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Burma Bill

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Everything posted by Burma Bill

  1. Just in from "Breaking News" The Nation this afternoon (6th November 2021):- A group of 23 illegal Myanmar migrants, three of whom were dead and four seriously injured, were found stranded on the roadside in Kamphaeng Phet province on Saturday. Initial interrogation revealed that the group had entered Thailand illegally via natural channels and had paid agents 7,000 to 23,000 baht per person to transport them in a pick-up truck from ............ Mae Sot to job sites in different parts of Thailand. “When the truck reached Kamphaeng Phet, it lost control while travelling downhill and overturned. Some of the passengers were thrown overboard,” https://www.nationthailand.com/in-focus/40008495
  2. and with Cambodia taking the chair of ASEAN, the Chinese must be rubbing their hands?? https://www.khmertimeskh.com/50957738/cambodia-shows-commitment-as-asean-chair-2022/
  3. Impossible, with the hundreds of miles of open border land in heavily forested and mountainous terrain, as I well know from my days with the Tourist Police based in Chiang Rai.
  4. Thank you for your post and I presume you are a diabetic like me (Type 2 insulin dependent?). During my 20 years living in Thailand, right from the start I registered with the diabetic clinic at my local Thai Government Hospital. It provided most of the medications I needed - Amlodipine, Losartan and Zimvastatin (all GPO). Initially I could not get Mixtard Insulin which I had to purchase privately on prescription from the RAM Hospital in Phayao, but this soon ceased when insulin (still on prescription) became available at the Government Hospital and I was then able to purchase all my medications and undergo the periodic blood and eye tests there. I had no hassle and the medical staff were very helpful. The only regular problem was the long wait (sometimes almost 6 hours) to see the doctor for a check and to sign the prescription. I now live in Siem Reap (Cambodia) and the recommended system is entirely different and hassle free! My regular local friendly private pharmacy provides ALL my medication, including Mixtard insulin without a prescription (insulin can be bought over the counter here!). For the blood and eye tests I go to a private clinic. The Government Hospital in Siem Reap is, with due respect, not as modern as the Thai one I used and is not recommended (other than for COVID-19 vaccinations). Yes, the cost is more expensive but is very convenient. I hope this information is of use to you and I wish you continued good health with your treatment.
  5. "defends Prayut’s order to grow coriander on military units" Like this - with home delivery???????
  6. Yes indeed, so why has The Czar in all his so-called wisdom allowed 4 extra public holidays next year?????
  7. Neither does MAKRO, other than Beer Lao if you are lucky, but even that is not real beer.
  8. Thank you - exactly what I thought. I wonder if they all got a free meal in the hotel's restaurant afterwards???
  9. Whoopee ! For reference for anyone considering visiting Cambodia (e-visas now available) :- "Beer garden patrons and diners need not wait any longer as the once high risk business is now open to all nationwide" https://www.khmertimeskh.com/50964705/beer-gardens-allowed-to-reopen-nationwide/ However, night bars, night clubs, karaoke bars and KTV lounges remain closed. I'm now off for a beer or two!!
  10. Could well be. I lived among the mountains of Lanna for 13 years and the rate of deforestation was rapid. Thickly wooded mountain slopes became massive fields for the cultivation of maize/sweet corn. Photo below taken in Tak Province:-
  11. From the OP photo, I wonder if bratwurst was on the menu for Angela Merkel?????
  12. Yes indeed, it would be very interesting to know. As here in Cambodia, I believe two "jabs" of either Sinovac or Sinopharm are regarded as being fully vaccinated by Thailand. For me, I am fully vaccinated with 2 jabs of Sinovac and have my Vaccination Card to show, however should I have to return to the UK then big problems for me with Sinovac on arrival. On return to Cambodia, no problems.
  13. Well I never, he "flip flops" again!!! I thought his original intention was to open the country to "high class" rich tourists - did they ever materialize??
  14. Yes indeed, and no doubt many Thais will flock there with their tents and sleeping bags to spend a night or two in the very cold and frosty conditions!!!!! Photo from The Nation:-
  15. Have the Chinese had a quiet word in the University's and/or Prayut's "ears" ?????
  16. Oh really??? I bet the Isaan farmers will still be burning sugar cane by then!!
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