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Paradise Pete

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Everything posted by Paradise Pete

  1. That abusive parent who throws you in a pit of fire if you don't worship him. What's not to love?
  2. He stayed and waited for police. I'm guessing alcohol was not involved (at least on his part).
  3. I like it going into my actual bank account. Then I can transfer what I want, pay bills such as credit cards, etc. Also there's no "receiving fee" to have it deposited in my bank. Why would I want to pay that? I don't view my US bank account as "third party."
  4. Mine is deposited in my US account and I use Wise to send it. The excellent exchange rate Wise gives makes the total cost low, and I have more control. I don't see a reason for jumping through the hoops of having it go directly to my BKB account. Also if I ever need to leave Thailand I'd have to undo all that.
  5. I assume you mean 6-7 months. General consensus is a bit less than that, but of course individual results can vary.
  6. Perhaps 10 "arrest warrants" is simply a mistranslation, and the original Thai is something like 10 charges?
  7. FIDE rule 7.5.1 An illegal move is completed once the player has pressed his/her clock. If during a game it is found that an illegal move has been completed, the position immediately before the irregularity shall be reinstated. If the position immediately before the irregularity cannot be determined, the game shall continue from the last identifiable position prior to the irregularity. Articles 4.3 and 4.7 apply to the move replacing the illegal move. The game shall then continue from this reinstated position. 7.5.5 After the action taken under Article 7.5.1, 7.5.2, 7.5.3 or 7.5.4 for the first completed illegal move by a player, the arbiter shall give two minutes extra time to his/her opponent; for the second completed illegal move by the same player the arbiter shall declare the game lost by this player. However, the game is drawn if the position is such that the opponent cannot checkmate the player’s king by any possible series of legal moves.
  8. Yes, A healthy immune system can better learn from the vaccine. It's a training session, like studying for a test.
  9. Last time I flew in from the US I was asked by the airline if I had a return ticket. I tried explaining that some guy on the internet said it doesn't happen so she must be listening to the control freaks and she shouldn't believe them. I added that I simply believe the things that I want to be true, so don't waste my time. For some reason that didn't work. What's this world coming to? I blame it on the jab.
  10. Translation: "Let them eat cake"
  11. One can't return to a place they've never been. ????
  12. It was stupid to say what he said, and for him to not realize that before saying it is telling.
  13. Really. I'd think you could pick 300 people at random on the street and find several with illicit substances.
  14. A couple of months ago I woke to the sound of someone trying to open the door to my condo. Did I shoot him? No, instead I said, through the slatted door, "What ya doin' there mate?" He said "I live here". "What floor do you live on?" I asked. He got extremely apologetic and walked up one flight to his floor. One life saved. ✅
  15. Can't outlaw it. The only way to stop a bad guy in a dress is with a good guy in a dress.
  16. Scientific facts and theories are two different things. Theories are attempts to explain how or why something happens. Saying something is "just a theory" betrays a lack of appreciation of what a scientific theory is. What in everyday speech is called a theory is really, at best, a hypothesis. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Scientific_theory
  17. And as for the question of "How many is too many?", the answer is one.
  18. Yes, that is the discussion. It is not the other thing, the thing I replied to.
  19. No one is saying otherwise. The discussion is about the fairness/reasonableness of it. If the law were, say, crossing the street against the light is punishable by execution, I think a large percentage of the readers would agree that's an unfair law. But I'd definitely still abide by it when in Singapore.
  20. "Greatest country in the world! Also I am afraid of anyone who comes near me."
  21. Me too, and now my dick is all pixelated. Doctors are baffled.
  22. Prostatitis is checked by the doctor massaging your prostate until fluid emerges from your penis. That fluid is tested in the lab.
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