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Posts posted by Pedrogaz

  1. I say keep the borders closed to any country that has a problem ie any evidence of in country transmission.


    The tourism industry was over supplied too many undifferentiated businesses selling the same low-quality, overpriced goods, and interchangeable restaurants with nothing to make you want to go back, all with the same stupid menu. It will be good to winnow out the chaff among these "businesses" and to restart with fewer better businesses.....perhaps staff training in courtesy skills would be too much to ask, especially in transportation. When you are charging premium prices to tourists who spend a lot of money to get here, at least give them a good time and don't rip them off.

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  2. On 7/9/2020 at 9:47 AM, Thaiwrath said:

    Again, coming up with numbers with no logic whatsoever !



    We need to see the assumptions on easing....ie will flights be available, will they need to quarantine etc. Frankly, I don't see any tourists at all if they have to quarantine. Where are the 1.5 millions going to come from? Which countries and how is their COVID at the moment? What iOS the assumption on a second wave of COVID in these countries where the tourists will come from?

    Are the embassies in these countries ready for 1.5 million applications....no, thought not. instead of 1.5 million, why not say 150,000.....or better still 15,000....then they won't have to keep revising the number down every few days. Think someone gets paid for producing these stupid numbers.

    • Confused 1
  3. My father had an adage: "Never do your enemy a small hurt" meaning basically don't bother with silly symbolic gestures which annoy the other party, if you want to have a fight do something worthwhile. 

    This is a stupid symbolic move affecting how many (100?) criminals. Extradition treaties were signed in days when countries had respect for other party's law codes. Arrogant Western countries now think only their law codes are worth anything.

    Australia should have done something worthwhile if its wanted to pick a fight....this is senseless provocation.

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  4. So is a 90 minute wait and a 3000 baht charge going to be suffered by every incoming traveller? And after a long flight? To be honest, I don't think this is increasing the appeal of Thailand. 


    I guess if you are another 90 minutes in immigration then your bags should be ready for you when you get to the carousels, which is an upside, but their luggage delivery is pretty quick anyway. 


    No thanks. I'll stay in Thailand until I can leave and return without that sort of hassle.

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  5. 8 hours ago, Rookiescot said:

    Sell out the financial markets or sell out the fishermen.

    Brexit. The gift that keeps on giving.

    Personally I don't care about bankers.....they have had it too good for too long with the rules stacked for them, by themselves and their lobbyists. Let them rot.


    If Boris sells out the fisheries and our sovereignty over them, I will never forgive him. 

    • Haha 1
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