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Posts posted by Pedrogaz

  1. The difference is the onshore/offshore rate charge. You bank in Holland is transferring the money in baht instead of  euros. 

    But ATM is second only to Western Union as the most expensive way to transfer money. I have only ever used an ATM once....to change Pounds sterling to euros at Liverpool airport. The newspaper indicated the rate was about 1.20 Euros to the pound. For 100 pounds, I got 89 euros from the ATM (instead of the ca 120, I was expecting) the losses were multiple dubious 'charges', commissions etc and a really poor rate.

  2. 9 hours ago, Chelseafan said:

    Sadly, they've found the body.


    I don't have much sympathy for pilots of bombers who roam the skies with impunity while bombing the innocent below. Killing, maiming and blighting lives of women children and other guiltless, is not what I call heroic. I think war is the ultimate evil.

    I realise this will be an unpopular view and thought it through before posting it.  

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  3. Karma really. He sounds guilty as charged, like a classic agent. If he has to serve the sentence his life is pretty much over. Russian media says he will be in a 'penal colony' which doesn't sound very appetising.


    Other English language media have quotes from US hypocritical dignitaries slamming the trial as being a sham, with the trial hand in secrecy, the defendant having no access to prosecution data etc etc....exactly the treatment that people charged under the US's Patriot Act get.....except that under the Patriot act you have no access to lawyers before the trial.

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  4. Here's a really crazy idea. How about listening to potential tourists to find out what the their issues are, why they have come or potentially would come here. Do it is several countries. Then after segmenting the market, formulate a strategy to attract them, perhaps different groups to different destinations?

    This is a straight forward marketing issue like launching a any new product. Some customers are receptive to different messages. A lot of Thailand's problems are the result of a lack of thinking and instead of 'Aim Ready Fire'

    they do no analysis and do 'Fire, Aim Ready'. Any and every problem results in a sub committee being formed and no plan resulting but a wish that Thailand become the hub of the region, world, galaxy, cosmos in whatever the problem is. 

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  5. It would be helpful know what the sum of money is. But if it is 1000 pounds or less, your options are pretty much what they are in the UK or US.....that is to forget about it.


    If it is a large amount of money like 10 million baht, then you have to take the person to court....but if the person has no money to pay what are you going to get? If he has a Lamborghini sitting in his driveway, it is likely to be financed too and the car lender will have priority. So weigh very carefully whether to litigate. 


    The problem is what to do about the loan in the middle.....say 500,000 to I million baht....there you need to watch the sopranos and have nothing to do with it Paulie.

  6. Seems reasonable if I were a Thai and exposed to the government propaganda, I wouldn't want flights full of Chinese or Europeans arriving here. You see how many infections in the last two weeks have been returning Thais working or living abroad, so why would you want the people from those countries here? I don't....although I am bored out of my head and want o go somewhere with some excitement.

  7. My path was the Catholic education system.....at age 12 or 13 I wanted to be a priest. By age 14, I realised that the church did not practice what Jesus preached and served only as an instrument to control people's lives particularly in the Middle Ages. 

    I believe that the words of Jesus are the correct way to live as expressed in the Sermon on the Mount....but I don;t know any Christians who lives their lives remotely like Jesus reached. Christians usually selectively refer to the Old Testament to justify their horrible sinful behaviour. Jesus came to sweep away the old rules, laws and convenient. The OT has NO place in a Christian's life.

    At school we also did the 4 proofs of god's existence and I managed to find a glaring hole in all of them, and the priest who taught us got increasingly frustrated with me as the lectures went on. I realised that the proofs of god's existence were BS....although one cannot rule out god's existence either....and I look at it the same way as Pascal did ie I try to look at things the way Jesus would for my moral principles.

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  8. We need to learn from our history, not airbrush it and revise it out of existence. The stupid thing is not a single black life will be saved by this white-washing and ugly vandalism.

    I am no lover of police and hate their brutality to blacks in particular. I was a financial supporter of BLM but it has been taken over and used by extremists in the antifa movement and I will send no more donations.

    The funny thing today was an article about which famous black could replace the torn down statues...they name about 6 or 7, none of whom I had every heard of, only one was born in Britain and most had a white parent as well.

    The world is becoming absurd. I'm not a conspiracy theorist but it is awfully convenient to forget about coronavirus when people are vandalising in the streets. This could be very good for Trump's re-election campaign, unfortunately.

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