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Paradise Pete

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Everything posted by Paradise Pete

  1. It was a play on words.
  2. Bumrungrad is very good. In Pattaya, where I usually am, I go to Pattaya International. I've had basal cell carcinoma removed in both places. At Bumrungrad, where I had some removed from my nose, I also had a skin graft done by their cosmetic surgeon to fill the spot where they removed the disc of skin. I'm very pleased with the result of that. People don't even notice unless I point it out. Pricey, but worth it.
  3. It's healthier, and the Impossible Burger, to me, tastes better than your average hamburger. I was highly resistant until I was finally convinced to try one. It was fantastic.
  4. 4 pages of comments on this pressing issue.
  5. FTFA: "While this airport might have seen its final flight in 1998, this closed-down plane hub in Hong Kong is still worth a mention due to its historically hair-raising landings of the past."
  6. "I wish to put it on record that we dismiss all fabricated allegations" We dismiss the fabricated ones. The others let's not talk about ????
  7. It's like a scene from a Marx Brothers movie. Come to think of it, there was this exchange in A Night at the Opera: Groucho: "Get outta here before I get arrested." Chico: "Nah I'd like to stay and see that."
  8. As many as they'll give me. Anti-vaxxers seem to all believe that a) the vaccine is dangerous, b) that it doesn't work, and c) that masks don't work. Those are three separate issues, and each requires a separate conspiracy. If the vaccines don't work, and they're dangerous, that means that they believe that: - We are not capable of producing an effective vaccine - Even without the requirement of effectiveness we can't make it safe Insert appropriate amount of eye-rolling here. If all your beliefs depend on conspiracy theories then you're doing it wrong.
  9. I took it to mean the car slid in, then floated downstream.
  10. According to this free-fall calculator, it's a bit under 27 seconds. Surely there was instant regret, so how many times can a person call themselves an idiot in 27 seconds? https://keisan.casio.com/exec/system/1231475371
  11. Note to readers: Sip does not mean there's drinking involved.
  12. The question now is, will Trump be tried as an adult?
  13. He might think that, but plenty of dems own guns. They just don't make it part of their personality. Gun ownership in the US is 1,200 guns per 1,000 people. That's also more than twice as much as the next country. It's ridiculous.
  14. I was addressing his "These Thai drivers are scum," the point being that all hit and run drivers are scum. It doesn't matter where they're from.
  15. I owned a car for 10 years and it was close to indispensable. Then covid happened and I sold it (and more) to go back home and look after my elderly mother. Then when I finally returned Bolt had happened and the economics of buying another car just aren't there for me.
  16. I think there are fewer drivers, as people are learning that 80 baht or less is not enough to cover the overall costs and have anything left over. 120-140 is still a good price I think.
  17. Yes. As soon as he's acquitted of the charges he'll begin his mansion-to-mansion search for the real killers.
  18. A quick google of "Hit and run accident" shockingly reveals that this also happens in other countries! By non-Thai drivers! I couldn't believe it, but there it is.
  19. Trump's always been a con man and a grifter. He's extraordinarily good at it, but it was always just about money. With politics it's about power, and his big mistake was not realizing the difference. This is bright day for America, but the cult can't see this. There are a lot of real Republicans who are quietly cheering this news.
  20. Maybe so. If he drops out then he can fundraise and use those fund without being held accountable by the FEC and election laws. On the other hand, maybe he can squeeze more money out of the True Believers(tm) by not dropping out. The decision will certainly be based on what Trump thinks is good for Trump. "What's good for the country or for the party" won't even be part of the discussion, and anyone who tries will be sent out of the room.
  21. An alcoholic beverage.
  22. A stock exchange is a convenience for the buying and selling of shares. It doesn't create shares, nor does it destroy them by delisting them. It just means they won't facilitate the trading of them. They still exist.
  23. Like any private sale, the buyer and seller agree on a price. In this case, if they're essentially worthless he could have sold the lot to someone else for perhaps 1 baht, just to rid himself of them. It'd be a shame to see this technicality end up being his downfall.
  24. Nice rant. Two separate vehicles. Your signature seems apt.
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