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Burma Bill

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Everything posted by Burma Bill

  1. From the 1939 song:- "It’s a hap-hap-happy day Toodle-oodle-oodle-oodle-oodle-ay For you and me, for us and we All the clouds have rolled away" but not in Thailand!!!!!!
  2. Thank you for your post which I thoroughly agree with. Like yourself, I do not own a smartphone and use a home computer for all my needs. I also wondered what would happen if you went out and left your smartphone back in the hotel room - sign a register??? No such BS 1984 bureaucracy in the country where I now live.
  3. Please excuse my ignorance but who the hell are Conde Nast? Personally I have never heard of them. According to Wikipedia:- Condé Nast is a global mass media company founded in 1909 by Condé Montrose Nast, and owned by Advance Publications. Its headquarters are located at One World Trade Center in New York City and The Adelphi building in London. Wikipedia
  4. Will they get full pay or will it be slave labour??????
  5. Yes indeed. From a reference I posted yesterday regarding another OP:- The Telegraph Thailand: the country with the most complicated entry restrictions on Earth https://uk.yahoo.com/style/thailand-country-most-complicated-entry-130813731.html
  6. Good news indeed, but for reference in the UK media 8 October 2021:- The Telegraph Thailand: the country with the most complicated entry restrictions on Earth https://uk.yahoo.com/style/thailand-country-most-complicated-entry-130813731.html
  7. The "New Normal" as recently announced in Phnom Penh (Cambodia):- I have my vaccination card. Khuong Sreng, Governor of Phnom Penh, on the evening of October 5, issued instructions on the presentation of COVID-19 vaccination card or certificates each time when entering and leaving educational institutions, markets and business locations in Phnom Penh. https://www.khmertimeskh.com/50947429/phnom-penh-moves-into-new-normal-with-mandatory-showing-of-vaccination-card-at-all-establishments/
  8. I must admit it does look impressive:- https://www.komchadluek.net/kom-lifestyle/484324
  9. Yes indeed. Having read many of the interesting posts for and against various foods, I entirely agree with your comment. Regarding fish & chips with mushy peas in Thailand, I wondered if Thai people visiting the UK moan about not finding fried chicken feet impaled on sticks or a plate of freshly pan roasted crickets!! Personally I hate chili and whenever eating in a Thai restaurant, I had to state "mai phed kap" (not spicy please). Fortunately nowadays, Cambodian food is far more to my liking, with chili being a side dish choice rather than an additive, my favourites being the traditional Khmer amok dishes and local BBQ style Khmer beef. For those of you in Thailand who may not be aware, Kao Soi is an inexpensive traditional Lanna dish served across the North of Thailand and is worth trying. It consists of a boiled/steamed (not fried) chicken leg served on soft noodles covered with a curry flavoured sauce and topped with crispy noodles and coriander. It is served with a side dish of sliced red onion, cucumber or pickled greens and lime segments (for the juice topping).
  10. Pity such "vigor" wasn't used against "Mr Red Bull"!!!!!
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