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Paradise Pete

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Everything posted by Paradise Pete

  1. I don't like Pence, but at least he's a normal Republican instead of the nut cases they have now.
  2. Yes. Despite the naysayers, MRNA vaccines are and will be a boon to society. One of the most beneficial health advances ever was the invention of vaccines, and this is the next generation of that.
  3. Legally, you can't do any work. From a practical point of view many people do it and you're a good asset to Thailand. You're not taking anyone's job, you're not going to be a burden on the system, and you should have plenty of disposable income.
  4. Why would you have to choose? I did both. If you're low on vitamin D your immune system doesn't function as well. A well functioning immune system means a better outcome from the vaccine, of course.
  5. At the time he said it that was correct. Then the virus mutated. Still effective though.
  6. https://www.health.harvard.edu/diseases-and-conditions/vaccination-may-protect-against-long-covid https://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/pmc/articles/PMC9905096/ https://www.cidrap.umn.edu/covid-19/lack-vaccination-severe-illness-tied-higher-risk-long-covid https://www.thelancet.com/journals/eclinm/article/PIIS2589-5370(22)00354-6/fulltext
  7. Those figures don't include long Covid, which is a significantly more common outcome than death, especially among younger people, and is also reduced by the vaccine. Long Covid can be devastating to both one's health and one's bank account. Like all life's decisions, play the odds. Get vaccinated.
  8. If I could get a vaccine for dengue I'd take that too.
  9. This just in: The virus says it doesn't give a damn if no one gives a damn about it. In fact, it said if it prefers it that way.
  10. I use Wise to transfer from my US bank account to my Bangkok Bank account. Typically it takes less than a minute to arrive. I've never had it be more than five. I tend to transfer only US$1,000 at a time. Perhaps with larger amounts it's different.
  11. Statistically you're better off with the vaccine. People can go on and on about "the jab", but we have real-world data. Play the odds.
  12. If not for Trump she would be considered the worst kind of Republican. Instead she's somehow become the voice of reason.
  13. Many do. United States: Each state has its own laws concerning bail. Generally, bail can be granted in murder cases unless there's a risk the accused won't appear for trial or is a danger to the community. Canada: Bail is determined by a judge and can be granted in murder cases depending on circumstances. However, for serious offenses, it's more difficult for the accused to secure bail. United Kingdom: Murder suspects can be granted bail but it is less common due to the seriousness of the crime. Australia: Like the UK, bail can be granted in murder cases but it is less common. India: Bail in murder cases is generally difficult to secure due to the severity of the crime, but it's not impossible and is ultimately decided by a judge. South Africa: Bail can be granted even in serious crimes such as murder, but the accused has to provide compelling reasons why they should be granted bail. Brazil: For serious crimes like murder, the accused usually remain in detention until trial. Germany: Bail is not commonly used in Germany. Instead, a judge may order pre-trial detention if there's a high risk of flight or if the person is suspected of a serious crime like murder. France: Like Germany, France has a system of pre-trial detention and supervision, and bail is not commonly used. Japan: Japan's system allows for pre-trial detention, and bail can be granted but is less common for serious crimes like murder. China: Bail in China (known as "Qubao Hou Shen") is typically used for less serious crimes. For serious crimes like murder, the accused are often held in detention. Russia: Bail can be used in Russia, but in practice, it is rare, especially for serious crimes like murder. Mexico: Mexico has a complex system of pre-trial detention and provisional release. Serious crimes like murder often result in pre-trial detention. Nigeria: While bail is constitutional in Nigeria, it's less common for serious offenses like murder and is decided on a case-by-case basis. Kenya: The Kenyan constitution guarantees the right to bail. However, for serious crimes like murder, it's generally more difficult to obtain. Saudi Arabia: Saudi Arabia does not typically use a bail system, and those accused of serious crimes like murder are usually detained until trial. Argentina: Argentina uses a system of pre-trial detention and conditional release. Bail can be granted but is less common for serious crimes like murder.
  14. That's not exactly what they said, but it was extremely effective. Then the virus mutated. Statistically though, the vaccinated still fare much better.
  15. Well I did say "That's just one person, of course."
  16. When I lost weight the quality of my life improved and I'm happier for it. That's just one person, of course.
  17. Lots of older men die in this way every year. It's not caused by the viagra, except in the sense that if not for the viagra they wouldn't be attempting the activity.
  18. Generally speaking, one of the traits of cults is that they insist that others are not thinking clearly.
  19. She hand-picked her district. It's extraordinarily right-leaning. She'd struggle to get elected almost anywhere else.
  20. Didn't someone have trouble for leaving a bad review of a restaurant? I've forgotten the details, so maybe I'm wrong.
  21. She does. She keeps it in a peach tree dish.
  22. It surely didn't help, but charging elephants can reach 40kph, so even Usain Bolt would have to be on his toes..
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