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Posts posted by Pedrogaz

  1. God, I wish they would do this in my town. Impound the bikes and crush them as well. Pig ignorant people riding round on crappy Honda Waves with a straight through exhaust sounding like an F16 taking off at midnight. 40 or 50 of the buggers. We have asked the police about it. I even offered to pay the wages of the police for a road block from 10pm till 12pm. They are considering it.

    • Thanks 1
  2. Grow up UK. You lost HK in 1997. After 147 years of colonial rule HK was not a democracy but run by a governor appointed in the UK with dictatorial powers. You kettles and pots and all that. It really is a bit rich to be all for democracy now isn't it? Hypocrites. 

    Well Dominic Raab, let's see what Britain looks like with 3 million new citizens, that the Tories let in. I promise you it will not go down well with the electorate no matter how many lies you tell.

    • Like 2
    • Confused 2
  3. Once you taste absolute power, as Prayut enjoyed under section 44, it is very difficult to have to go back to persuading people to do things, instead of ordering them. We seem to be headed for a 'democratic' government with permanent emergency powers? One wonders how this is different than a dictatorship, having said that, Prayut has done a wonderful job with he coronavirus and credit where it is due. I'm less sure about him having emergency powers forever. 

    • Sad 1
  4. A similar thing happened to my wife before I met her. She had been sending the family money to pay mortgages on 3 properties for which she had a taken a mortgage of about 3 million baht. The family stole all the money. They sold one property, and the bank reclaimed the other two in 1996. Ten years later in 2006 the bank claimed that the sale of the properties had not raised enough money to cover the original debt plus 20% pa interest. She was sued for 10 million baht or so. 

    The judge froze her passport so she couldn't travel at all and she was in bankruptcy court for about 6 years. She could not own anything at all during that period. It was very inconvenient. Eventually after semi-annual court appearances the debt was discharged but of course the whole court thing of hiring a lawyer and so many appearances, cost a lot of money. 

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