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Everything posted by Umlungu

  1. Pathetic and typically Thai. All about money, especially greed, as her family seems well off. The farang should get rid of her and go look for a dowry elsewhere.
  2. When is it too late to start going to church, then? Is there a cut off date for entry? Wouldn't be fair on those that have paid in all their life just to be pipped at the post by queue jumpers.
  3. The sprinkler system had just been checked the week before last. Like the escalator/conveyor walkway at DMK airport.......
  4. .... being threatened, intimidated and sued for bad reviews .....
  5. The fumes whilst painting the Maxzo 2in 1 product are horrendous. I needed to literally walk away every 5 mins, which makes the painting that more difficult because, as someone pointed out, the paint is fast drying.
  6. You really have to wonder sometimes..... If they say installation is not included, that's most certainly what it means: you get the box, and its contents, the box won't be installed but the stuff in the box, you do it yourself or hire someone, and if that's not possible then this type of deal is not for you. What the heck does your last sentence m,ean? Pay for installation while ordering?? You mean during the ordering process? Like adding on meals, seats, insurance during/in the process of an Air Asia booking? Only one way to find out: go through the process, check it out, and abort at the PAY stage if you're not happy. Now, about getting through the front door ..... Insert your key, turn the door handle and push ......
  7. The updated fabric colour is Envelope Brown, with more - and larger - pockets to accommodate both A4 and A5 envelopes.
  8. More minivan crashes than bus accidents. Minivans go full throttle, and if you hit a downpour on the way into BKK, they hardly reduce the speed. Observed from travelling on board and in a car on the highway. Tailgating, lights flashing, aggressive, and way over the 120km/h speed limit. With a bus you have definite departure time, with a minivan it leaves when it's full, or it leaves half full and goes on a pick-up/collect cruise through Ptya first.
  9. If you're talking about the airport bus, what you're saying is correct, however the actual ticket will NOT have a seat number on it. It's free seating as you board.
  10. There is a fully renovated one for sale in the lower soi blocks, 6 floors only, asking 799k, Thai quota, B1 518/464, saw it somewhere om social media,I don't have any contact details
  11. Don't know, not my kind of thing. The menu covers a wide range of dishes beyond Thai food
  12. Townsville, Cairns, Perth. Many indigenous communities.
  13. Btw, there's a great little German-run restaurant in the "entry" Nirun soi, about half-way up, rhs, with a well-appointed menu. Friendly staff too. Aroy mak mak.
  14. You state that you are Australian. Well, you should feel quite at home in the Nirun and its car wrecks. Go to any country town or city suburb in Oz and you'll find the alcoholics queuing up in the morning for the pubs to open. You'll be accosted by all kinds of drunk or sober weirdos. Add in the convict-gene criminality at all hours of the day, anywhere and everywhere. Car wrecks all over the place. A collection of old Holdens and P76s. A clapped out third world country where wages and rents are paid and collected on a forthnightly basis because the populace can't be relied on budgeting for an entire month ..... lol. Go home, mate, to where you belong.
  15. Typical Thai. Fruit basket mentality. Don't deal with any - warranted - criticism in a constructive way, instead just paper it over, mask it, make it disappear with a compensation. ROFL
  16. Hahaha, indeed. Totally naive, these Thais. No business accumen, no self awareness, no experience in customer relations, clueless as to dealing with complaints in a productive way (inviting the complainant back with a free meal, for example. Hotels mostly offer some sort of a freebie which has already been factored into the room rate)
  17. Not capable of dealing with criticism (taking it personally, face saving, denial, angry reaction). Did the owner provide an online reply? How did the owner find the reviewer's address? Going there in person might well be interpreted as a threat. Quick to blame others (in this case the owner says she lost business based on the bad review. Does she have any proof? Maybe there are wider issues in her business model, like reduced portions etc whci quite a few people have picked up on. Restaurants can also have quite an extreme popularity cycle. Or it could even be seasonal fluctuation.) Quick to overreact aggressively.
  18. Great. Nok gives you flexibility. With Air Asia you need to commit 5 weeks ahead if you might want checked baggage or not. If you go for carry-on only, and you make some purchaes at your destination, you will get stung big time on the rt sector upon check-in.
  19. The day when Air Asia announced many years ago that they were relocating their BKK base from BKK to DMK is when the airline died for me as a potential choice. DMK is too inconvenient for me. I'd rather pay whatever potentially higher fee is involved.
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