine when I go, and when I come back to Bangkok. I want to do 28 days in quarantine like I want a hole in my head.

    I follow all the news about lifting of the quarantine and note that the UK has just introduced one (a bit late) but these laws are easier to introduce that to do away with. I am going stir crazy here on my own in Thailand and am awaiting the date when I can travel to Tokyo without quarantine or she can come here with out it.

  3. I've had meds sent here for over 10 years. I have them kept in the original packs from the pharmacy and sent via EMS or recorded delivery. My son writers 'prescription medicines' on the customs declaration and zero value (although to buy them here is about 20,000 baht).

    In ten years I might have received 120 packs, none have ever been opened. I am careful to keep copies of the prescriptions handy in case I travel or there is any issue in importing them.

  4. Go into any branch. If you have a very large sum say over 5 million you should ask to see the manager and challenge them to give you a better rate. 

    Personally I would not lock in for 2 years, you might get 1/8th of a per cent better rate but having your cash tied up for 18 months longer doesn't seem wise to me.

    Also try Kasikorn instead of Bangkok bank they are very responsive and will give you a credit card if you put a few million in, plus a card that gets you into business lounges at the airport foc.

  5. I feel exactly the same way.....I am sick of my glasses fogging up and the evil, vile smell of my breath (just joking). 


    I pull the mask up over my nose while I enter the store for the temperature check, then I pull in down below my nose so I don't get the fogging letting it rest on my lip. I see many others doing the same. 

  6. I didn't;t know there even was a water park at Cha-Am. I've been to Cha-Am several times but never seen it.

    Why don't they keep it open for domestic tourists? We keep hearing how domestic tourism will be the great saviour. Things like this that need regular maintenance fall to pieces very quickly in Thailand. Just bring the price down or give out discount coupons. If it closes for 12 months it will not re-open in my opinion.

    • Like 1
  7. 5 hours ago, ezzra said:

    If i were the head of the Minneapolis law enforcement associations i would call to a resignation en mass to protest the murder charges on 4 police men, you can't have police men punting their lives on the line day and night day in and out dealing with criminals only to be charged with murder, yes they have stepped their enforcement boundaries but murder charge to appease millions of looters and lynch mob this is over kill... 

    You really are a sick man. The cop murdered the black fellow in cold blood. Never at any time was the cop under any threat to his safety.

    It is not ok to kill black people even if you think it is.

    • Sad 1
  8. You already walked away Boris....the territory was only leased to the British under duress for 99 years. You had to give it back to its owner, China. After 1997 you have no rights except those the Chinese gave you in 1997. They did that because HK was about 42% of total Chinese GDP. HK is now 2.5% of total GDP. Plus you won't be in office too long if you let 3 million Chinese come to Britain....your own party will turf you out.

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  9. If tourism is 20% of the Thai economy and we are half way through the year and tourism has evaporated with as yet, no date for it to restart....plus other business in no tourism areas have been in lock down like bars, restaurants, gyms, electronics and car factories etc....would you expect the impact to be a little bigger than -10%?


    I am desperate to travel to Japan. There are flights. If I go I must go into quarantine for 14 days and then another 14 days when I come back to Thailand, if I can get in on my retirement '0' visa. I don't see flight regulations and borders to be opened up anytime soon. There are no prizes for opening it up if the virus, as it is predicted to, comes back.


    Stuff like lockdowns, quarantines, closing borders and airports are relatively easy to do with a military style government.....but opening up again, how and when to relax the regulations issues under emergency decree takes much, much longer. How does one make the decision to allow 30,000 fans to pack into a football stadium or concert arena when if only one has the virus it can cause a new epidemic? What data and analysis do you need to say it is a safe bet? (And data and analysis are not strong points of Thai governments).

  10. 14 hours ago, smedly said:

    they are infected

    A 'case' is defined as someone who has symptoms and therefore these 300 do not meet the inclusion criteria to become cases. 

    Your point should have been the need to isolate these folk and protect the rest of Wuhan from them......sorry about the need to limit freedoms, but there is no human right to infect others with your virus.

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