This should not just be about an Alcohol Test, it should 'Spark a Demand' into the Whole way The ROYAL Thai Police 'work', I won't go into the corruption, but the whole Structure of their system is screwed, with no real policing, on the roads, like road patrols, people having to go to charities/institutions or the Press to get them to Do Their Job, especially in rape and abuse cases, even murders, also so many Cops are guilty of all of these.
Gun Control is Out of Control, forget the sex toys, vaping, the main thing killing and maiming people are Guns and Driving. I don't want to hear excuses of low pay either, link up all the CCTVs (and make sure they are working) Train a team to watch the Screens 24/7. The Uk can do it. Instead they keep the corrupt military, with un-needed subs and Fighter Jets, if you want to protect Thailand, then stop the Guns and Drivers.